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RE: Eclectic and True - Tree Tuesday is Brought to You

in #treetuesday5 years ago

Wow! Thank you so much Jerry! @jerrytsuseer I appreciate you taking the time to stop in and say hello she had to leave such a thoughtful, kind comment behind.

Admittedly, I would say that it is comments like these that I believe encourages genuine interaction. So I thank you very much for that. As always, I wish you a most wonderful day!



It has actually turned out to be not such a good day for me, but
I thank you, and I agree completely. Good positive comments
Are what helps keep me going. I admit that I don't do enough
Of it. I only go to my feed when my VP is fully charged, and
Then I look for things that are A. by my friends/followers
And B. interesting to me, and C. are still below a dollar
In payout. Since my upvotes (even my 100% upvote)
Is worth only 1¢, I don't want to toss a penny at
Someone who already has $1.50 or more. That
Makes me a bad person I suppose. Anyway, I
Liked yours, so I said so and why. Glad to
Be an encouragement to you @dswigle.

I guess I understand that! My upvote is frequently low because I upvote all the comments. But, sometimes, you have to think that it is the thought that counts and even that .10 upvote are something. For me, it is not about the money, but, rather, the interaction and comments. (If that makes any sense to you) I will admit that a hefty upvote is always welcome, but, I won't complain either way.

Now, will you please tell me how you post the comment in such a cool way? I love it! @jerrytsuseer

I thought I was already following you @dswigle, but I wasn't.
I am not. Cheers!

Thank you!

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