tree tuesday — a temple of incense

in #treetuesday7 years ago

deep within the winter forest
among the snowdrift wide
you can find a magic place
where all the fairies hide
author unknown

This pretty little woodland winds throughout our town. It borders dead end streets and trails down to Grindstone Creek and a railway. We often walk this area of the village and visited recently after a snow fall. Most of the deciduous trees still hold onto their deadened leaves which add little bursts of orange color relief.


is not the smell of forests delicious?
it seems to ascend like the smoke of incense
Henry James Slack (1818–1896)

the groves were God’s first temples
William Cullen Bryant A Forest Hymn

down at the end of a winding path
is a group of evergreen trees
pine and hemlock, and spruce and fir
with their resinous fragrances
and truest picture of calm content
that mortal ever saw
Elizabeth Anne Chase Akers Allen
My Air–castle, The Sunset Song and other Verses, 1902

photos taken in Waterdown Village, Ontario

photos by
Nikon D3100
Nikkor Lens 18-55mm | 55mm-200mm | 55mm f/1.8
Adobe Lightroom

©All rights reserved, 2018

Thank you @old-guy-photos
for initiating the #treetuesday photo challenge.


This makes this SoCal girl pine for a little winter weather.

hehe.....a little play on words I see......well, you can have this scene for a while and I'll take your beach scene for a while.

I can feel the stillness in these photos - as your last quote states, it's the ' truest picture of calm content mortal ever saw.'

That is the truth! I love the quiet of snow.

Love the way you accompany your photos with quotes and poetry. Beautiful:)

It seems to be my thing....I'm quote queen :) Seriously though, I've collected quotes for years. If I read a book and like a portion of it, I highlight it (on my Kindle) or I will just read through quotes. I know it's taking text out of context but it works for my photos.

Thanks @prydefoltz.

Great photo's! Beautiful interesting little shack, its amazing how white it's captured. I love the second photo though, I've always liked the concept of a chaotic forest with snow covered leaves and branches. Always has a beautiful look ! Good job !

That one is my favorite as well. There is a quiet softness about it. Thank you so much!

Beautiful snowy forest scenery and The hut looks really cute covering with snow or its walls are painted white.... :) but I can't see the fairies :)

Thank you for sharing beautiful pictures and quotes...

Have a nice day my friend.... :)

It's such a pretty little spot @mnallica. You would probably enjoy it. You can't see the fairies because you don't have magic glasses on - lol.

Thanks for always leaving me a nice comment - I appreciate it.

Well, it looks like you got some more snow, too! It was too much to hope it would be over with this early in March! lol


Not the greatest shot, but this is what I did instead of homework today.

lol.....he looks like he's confused....maybe thinking he's a scare crow??

I used available materials! I'm not even sure what those stalks were, but they made an interesting hairdo.

It sure does!! I think you should submit it to the newspaper!!!

I love the little white cottage! It is beckoning the viewer....come visit! It almost looks like someone is in the window looking out. So sweet. Well done!

You're does look like someone is in the door....hehe...didn't notice until you mentioned it. Maybe that's where the fairies are. :)

I do love seeing photographs of trees. There's something about them... Lonely? Majestic? Solemn. Dignified... I relate to trees. :P

You have roots? lol grey ones? I kill me!!! Here you are being all poetic and I have to make a joke.

I love trees too - they are quiet, I think that's why I like them.

LOL. We've earned our white hairs.
Sadly I have shallow roots but I'm hoping the next generation can get their shit together and dig a little deeper.

I have see through hair now....meaning it's thinning on top....who'd have thought?? It's especially noticeable after I blow dry and my scalp is pink.

good job ! It's lovely to photograph winter :)

Winter is so beautiful and whether the sun is shining on the snow making the glitter sparkle or it's overcast, snow always looks great.

Thanks for the support!

I have to say you really have your whites, white and bright. Mine are usually kind of gray.

Its got to do with the histogram....but don't ask I just click buttons :)

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