
I walk through Arlington more than I should. It is overwhelming. It is very emotional and yet... I cannot make myself stay away.

Section 18 is one of the older sections, but section 60 is the one that really breaks my heart. It is the newest section devoted to those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. It's new. It's raw. It's emotional. It is sometimes like old home week, same people, different day.

We bring Starbucks and tissue and talk. To each other. To a loved one. To the wind. Long ago cried out and yet, it still comes.

Sorry. It just comes out and won't be quiet. And thank you.

I would be the same. For sure. I don't go to the bridge (in Canada) on highway 401 when they bring a solider home. I can't make myself go because I know I'd be a puddle. I am a puddle just watching it on the news.

It's called the Highway of Heroes in case you haven't heard of it.

I talk to those who have died - when I visit a cemetery. I know they aren't there anymore - just their shell - but I still find myself whispering how sorry I am that they had a tragic death if they did or if not I hope their lives were happy and loving.

I stand and wonder about them too. I get it.

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