Pecans Growing At My Mom's Place

in #trees6 years ago


It is always good to grow food where you live and this is from my mom's pecan tree. Actually the pecan tree was already big when my mom moved in some 10 years ago.

The tree is so tall that the Pacific Gas and Electric company offered to cut it down for her as it was touching the power lines. Well it is good that she didn't let them do that. You see they can come by and just trim the tree.

Of course coming by every year or even every other year is a lot of money for them. Well, they have the monopoly so let them save the tree and they just have to trim it when it gets too close to the power lines.

Since it is a big tree it is also valuable for protecting against the 5G network that is coming to all neighborhoods eventually and in some areas are already here.

It is the trees that would help you from these 5G waves. It is not bad enough that the cell towers are cooking people alive with their microwaves, but the 5G is another animal in itself.

No I won't be getting a new 5G phone at all. I am OK with the 4G phone Moto G that I have and am not looking forwards to any 5G messing up with my body system.

Of course the chemtrails don't help either. Now let's just take the cell towers. You know they shoot out microwaves don't you? So these chemtrails being sprayed on us have nano aluminum particulates.

Well all those nano aluminum particulates are sprayed on people, animals, land and water. So eventually you would have aluminum in your body.

Like I said these cell towers shoot out microwaves. We hear that cell tower workers are dying of cancer. Those microwaves are shooting through your body.

So in your body is your tax payer dollar at work poisoning you with aluminum and if that doesn't damage you fast enough, now we have microwaves going through our bodies when we get in range of any of these cell towers.

Now think about it. What happens when you put aluminum in your microwave by accident or non-thinking? It starts to spark up and burn up.

Well you don't think that same thing is happening in your body when you are in range of a cell tower? The deep state still has power and they still want to lower the population.

Of course maybe we can get a lot of them for their pedogate and pedovore activities which is pure satanic. Let them go to Gitmo and some of the other Fema camps for their pedogate and pedovore activities.

Ok, I went way out there. Let's get back to the pecan tree. Here in California where I am it is dry and we have water restriction, but we must keep our trees alive.

I have seen so many trees here die as people are trying not to water too much. Dead trees means those oxygen sources died also. I will spend the money on water and keep all my fruit baring and even non-fruit baring trees alive.

Here in California we wouldn't be so dry if the government wouldn't keep on spraying their chemtrails in the sky and hit them with HAARP like waves for their Climate Warfare on the people.

No, I don't care about Climate Change, I care about shutting down the Climate Warfare that the deep state is doing to us. We could help with pollution if we wouldn't be killing off people that know how to make a car go 100 miles a gallon on gas.

See how these satanic leaders that go against the people want to blame one thing and they do another. The drought like conditions in California have to do with Climate Warfare not Climate Change.

I have a scripture for those leaders that sold their souls. As it is written, Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20.

Ok, I seem to be ranting again. When you look up into the sky and noticed you haven't seen the chemtrails for a very, very long time then that means, most of the deep state is taken down and they are underground.

Sources 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine taken with my Moto G.

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