Bubba’s Stick Habit Cannot Be Satiated

in #trees6 years ago

When he starts knocking down trees to get his fix, it’s time to take a maintenance break....


Always a little sad to see one of my old tree friends tap out on life. At least she didn’t land directly on one of my old disc golf baskets. I built ten of those wood baskets for less than 200$ us in 2006 & they are mostly all still standing.


There have been several direct basket hits by fallen trees over the years, but they’ve been easily reparable. One of the joys & hazards of disc golfing in the trees.

Took out some of my fencing, which the coyotes will appreciate. I like to use forest wood for my fence posts


That dagger sticking up is 12 feet high, was at least a hundred foot tall tree


Cluttering up my fairway


The force required to snap a tree this size is impressive


Do these look like sick innards to you?


Nice view from atop the log on a lovely fall afternoon


Always a little sad to see one of my old tree friends fall, but soon the ground beneath will flourish with new life thanks to this old tree. & I probably have a lot of new fence posts to use if I need them, the forest wastes nothing.

Enjoy the fall trees & sun, great time to be chillin on the porch like Bubba


Thanks for reading 👋


Spiked dog collars were invented in ancient Greece and were originally designed to protect dogs throats from wolf attacks.

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