Preparation for Steemfest4 / Vorbereitung zum Steemfest4

in #travelling5 years ago (edited)

Today I started to make a packing list for our trip to Bangkok.
I always hate packing, but I love travelling 😁. With a toddler the packinglist is getting longer. But I am lucky that my little girl is rather an easy maintenance child 😝.
She has no favorite stuffed animal nor other toys. She can play and be happy with anything, so I normally only bring sketch book, color pencils and 1 or 2 book. As a back up I still have some educational Apps in my tablet.
To relieve her hunger during the trip she is happy with any sort of fruits and oatmeal milk, this time I also plan to bring some quail eggs cos she loves them so much, just like me.

By the way this time I'd like to show you some stuffs I always bring with me while travelling which can be interesting for you who care about being environmentally friendly as well.
Especially since we are going to Thailand (which is just the same like Indonesia), this things shouldn't be forgotten.
The people there are not so aware about the importance of not stuffing the mother earth with more and more plastic.
In Asia you will get everything wrapped in plastic when you buy something. You'd additionally get a plastic bag for a small product which you can easily hold with your hand or even if it's some food or beverage that can be eaten up/drunk in just few minutes.
It's so alarming to notice how much plastic is used there.
That's why it's important for us to always remember bringing our own container, bag and cutlery.
On the pictures below you can see a small metal tube which contains cutlery made of stainless steel. Inside of this tube you cabln find a pair of chopstick, a spoon and a fork.
I have always been taking it everywhere too here in Germany, because our little Kobold often can't be patient enough and want to eat her Joghurt ASAP, whenever we go grocery shopping.
It's really compact and can be stored in any lady's handbag.
I have bought it from China through AliExpress
Aside of that I still have a stainless steel lunch box, which can even be used in the microwave, dishwasher, oven and Induction stove...very versatile l.
For a drink I also have a isolated bottle which can be used for warm and cold beverages.
This way we can still eat anywhere on the street without creating unnecessary plastic trashes.

Last but not least, I have learned from experience in Steemfest3 that sone events could be too loud for sensitive hearing of little toddler. So this time little Kobold will take an ear protection with her.
I was initially a bit worried if she wouldn't like wearing it but I am mistaken.
She loves it so much.
Ah... By the way I want to give a reminder for you who plan to bring a power bank with you to Thailand. The officer is really strict there.
They had confiscated our both powerbanks last year just because I can't show any prove that the power banks has a capacity lower than 32000mAH.
Our powerbnks actually had a small capacity but it's not printed on the product. I can't even provide vode any quittung as I have bought it so long time ago, without ever gave ne any problem.
Ok, enough for today and thanks for your upvotes 😊


Sehr wertvolle Tipps für alle Asien-Reisenden!

Ich habe auch in Taiwan die Erfahrung gemacht, dass jede in Plastik verschweißte Kleinigkeit zusätzlich noch in eine Plastiktüte gesteckt wird, wenn man nicht sofort mit der eigenen Stofftasche zur Stelle ist.

Reisen ist immer anstrengend. Aber mit so einem pflegeleichten Kind wie eurer kleinen Jana und der guten Vorbereitung halten sich die Strapazen bestimmt in Grenzen.

Ich wünsche euch einen sicheren Flug, keinen Ärger mit den Zollbeamten und eine wunderschöne Zeit in Thailand!

Very valuable tips for all Asia travelers!

Also in Taiwan I have seen that every little thing welded in plastic is additionally put into a plastic bag, if you are not there immediately with your own textile bag.

Travelling is always exhausting. But with such an easy maintenance child as your little Jana and your good preparation, the stress should not be too great.

Have a safe flight, no trouble with the customs officers and a wonderful time in Thailand!

Dankeschön. Ich hoffe wir bekommen tatsächlich keinen Ärger mit den Zollbeamten. Und ja, in Asien ist es wirklich fast überall so. Ich habe auch immer eine Stofftasche in meine Tasche gesteckt. Aber sie sind echt manchmal zu schnell beim einpacken. Am ersten Tagen der Ankunft in Asien habe ich bisher oft vergessen, die Stofftasche so schnell wie möglich rauszuholen. Denn wir hier in DE sind gewohnt vom Verkäufer gefragt zu werden, ob wir eine Tasche brauchen oder nicht 😝.

Ich hoffe wir bekommen tatsächlich keinen Ärger mit den Zollbeamten

Ich kann mich noch gut an eure unangenehmen Erlebnisse mit dieser besonderen Spezies erinnern. Deshalb meine speziellen Wünsche. Ach, ich beneide euch, am liebsten würde ich in den nächsten Flieger steigen und losdüsen. Habt eine gute Zeit in Thailand!

Welcome you and your warm family to Thailand!

Oh! You have well prepared for the trip, especially for your little princess; i.e. both for health care and for entertaining, etc. Yeah! I always admire you, YOU ARE SUPERMOM!

Her ear protection is beautiful with light green color. No doubt, I know that she loves to wear it via her happy and sweet smile. And it's great to see you and her in the photos. Her dress is very cute, I assume that it was hand-made by you, right?

Have a safe and happy trip! See you all in Bangkok! ;)

Yes, it is made by me 😊. No, I am not a supermom... I made maby mistakes too hhaaahaha.
Thank you

My pleasure!

Ha ha ha! But, I still believe in you and always admire you! You did so many wonderful and miracle things for your little princess. I think I can see your love for her through these things. ;))))

a stainless steel lunch box <<< microwavable???

and that's so cool you do this! I should start doing it.. though, sometimes my lazy butt just don't agree to carry that whole box.. The cutlery would totally be doable though! Super earth loving <3

The box is not big, just enough for probably 1 liter. BPA free lid, dishwasher safe, oven safe up to 400 celcius degree, freezer save up to -40 C degree, microwave safe too lol. It's Korean product: Cuitisan.
I have 2 isolated bottle, one is for 500 ml and the other one is for 750 ml.
It's nice for especially going around in hot weather cos it can keep my drinks ice cold up to 6 hours LOL. The coldness sinks gradually of course but not so fast. Nevertheless I love to fill it not so full but then put few ice cubes inside so that it would maintain the coldness longer hahaha.
Jana always need snacks between meals so I use the box to bring her snack too and later I can use it to buy a take out meal haha.
The cutlery is really compact, only about 16 cm, because the chopstick is made of stainless steel which is detachable.

Never heard of the brand. Probably not so big around here in Thailand. I will keep the idea and sure will soon bring all the earth loving equipment with me at all time :D

Vielen Dank für diese nützlichen Reisetipps, die werde ich mir auf jeden Fall merken.

Was noch interessant sein könnte wäre eine kleine Liste von schönen Plätzen in Thailand, die noch nicht so von Touristen überlaufen sind, hab nämlich bei meinem letzten Besuch dort gemerkt, dass es schon lohnenswert ist sich vorher über sowas zu informieren.

Das stimmt wohl... Leider bleiben wir so wie so nicht so lang, deshalb können wir wohl nicht viel Plätze besuchen.

Well prepared. I miss a bit the re-usable shopping bag on the list of items. ;-) A friend of mine always has one of this ultra-foldable ones with her and I wonder how she manages to put them back in the small pocket.

Gute Reise und viel Spaß! :-)

You are absolutely right. I didn't think of taking any picture of my foldable bag, totally forgotten 😁. However I nearly always bring a big backpack anywhere, so sometimes I don't even need the bag. Stroller also has a room for bringing stuffs, so we can use it too.

I already thought that it is kind of standard, so not worth to mention. I see you‘re a real pro, completely opposite of me, I have all this devises and usually forget to take them with me. 😂

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I think having a toddler really helped me to remember this things, because children can't stand hunger haha. If we go out grocery shopping she wants Joghurt and want to eat it right away too, so I need the cutlery to be always available lol. The same case with isolated bottle.

Yes, that’s probably the reason. Supermom, always on standby, always prepared to save them from whatever ... immediately. 😉

Have a good trip and enjoy your stay in Thailand.

Haha, das kenne ich irgendwo her. Ich nenne es mittlerweile liebevoll "meine Pack-Phobie" und weiß, dass ich nichts dafür kann - ist vererbt... ;-)
Aber so gut, wie du jetzt vorbereitet bist und nebenbei sogar noch Fotos schießen kannst, scheinst du das Packen ja doch relativ gelassen zu packen.
Ich wünsche euch eine gute Reise, ganz viel Spaß und wunderbare Begegnungen in Bangkok!
Liebe Grüße,

Der Lärmschutz ist coool :-)))) Wann fliegt ihr los?

Selamat melakukan perjalanan untuk kalian sekeluarga ya Mbak. Sehat selalu dan dimudahkan semua kelancaran perjalanan.

Beruntungnya si kecil selalu happy, gak rewel.

Kangen kalian selalu.

Liebe @kobold-djawa, lieber @jaki01,

ich wünsch' euch gute Flüge, eine tolle Zeit dort, viele nette Bekanntschaften und ein tolles Fest!

Liebe Grüße, @double-u

Cool, wünsche Euch eine gute Reise!

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