I Went To The Airport To Take My Friend That Will Move To Jakarta, Good Luck My Friend.

in #travelling3 years ago


Hello guys...
In this post, i want to talk about my experience taking my friend’s to the airport.
One of my close friend, Nasrini, moved to another city.
Last month, my friend got a job offer in a good company in Jakarta.
She was hesitating a lot about it and i keep telling her to just do it.
I know that move to another city where we will be alone is scary, especially to work.
But, i am a believer that we should not passed a good opportunity in our life because it might not come again next time.
The company that giving her a job offer is a really big and good company, many people will even ay to be accepted there.
So, i think it will be such a big waste to passed that just because we are scared to be in a new environment and move out from our comfort zone.
I believe that it will make her stronger.
So, i m with her through the whole process.
From the start that she do the test and interview, it was all done in my house since i have WiFi in my house.
Even helping her preparing for her departure and giving some suggestion when she asked for it.
I want to keep supporting her so she will not have any second doubt to that.


My friend lives alone in Medan, so I want her to experience many things so she can broaden up her knowledge and experience.
I said to her, if you dont like it just come back after one year. One year is such a short time, still, at least you have gained a lot of new experience in that one year.

For the plane, since she’s scared because there’s a recent plane crash in our country, she choose to fly with Garuda Indonesia.
Of course, the flight ticket is more expensive compared to other airlines.
But, i told her that this is a one way ticket so she should not think much about the ticket price.
She ended up choosing a flight with Garuda Indonesia in 4.00 p.m.
Luckily, when we purchase the flight ticket, its including the rapid antigen too.
So, she doesn’t need to pay more for the rapid antigen test and just go to the place that acquainted with the airline.
She went there on day before the flight.
I was supposedly go with her there but sadly, when i am getting ready in the morning.
My father called and told me to get ready to go to my relatives house because one of my aunt passed away.
I called her immediately and said sorry that i need to cancel our plan.
She understood and said that she will go with her other friend.
Thankfully, her test result came out as negative.


This is the flight day.
There’re three of us in the car, me, my friend, and her boyfriend.
We went to the airport with her car and her boyfriend is the one that drive it.
I saw that her expression getting darker and darker the more we get close to the airport.
I have tried my best to lighten up her heart but i really know that this is not something easy to do.

When we arrive in the airport, she started to tear up.
She and her boyfriend is crying so i dont know what to do except giving them some space to be in their moment.
I am having a long distance relationship myself, so i know how hard it is to be separated from your lover.
I am truly sad for her, but i know that this is a good opportunity in her life so she should not pass this.

Me and her boyfriend waiting till her flight really took off because her boyfriend really want to make sure.
Who am i to tell the lovebirds to go back home?
Especially because he will be the one that giving m the ride back.
In the right back, i fell asleep in the whole ride because i had a hard day the day before (my aunt passed away) so i am so tired and have a lot of pain in my body.
He took me to a cafe where my other friends already waiting there.

I hope that my friend Nasrini will have a wonderful time in Jakarta.
And when she go back home, she will be a stronger person.
I wish for her a lot of happiness and strength.


@firayumni adalah teman yang baik, selalu memberi support dan juga motivasi kepada temannya, saya tersentuh saat membaca ceritanya @firayumni, apalagi saat mengetahui bibinya meninggal.

Sukses selalu dan tetap semangat teman 😊

Makasih banyak bg, semoga abg selalu sukses juga 💪🙏


Sukses untuk kita semua 😎

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