The most unusual pubs of the world

in #travellers8 years ago

HR Giger bar (Gruyere, Switzerland)

In 1980, the movie "Alien" won the "Oscar" for best visual effects, and in 1998 in the small Swiss town of Gruyere, opened one of the most unusual museums in the present.

During these events is the name of Hans Rudolf Giger (HR Giger). It was he who created the concept of creatures and art design in the film by Ridley Scott, and he also founded a museum where exhibits his best works as well as works by other artists in the style of fantastic realism. But perhaps one of the most impressive creations of HR Giger is the bar at the museum, opened in 2003. Drink it needed for courage: every detail of its interior, starting with tables and chairs and finishing arches and walls, creates the visitors the feeling that they were inside the alien spaceship from the movie "Alien" or just another reality created by Giger.

The Brandy library (New York, USA)

In New York, there are bars for all tastes: ultra-modern and old, located in the basement and skyscrapers. This is a special world with its unique atmosphere and environment, a kind of mosaic, consisting of hundreds of parts. And bar The Brandy library, or "Brandy Library" is undoubtedly not the worst part of it. The interior of this place, as the name suggests, is designed as a library. But it is not decorated with shelves books and more than 900 items of different varieties of brandy, rum, whiskey, brandy and liqueur. bar collection includes rare specimens, such as Armagnac Lagarde in 1900 and Pierre Ferrand Cognac 1914. True connoisseurs of quality alcohol that will be ordered, and help with the choice of professional "librarians". Complementing this picture jazz evening, which together with the overall situation of visitors are immersed in the atmosphere of old New York.

Baobab Tree Bar (Limpopo Province, South Africa)

Indigenous peoples inhabiting South Africa, is associated with many legends baobabs. Thus, the Bushmen believe that the baobab insulted God, for which he planted in the ground-up roots. But in spite of such favor, these trees live hundreds and thousands of years, growing by tens of meters in width.

Big Baobab in Limpopo province as many as 6,000 years! It reaches 27 meters high and 47 meters in circumference. It is not surprising that in its natural cleft fit bar, which at one time can take a company of 60 people. The idea of ​​its creation belongs to local businessman Wang Herdensu. His first visitors bar baobab adopted in 1993. A selection of drinks, however, is small, but the main one - chilled beer. But in this place, located in the south of the hottest continent, it is always a comfortable temperature - plus 22 ° C.

Bar "Faraday" (Antarctica)

In February 1996, a British research station "Faraday", which started its work on Galintes Island in 1950, was transferred to the National Antarctic Scientific Center of Ukraine and a new name - "Akademik Vernadsky". The number of polar explorers on it ranges from 11 to 15 people, 7-10 of them - scientists. But the station is not known because of its scientific research. It is situated on it's southernmost and most difficult of the bar on the planet. It has become a landmark of the surrounding area, as the icebergs and penguins, and a part of the visit almost all Antarctic tours, passing by the Argentine Islands. Of course, the selection of drinks in a small room lined with wood, left over from the British (whose stay is not forgotten, judging by the title bar), is not too large. But where else in Antarctica can be culturally drink? On the continent only one bar ...

Clinic Bar (Singapore)

Fans of art by Damien Hirst direct road to the "clinic". Of course, we are not talking about a real hospital. This is Singapore's bar, restaurant and nightclub. Its design and concept was developed by the author of an extravagant diamond skull "For the love of God", which is the most expensive work of art of living artists.

Hurst designed the facility based on the concept: "Art is like medicine." And visitors can make sure that it was embodied not only in the name of the place. Entrance looks as if it is the morgue, places at tables reminiscent of hospital wards with beds and gauze curtains, instead of seats - wheelchairs, staff dressed in medical uniforms, and the dance floor "Morphine" is made in the form of capsules. Drinks are served to customers in droppers and jars, and the food - in a special "medical" plates.

Hobbit House Bar (Manila, Philippines)

Restaurant and bar "Hobbit House" opened its doors to visitors in 1973. At its creation professor and former volunteer "Peace Corps" Jim Turner inspired, of course, Tolkien's trilogy "The Lord of the Rings." Turner wanted the entire staff consisted of "little people" - and his idea became reality.

Restaurant a few times to move from place to place (the last time in 2007), but the original concept has remained unchanged. At the entrance greets customers round the door, the walls hung with paintings and posters referring to the works of JRR Tolkien, and the waiters work "hobbits". And the drinks menu, and the menu, and musical arrangement places are very diverse, but the main thing is still not the case. Professor Turner managed to create a good bar, which themselves could implement the "little people", some of whom work in the institution since its inception.

Sean's Bar (Dublin, Ireland)

Strolling through the streets of Dublin you, perhaps, do not pay much attention to Sean's Bar: It looks the same as other bars and pubs all over Ireland. But appearances can be deceiving. If you go inside, you will see on the wall, on the most visible place the certificate of "Guinness Book of Records", which confirms the fact that the public house is the oldest in the whole of Ireland and Europe, and possibly in the world. People were drinking in the walls of this Sean's Bar has 11 centuries ago. In 1970 the building was carried out repairs of the pub, and the upgrade of the walls was discovered ancient masonry, which archaeologists have dated the beginning of the X century.

If you do not take into account this feature, then the rest is the usual Irish pub with noisy feast and traditional music, which, like hundreds of years ago, the most popular beverage - beer. If he had been decorated more modern and technologically, it would only hurt him.

The bar in the hostel Selica (Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Selica hotel building was built in 1882 as a military prison of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. As such, it served various regimes over a hundred years - until 1991. After the collapse of Yugoslavia recalls the sad past would demolish the building, but he stood up for the initiative group of 200 people, which has made the authorities to permit reconstruction. It lasted ten years, from 1993 to 2003, and thanks to her building has acquired a new look and a new life. It was transformed into a hostel forces 80 Slovenian and foreign artists from the society Sestava. Bars on the windows and left the premises, but they are more decoration than a reminder of the past of the building. Former chamber turned into rooms, each designed the individual artist. A courtyard is located in the atrium of a stylish bar: he was carried out of the building to achieve a contrast effect - and the idea failed.

Lagoon Bar (Iceland)

Blue Lagoon has long been a major tourist attraction in Iceland. And all thanks to a world-famous for its healing properties of milk-blue warm waters with their unique chemical composition. They seek not only wishing to improve their health, but also looking for opportunities to relax and have a good time. Lagoon Bar clearly contributes to this, as serving customers, taking water treatments. It sells a wide variety of soft drinks (eg, Blue Lagoon cocktail and The Energy shot), which is very useful if you consider that even in winter the water temperature of about + 40 ° C.

Das Klo Bar (Berlin, Germany)

Bar, whose name literally translates as "Toilet", lives up to its name. Instead of seats here - toilets instead of napkins - toilet paper, food served at night pots and vessels, beer - in ducks and beakers for urine and toilet seats, brushes and other items toilet life are logical interior decorations. Inside the institution very closely, but if there was a little more spacious, the atmosphere in Das Klo exactly would be different.

Restaurant on Leybnitsshtrasse, 57 has been running as much as 40 years! Prior to that in Berlin there were two such places, but they are closed: apparently, a bar with a toilet concept, even for such a large city was enough. And the price it a little higher than normal bars German capital (which, however, is clear: located in the center of town attracts mainly tourists the non-poor).


I need to visit all of these! There is also one in Tokyo you might want to add to the collection...

excellent, well done

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