This traveling nurse's life... L.A.

in #traveling-nurse7 years ago (edited)

Lets start off by saying that I freaking LOVE being a traveling nurse! Over the last 2 and a half years I have been able to go up and down the pacific west coast exploring on my off days and meeting awesome people all the time. this is a flashback to my very first assignment in Los Angeles...

First stop for this Florida native? You guessed it! The beach!


Nothing quite like heading out to the beach and basking in the sun. The sand was golden. The hot bodies were all around. The water was ICE COLD! Growing up in Florida you come across some chilly water depending on the location and time but It was hot in L.A. and all i could do was sit on the beach. Bummer. Still worth the trip!


Of course we didn't just beach hop during our trip. We had to see what L.A. had to offer. After ducking a particularly...dedicated scientologist we made our way over to the famous walk of fame!

You could spend all day searching out stars!

As much fun as this all was there is not a place I travel to where I don't look for books and yarn shops. Leave it to L.A. to have both in one place!


What magical place is this? It is "The last book store", located right in the middle of town! If the cool settings don't make you swoon, how about the fact that it was commonly used in the show "portlandia"! How awesome! As I explored I realized to my delight that upstairs in a little corner was a yarn shop!!! Two in one!
What could make this day better I thought. The universe took up the challenge! As I was wondering through the amazing fiber pickings I saw what i though was a police bust outside the window. "What are squad cars from New York doing here", I though to myself. I then looked closer and realized, " Hey, I know that guy from somewhere..."


I stood there mouth agape as I realized I was seeing a scene from "Castle" being taped! Are you kidding me! The shop owner then nonchalantly explained that that area was always used for filming scenes from Portlandia to Castle to even shooting scenes from "Scandal". Wish I was there on that day too!
After making my purchases and getting a ride back to my hotel (I was too overloaded with purchases and experiences to take the subway back), I look up and to my totally delight see the iconic Hollywood sign. All this before I even started my job there!
In the end i spent three months in L.A. exploring and meeting the most amazing people. As much as i got to experience it did not even scratch the surface of what is in this amazing city. It is totally on my list of places to revisit!

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