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RE: R2R Travelogue 13: Rogue River Gorge in Oregon

in #travelfeed5 years ago

Yes, there is the challenge @newageinv ...

"... and I had a conference call I needed to take ..."

... when we make decisions about what is needed versus what we want. At least for me, I find this challenging and I have to really be honest with myself about what is driving me.

Ultimately, again at least for me, it is the value proposition I am making all the time. Where is my priority? It is placed on what I have chosen to consider having the greatest value. But does it truly have the greatest value? Not a light question to skip over ...

This thought process is a foundational part of why my career ended two weeks ago. Being under the relentless drive and ambition of a man who could not clearly see what I am attempting to convey here. I simply had to say, "enough is enough!" And move on ...

I could write a whole post into this comment box, but I'll refrain ... 😉 Clearly, as indicated in this post, I have "work to do" to completely uproot this thought process from my own life, as it has been so deeply ingrained for so long ...

I did turn around though, i.e. put action to thought, so there may be hope for me yet! Hope this helps some ...

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