Follow the flow, not the flock

in #travelfeed6 years ago (edited)

We do not have a travel plan defined in detail, we plan destinations day-by-day so we can be flexible depending on what a place, a feeling or a meeting suggests us. The tourist routes, the obligatory stops, the all inclusive package activities are not for us, where every minute of the day is marked by a predetermined program and even if you have the need to go to the toilet you have to follow the time table. Turn your head on the right, amaze yourself with a long oooh, then left and surprise yourself with a double uhm...

We prefer to end up, perhaps by chance, where nobody arrives on purpose and not find anything in particular to enjoy, but feeling that it is our journey, a personal journey following an impalpable flow, fueled by our tastes and desires.

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We are in our room, on the bed with the PC on the knees, in an intense planning session for the following days. The next destination of some importance would be Villarrica: Country, Lake and volcano with the same name, the perfect place that offers everything for every tourist in search of leisure. The top excursion is the ascent to the volcano, that is eight hours of climbing, partly with ice crampons, to reach the summit to over 2800 m and once on the crest of the crater you can see the boling lava still "fresh" from the eruption of 2015.

The reviews and opinions on the network are discordant, who exalts the spectacular nature's show and who reveals disappointment after many hours of fatigue for a few minutes face to face with the volcano, given the high number of curious tourists. Basically a long uphill tail, like at the museum, and then all there packed together, elbowing for a fleeting glimpse at this Mona Lisa of nature with her magmatic smile.

Reluctantly we erace Villarrica from out bucket list, in these conditions doesn't sound like an adventure that we can enjoy. Moreover, the cost of the excursion is execessive if compared to the cost of living in Chile, with this amount we can travel at least one week more, seven more days to not reach the goal, because what matters is the journey.


Turn your head on the right, amaze yourself with a long oooh, then left and surprise yourself with a double uhm...We prefer to end up, perhaps by chance, where nobody arrives on purpose and not find anything in particular to enjoy, but feeling that it is our journey

Vi ammiro per questo. Quelle poche volte che riesco a prendere le ferie a lavoro mi dico, va beh andiamo e viviamo li per li, senza fare programmi..nei giorni successivi poi mi trovo comunque ad organizzare qualcosa. Preferisco viaggiare da sola, con il mio compagno, e basta in modo da avere i nostri tempi e basta, ma comunque qualcosa, per una sicurezza / paranoia personale me la devo organizzare. Ammiro perciò chi riesce a farlo, come voi.
Tutto sommato però, concludete il post con una frase che condivido a pieno

because what matters is the journey.

certo che poi non è sempre possibile andare allo sbaraglio, decidere tutto sul momento ti dà un gran senso di libertà ma spesso è anti economico, quindi non è una religione ma una sensazione che ti gratifica quando riesci a seguire il flusso, ad ognuno il suo, ciao a presto

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