“You’re Sitting On Cat Pee. And You Don’t Even Care.”

in #travelfeed6 years ago (edited)

You know how there are different types of travelers? Well, I’ve officially turned into one of these types of travelers, apparently. You'll see in a second.

There are the ones who like to hang out with locals.

There are ones who like to stay in a more familiar bubble with other tourists.

Then there are the planners.

Others just want to discover things for themselves instead of having their nose stuck in a guidebook. Some hate planning, and just show up somewhere...

...because hey, that's extra adventure to be had, right?

Others think that's crazy, and extra hassle to be had, not an adventure.

There are budget travelers. There are luxury travelers. There is no right way or wrong way to travel, it’s just whatever style you prefer.

Lastly, there are the kind that sit in cat pee and don’t even care.

That’s me. I’m that kind of traveler.

I realized it this morning, when I was sitting on a couch in a place that I’ve rented in Hanoi, and realized it smells like cat pee. I didn’t even bother to move.

I was just like “whatever. I’ll live.” 😆

Then I just started laughing nervously, questioning my identity, wondering what it means that I’m the kind of person who can just sit on top of cat pee and literally not care… am I a disgusting sloth? Am I okay with the fact that that's who I am as a person now??


I keep my room clean, at least.

So there’s that, for whatever shred of dignity that I might have left.

It’s just that after spending a while in 3rd world countries, you can kind of just not be phased by things that might normally bother you otherwise.

I think Asia is doing the same thing to me as Costa Rica did several years ago.

I’m back to being the kind of person who doesn’t care about things that I would normally care about if I were home in the US, like being a sweaty monster, with a face like an oil slick.

Oh, there are bugs in my drink?!?

That was yummy.

Oh, it’s hot as Indian curry, your bra is nothing more than a sweat-catcher now and your armpits smell moldy??

Oh well. Let’s meet up for a coffee. Just don’t smell me, you might regret it.

I’m so used to being a walking pig sty that I can’t even smell myself anymore.

Oh, there’s been sand on my feet for 7 hours?

I didn’t even notice what a dirty hobo I was.

Oh, my hair is frizzy because I can’t find good hair products here?!

Oh well. I don’t have to look at myself. Sorry about you, though…it must suck to have to look at me 😆.

Oh, no one will fix this pothole that’s been in the road, but they’ll plant a tree in it???

Ok. That’s just how it is. Try to remember not to crash into that when you’re riding your bike (yeah seriously…that’s just what they do in some countries).

Oh, there are termites in the wood next to your bed?!

Just try not to get too close to my pillow while I’m sleeping, please. Also, new house rules. No sex allowed on my bed.

(I actually wrote bug rules out for the termites in Spanish, seeing as I was in Mexico and they were Mexican termites)

Oh, that car literally almost ran you over while you were walking and splashed nasty water all over your pants?

Ok, I’ll wear these for the next 4 days before I do laundry.

Oh, you’re sitting in cat pee??

Yeah, well, this couch is comfortable. Don't judge me.

Oh, you can't connect to the internet? Or it takes 3 hours to upload a picture?

Ok, well, actually I'm a little annoyed because I want to post on steemit.

Life is basically like that.

So, this question is especially for you travelers out there...

What type of traveler are you? Planner? Budget? Luxury? Somewhere in-between?

Do you stop caring about some things little?!?

What's something that doesn't bother you anymore? Or am I alone in this, and should just get my butt in the shower immediately? 🙈 😁

This post was made with 💙 & inordinate amounts of 🐱 pee.

Love & cat pee, @nomadicsoul

(P.S. I'm so nasty that even seaweed is starting to grow on me)


My O my. I need to see you seriously. Gosh, I thought I'm the only weird human alive.

BTW, those termites don't understand spanish. They will enjoy themselves right under your watch.

😂😂 yeah they don't take orders from anybody. I hope we could meet in person someday. That would be so awesome!!

Nothing is impossible. I just added it to my half bucket list on my blog.

Oh god 😂 Just brilliant !

Haha I'm sure you can relate!

Yeah, well, this couch is comfortable. Don't judge me.

Hilarious post. I'm with you in the "roll with it" attitude, though I'd also be annoyed about the internet connection. In fact, I think the most annoying thing about my travels in Central and South America was shoddy internet. Everything else was an adventure. Stay safe and have fun! That seaweed looks great on you. ;)

haha thanks!! I'm glad you like it. You sound like a good travel buddy! We could be nasty together haha.

Yeah, can you believe just 7 years ago in Central America you could basically ONLY get internet by going to an internet cafe? That took 30 minutes just to load a page? haha so the internet is bad there now, but still way better.

The internet struggle is real. Thanks for your nice comment!

You should probably shower. But I'm with you in the 'I don't have to look at myself so I don't care that much', haha.

At least #seaweed got someone adorable :)

Basically i am a planner. When we friends meet together and make a plan
after 20-30 days that must fall down, never happened.
So i plan for quick one, trip within the next day or day after tomorrow.
So the plan work and we made it out.
So i can call myself a planner :D

aw haha thanks! Good to know! I like having planner friends, since I never plan anything, sometimes it's nice to just go with someone else's plan.

It's also nice for me to just have no plan and see what happens!

Really! i need to check your formula for myself.

have no plan and see what happens!

Welcome to our part of the world :)

Thanks, I LOVE your part of the world. Especially India. It's still one my favorite places I've been to. Although, I can't figure out of Kashmir is India or Pakistan

If you ask an Indian, the reply would be India. Same thing goes for Pakistan.
For a Kashmiri like, it's neither a part of India nor Pakistan.
Have you been to Kashmir

Haha thanks for clearing that up. I tried to Google it, but the internet didn't know either. Nope, I've never been! But it looks beautiful!

It is.
You should come.
It's not called the "paradise on Earth" for nothing 😉

Glad I could be of help :)

Haha.... you really caught the travel bug... from experience, I can easily tell how long someone have been traveling based on their hair, nails, sandals, clothing, etc... those who have been traveling for months looks like the hippie crowd while those who just started looks like they just fresh off the college....

hahaha I just looked at my nails because you said that, and oh boy...

Please get your butt into the shower already. Hahahahaha. Are you always this fun and interesting? Two posts I've read in a row now, so I'd say yes. Hahaha.

Just had a little busy day and getting to read this really cracked me up. Hahaha. This is good.

Haha thanks, you're always saying such sweet compliments! Yours just made me laugh, too!! I'll shower, I promise. Tomorrow...

Hahahahahaha tomorrow hahahahaha.

Really glad I met you. You are really a fun to be around soul. Expect more of me around hahaha

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You still look so pretty with all those stinky stuff! ahahhaha :)

haha omg thanks

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