Hedgehog Cafe in Chiang Mai

in #travelfeed7 years ago (edited)

Chiang Mai would make a great pick up artist if it were a person. It's always seducing me with random surprises, like the Hedgehog Cafe.

And since I played Sonic the Hedgehog on Sega Genesis growing up (let's play a game of 'guess how old nomadicsoul is?' lol please don't), I had to see one of these lil' guys for the first time in real life.

No, they weren't blue...but that's okay...I was not at all disappointed!

The cafe is called Harenizumi. It means "super awesome spiky animal fun time" in Japanese. That's not true. I'm just making sure your lie detector is on alert.

For about $5 USD, you get to play with hedgehogs AND have a cup of Thai tea (or whatever drink you want).

I should've tried to tickle his tummy and make him puff up.

This is my hedgehog noobness showing:

Haha, this is NOT how you should probably hold a hedgehog:

I got scared I was gonna drop him. Squirmy lil' thing, just like me!

I found a smiley-face emoji imposter at the cafe, too!

I think he wanted me to pick him up!

They even cut their strawberries into hearts, so you're feelin' the love everywhere:

It's a super cute place to get some work done, or some steemit blogging too:

Even their greeter is adorable


If you're ever in Chiang Mai, definitely hit this place up. Especially if you're feeling sad
or homesick. The hedgehogs will make you smile. Feed them "millworms" and you're friends for life.

They like to nap during the day, so I didn't disturb them too much. Luckily for me, this lil' one was awake when I first got there, so I let him take a nap by my side after we had our photo shoot together.

Also, if you're crazy in love with hedgehogs, @karensuestudios made an adorable coloring book featuring a hedgehog. You can get it here if you need to chill out and color .

P.S. Don't let low price of steem get ya down! If you believe in it, just keep producing awesome content like always!! And if you get down for a second, just think of hedgehogsand you'll be ok again.


Is this Sonic trying to escape out of the holding tank Robotnik put him in?

I think so. Luckily his tank is REALLY huge. So I wasn't TOO sad for him (but kinda).

Wow. I just learnt the name of that little fellow. I love the pictures of the place.

Why do they sleep during the day?

BTW, I'm interested in that age guess game and I'm picking 29 for you. 👅👅👅

oooo hehe maybe I should've made it an official contest and sent sbd to the winner! hehe maybe .5 SBD!

Alright, I'll wait to reveal the answer until tomorrow :)

They sleep during the day because they stay up all night clubbing. Haha just kidding about the clubbing, but they do stay up all night.

Lol. I see. Lets change there location and see if that sleeping during the day continues.

I will love the age contest. Guess mine

OMG! I found the post! Thank you so much for the shout out! You are so sweet!

Haha i love this ... That cute lil guy is so innocent and smiley 😘 Pictures are awesome. Take one selfie with the lil guy😂😂

Hehe glad you liked it

Yes a lot ... Plz pick him again he wanted that😂

Wow.. you sure have an interesting journal on your travel... you've definitely caught the travel bug.. hehehe

Yep haha I have it SOOO bad

I read the header and were really scared about this cruel cafe.. I'm really glad, that they don't offer the hedgehog for meal 😂

oh hahahaha maybe I should change the title!!!!

no.. it's more interesting like this =) and DON'T EAT THEM 😂😂

Great article..thanks for the motivation 💛

spreading hedgehog smiles haha thanks for your comment

I love Chiang Mai (and hedgehogs are pretty amazing as well)! If you're there fr a bit, check out the Mindful Farm, its a couple hours' north from the city but its in the mountains and you can work a few hours a day, teach/do yoga, a former Thai monk does meditation sessions at night, and it costs almost nothing to live there. A one of a kind place. Enjoy northern Thailand!

whoa cool, never heard of that place. Thanks for sharing!

This is actually awesome haha. I should be in Chiang Mai next year, so I'll have to check this out for sure

oh that's perfect!

Omg the hedgehog melts my heart!! ❤️
I wish I could hold one too, they are so sweet!! 😊

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