[ESP//ENG] Caracas, My first time going to eastern peak

in #travelfeed5 years ago


hace unos dias subi el Avila, la verdad es que, aunque teniendo esta Hermosa montaña en El ecosistema cercano, no me habia dedicado jamas a subirla frecuentemente.

Las primeras veces que la he subido ha sido hasta Sabas Nieves, lo que me deja a un kilometro por Encima de la ciudad, la vista es maravillosa, solo superad por la experiencia de mis pulmones, recogiendo Aire fresco de montaña

A few days ago I climbed the Avila, the truth is that, although having this beautiful mountain in the nearby ecosystem, I had never dedicated myself to climbing it frequently.

The first times I have climbed it up to Sabas Nieves, which leaves me a kilometer above the city, the view is wonderful, only surpassed by the experience of my lungs, collecting fresh mountain air.


la foto que ven arriba es Al menos a dos kilometros de altura, la vegetación cambia constantemente, dejando Como resultado distintos biomas, decorados con cuarzos y distintas rocas, la energia es preciosa!.

Una de Las experiencias mas impresionantes del viaje fue Haber pasado por una zona entera (Al menos 200 metros) dónde Las avispas habian decidido vivir. 70.000 avispas sin exageras nos rodeaban, el truco para pasar fue no sentir miedo, aunque no grabé nada en aquel momento porque Cuando quise sacar el celular me lleve dos picadas de avispa, me imagino que esa clase de Milagros no quieren ser Granados, solo captados por la camara del alma, nuestros ojos.

The photo you see above is at least two kilometers high, the vegetation is constantly changing, leaving as a result different biomes, decorated with quartz and different rocks, the energy is precious!

One of the most impressive experiences of the trip was to have passed through an entire area (at least 200 meters) where the wasps had decided to live. 70,000 wasps without exaggeration surrounded us, the trick to pass was not to feel fear, although I did not record anything at that time because when I wanted to take out the cell phone it took me two wasps of wasp, I imagine that kind of Miracles do not want to be recorded, only captured Through the soul camera, our eyes.


Vi Flores de distintos colores y aromas, aunque mi atención fue tomada más por Los sonidos de la naturaleza que me rodeaban, ciertas zonas despedian gas producto de Toda la Vida orgánica en estás areas especificas, me gustaria saber que tipos de gases Eran.

la ruta que ese dia decidimos hacer requeria Buena condición física y aunque no habia subido nunca Una montaña tan grande tuve buen ritmo para llegar Al tope de la montaña, pero la bajada fue distinta.

I saw flowers of different colors and aromas, although my attention was taken more by the sounds of nature that surrounded me, certain areas gave off gas product of All Organic Life in these specific areas, I would like to know what types of gases were.

the route that we decided to do that day required good physical condition and although I had never climbed a mountain so large I had a good pace to get to the top of the mountain, but the descent was different.


Pico oriental es uno de Los puntos altos de la montaña, aqui es dónde Las avispas proliferaban y dónde Al regreso no pude evitar desplomarme en el suelo

Eastern peak is one of the high points of the mountain, this is where the wasps proliferated and where on the way back I could not avoid collapsing on the ground


la ruta la tomamos con Calma hasta que se nos hizo de noche en mitad de la bajada, terminamos la ruta a oscuras y sin linternas, bajando con Toda la paciencia del Mundo

we took the route with Calm until it was done at night in the middle of the descent, we finished the route in the dark and without flashlights, going down with All the patience of the World.


sin Duda mi primera experiencia subiendo el Pico oriental me dejo muchas energias positivas y dos picadas de avispa, el Avila es posiblemente el top 1 de razones por la cual Caracas es maravillosa.

Without a doubt my first experience climbing the Eastern Peak left me a lot of positive energies and two wasp bites, Avila is possibly the top 1 of reasons why Caracas is wonderful.

en la experiencia me acompaño esta Hermosa cancion de mike love en loop Infinito, sin Duda Una de mis canciones favoritas, mike love es un excelente musico y Al escuchar sus letras me siento en vibracion con su mensaje.

subí con excelentes compañeros, Uno de ellos SE dedico a recoger Toda pequeña pieza de basura para dejar la montaña limpia y poder asi retribuirle Toda la naturaleza que nos brinda.

In the experience I am accompanied by this beautiful song of mike love in loop Infinity, without doubt One of my favorite songs, mike love is an excellent musician and When I listen to his lyrics I feel in vibration with his message.

I went up with excellent companions, One of them was dedicated to collecting All small pieces of garbage to leave the mountain clean and thus be able to give back All the nature that it gives us.


Thank you so much Jose! The story takes me with you to the top of Pico Oriental! The view is magnificent! Besos

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Nice climb, glad you enjoyed it. That song needs a high pitched sound warning before starting it up, but once it gets started it's very nice

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

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Excelente Jose la proxima invite a ver hasta donde aguantamos la subida jajaja. Muy hermoso nuestro Avila Pulmon vegetal unos de los principales. Venezuela Hermosa Tenemos de todo somos Bendecidos por Dios Tanto que somos las mejores personas .

Great climb! I'll admit, I woudl not have liked to have been near that many wasps (they often seem more attracted to me than I would like), but it certainly looks like it was worth it! Great view!

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