
Howdy today and guten morgen sir old goat! don't want that nickname to catch on? That is smart because it's a good one!

Good morning and good evening @janton - let's say, I don't mind you using it, but if the whole world calls me old goat ... maybe I would get used to it ;) lol

As long as you don't start sounding and smelling like one! lol. Howdy sir johannpiber, I was busy most of the day so my schedule got all messed up so this is really a late reply.

Never mind my friend - good morning by the way 😉
My fingers say thank you, because they didn't need to work / type so much yesterday ;) lol


Howdy sir johannpiber, the old goat! lol...I am even farther behind today, I just got on my comments. I figured that you were so used to typing that it doesn't bother you.

Good evening @janton 🙂

never mind, you have more important things to do 🙂
I don't have any problems with typing a lot, but I don't love it ;)

Have a !BEER from the old goat for a great weekend ;) lol

Howdy again sir johannpiber! I don't think I have much more important things than getting back to friends on here. I do have some important things but getting back to you is important also. Just a step down from the most important things like eating and taking care of projects that Mrs. J. wants done. lol.

What's more important - eating or Mrs. J's projects? Don't say anything yet, because she might read it one day ;) lol

Good morning @janton 🙂
We have still bad weather and it won't stop over the weekend. I was out this morning, but everything was wet and muddy and not comfortable over all. So, I have decided to come home, do my replies and comments and then edit a few photos for tonights post ;)

I wish you a great day and weekend my friend 🙂


Hey @janton, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

Hey @janton, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

Howdy on this fine Friday night sir beerlover!

Hey @janton, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

Howdy on this gorgeous Friday beerlover!

Hey @janton, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

Howdy on this fine Thursday night sir beerlover!

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