
It's good to know you enjoyed this post Jerry. I think it is always a positive thing to remeber how people used to live.......not so very long ago and to appreciate the 'time saving' blessings we enjoy today. Trouble is........we don't always spend that spare time as well as we ought to. (lol)

Yes, and in many cases, when you look at the bigger picture, are they
Really that time saving? taking in the time and effort to construct
Purchase move and install a machine, rather than concentrating
On using, efficiently and completely your produce or whatever.
No, I am not convinced we are better off today in many ways.
Dr Pepper.jpg
What this man didn't/couldn't sell before it spoiled, I
Am sure that he either gave away to someone who
Needed it, or he or his wife used the produce
Themselves. Probably shared that too.
Don't you agree? These are the parts
Of our society that have atrophied
In my opinion. Now we think it is
Better to give money or things
to other people/entities for
THEM to distribute, where
We of course lose sight
And control of it; it is
No longer US taking
The initiative, and
we find all too
Often it has
been scammed.

You bring up some very valid points my friend. However, I spoke mainly from a house wife's perspective. A woman had to wash clothes for an entire family by hand, rinse them effectively so that they dried enough to be put away or perhaps worn the next day, and that was only possible if the weather was fine. They had no clothes dryers back then. They'd walk, take a bus or ride whatever vehicle was available to the store to buy food, go home and prepare it, cook it and clean up whilst helping kids with homework, and do whatever housework that didn't get done during the day before they went to bed utterly exhausted.

Also, most families grew their own vegetables and fruit, the wife would then need to spend hours preserving them as freezers weren't available. Women sewed and mended their own clothes, knitted garments for their babies and themselves and the list goes on.......

Give me my modern day conveniences any day so that I can have time to spend with the family at the end of the day and during the weekends.......providing the are not all glued to their devices. 😏

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