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RE: My Florence vegan experience

in #travelfeed6 years ago

hahaha! Italy's not vegan I guess that's going to force you to cut down your traveling all over the world then huh? You for sure don't want to come to this part of Texas then! lol.

what do you do, call the country before ya leave and say hey England or Hey United States ya'll got any vegan food there? U. S. would say.."come again??" lol "say what?"

Florence looks wonderful though. I'd go and order me a roast of lamb or something! hey,,another great post as if you didn't know. you know you're gettin somewhere when the venerable davemccoy is commenting on your posts.
I'm moving up too though because I started gettin comments from the amazing Swede by the name of...delishtreats! lol.


There is always something for vegans to eat :) I could go to the supermarket in the worst case scenario!

Dave has been my mentor from the very beginning. I hope he wouldn't mind me calling him like this :)

Hahaha, you're too funny!

funny? well I've been called alot of things but that's not usually one of them!
how in the world did you get sir Dave as a mentor from the start? your reputation proceeded you?
I'm crashing here, gotta hit the hay, talk tomorrow! or your later today. lol

Well, you need to ask him :)

Good night! I'll be catching a flight to Slovakia in the afternoon but will talk to you as soon as possible!

oh just catching a flight like normal ..ok. just jetting all over the world because you can and money is no object. I get it. well you better get world class photos! you have no excuse. lol. did that type of antique glass that I had in my post look familiar to you, had you seen any of that? and do you ever go to antique stores in Slovakia?

Oh man! You really are something! Lol

Yes, I've seen similar type of glass but more at home of my relatives and friends. I've never been to an antique store in Slovakia. I'm from a small town and there is nothing like that there 😊

ha! no excuses young lady. you need to get to a great antique store, in a country as ancient as Slovakia I am drooling just thinking about what they might have there.
Have you ever been to an antique store period? or are you totally clueless in that area? I shudder to think the latter is true but I'll brace myself in case it is.
are you there now in Slovakia and if so, what are you doing there?

Of course I have! I love old furniture and books. I visited a few in Prague and in Switzerland. Right now I'm at the Zurich airport waiting for boarding. I'm on my way to Slovakia. I'll be there with my family for a week 😊

what in the world? you just take off and travel the world at your whim? ok well go to some great antique stores when you're there and see if they have any Czech artglass from the 20s and 30s. just for curiosity sake..if you happen to be near one of those shops.

do you own any antique furniture? it's a good investment normally.

who is in your family? parents, brothers and sisters?

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