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RE: Getting wrapped around a 2 year olds' finger: Meeting my niece for the very first time

in #travelfeed6 years ago

It's amazing how children who are not your own but related—nieces, grandchildren, what have you—can have that kind of effect. I'm still trying to fathom it myself. My granddaughter is only one, but it's been a joy to have her in our lives. It's been wonderful to watch her growing and grasping things even if she is just starting to walk and can't really form more than a few words.

I hope you're able to spend lots of time with everyone over the length of your stay and that it won't be spent talking about STEEM at all.

Okay, maybe a little. :)


I hope you're able to spend lots of time with everyone over the length of your stay and that it won't be spent talking about STEEM at all. Okay, maybe a little. :)

I am packing in as much uncle-niece time as possible. I spent a fair amount of time carrying her around Helsinki today which was nice. She doesn't feel as heavy as a sack of potato's at all! :)

She is such a clever little thing, I'm not just saying so because she is my niece either; She really is! So cute too. I can't stop looking at her and taking photos. I'm definitely wrapped around her little finger!

As for my brother and I talking about steem...Well, inevitably we do but we keep it to minimum so the girls don't get annoyed with us. Nothing ever good came out of having a disgruntled wife... :) I know my place.

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