Fredrikaa Travels: US road trip - Garden of the Gods

in #travelfeed5 years ago (edited)

My friend and I just began our two-week-long road trip in the US with a rather epic start! This post features our arrival in the US and a first day visiting the Garden of the Gods, more to follow ;)

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First stop, the Garden of the Gods!

Starting our road trip

Arriving in Denver, Colorado after an 18 hour long trip from Norway, the first priority was just to crash in on an airport hotel for some much-needed sleep and adjustment to the new time zone (8 hours difference, yikes!).

The next day though, we didn't wait long to go back to Denver airport and pick up our car, a red convertible Mustang with just the right pimp-factor for two guys in their late twenties to feel badass.

Our Ford Mustang at the car rental pickup in Denver. The car will stay with us until we get to Las Vegas

The car will stay with us for quite a while as we drive from Denver to Colorado Springs, Laramie in Wyoming, Moab in Utah, Page in Arizona, before Las Vegas in Nevada! So expect some pictures over the coming week ;).

Hitting the road for the first time while simply enjoying the feeling of being on holiday.

The road from Denver down to Colorado Springs offered the right opportunity for the driver to get comfortable with the new car and for the navigator to get used to American roads! With the exception of an obligatory first stop at a Walmart to fill up what little storage space the sports car has with food and other essentials, the trip continued straight to the Garden of the Gods!

And boy, just arriving there was cool enough to make it worthwhile:

Garden of the Gods

Driving by the Garden of the Gods on the way to the parking lot for the tour.

It's not difficult to understand why the place got the name that it did. The landscape is unlike anything else I've ever seen, with tall, pointy red mountains sticking out of the ground to create a stunning spectacle! After (finally) finding a place to park the car, we entered the park which consists of a neat pathway taking you around to most of the good views, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves:

The garden seen from the bottom with red spikes coming out of the ground seemingly from nowhere!

While the bottom of the garden is nice enough, I would absolutely recommend taking one of the paths that lead up the hill. The view from above is simply too good to miss!

Along the way, you'll also find plenty of good spots in the shadow to take some great pictures where there's sufficient shadow for yourselves to not need glasses, while the background still glows red from the sun!

The road leading up the hill provided plenty of opportunities for good pictures!

The Siamese twins

One thing to note is that you can drive an additional mile to another much smaller parking lot that takes you to a smaller, yet really cool, site called the Siamese twins. Although a bit tired from a long day on the road following our trip, we decided to give it a visit as well.

We arrived at the Siamese twins just in time before the sun went down!

The rock formations are pretty cool, and you can't help but wonder how they ended up with more or less identical shapes!

In any case, the hole in the rock formation, combined with the great view behind it, made it perfect for some more pictures!

Road trip duo at Siamese twins!

Leaving the Garden, we couldn't help but grab the last set of shots at the entrance.

I've been to the Garden of the Gods and approve of it's quality! :)

Final thoughts

Overall, I would absolutely recommend visiting the Garden of the Gods! Our only regret was not coming here earlier in the day in order to also make it to the nearby Colorado Pikes Peak. Thus, I would recommend coming early in the day to make use of the morning sun.

There are plenty of amazing places to take pictures, but the angle of the sun often dictates where it will be good for personal photos.

That's it for the first day of our road trip! I'll have to see just how much time I find to make updates like this underway, or if I'll have to wait until I get back home to put in some effort to write more detailed stories from our journey while going over all of the pictures (there'll be plenty!). In any case, I hope you found this post interesting and perhaps will consider visiting the Garden of your Gods yourself!

Road trip to be continued...


There is nothing better than a US road-trip - please tell me you're going through Vegas!

So far, I have to agree eith that! Been absolutely amazing! Really underestimated the nature here in the States! Driving from Colorado to Utah and then to Arizona and Nervada was stunning! Expect more posts! Just have to find the time to sit down and write😅.

And yes, we've been 2 days in Vegas already! Now on the road to LA😉

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You have received a 11% upvote from us. We hope to see you soon on!

Looks like an amazing trip!!! (I know it's a bit late-where you at now?) Certainly America has it's share of amazing scenery - it's just the people you have to watch out for!! Haha kidding of course, that's ridiculous 😂looking forward to some more updates when you got the time. P.S. Nice job on Steempress.

Welcome to Colorado! I know that flight from Scandinavia to Denver (I'm originally from Denmark)... it's an adjustment for sure. If you're still in CO, we've got four Steemians playing disc golf tomorrow in Denver. Hit us up!

Thanks! Colorado was amazing! Specially driving the Loveland pass on our way west to Utah was great with the early colors of fall:).

To bad we didn't spend more time in Denver or I'm sure it could have been good fun! We left early that day to reach Moab.

What a name & site, Garden of the gods. Epic, indeed! I have a dear friend in Colorado (whom I've collaborated with on a book, but never met!) and this is one more reason to visit, one day :) Enjoy your trip through the US; I've been living here for 13 years, and still discovering it... every state a different state of mind and almost like another country :o

i've been to garden of the gods a number of times. day, dusk, sunny, cloudy - if you ken how to use the light it's quite impossible to leave without at least a few good photos. i'll look forward to your photos. give as much time in utah as you can, out of all your destinations, the national parks in utah (bryce, zion, arches) are easy to lose yourself in for days..

Arches national park was just amazing! Unfortunately, we didn't have time to visit the otger parks you mentioned as we were pressed for time. Will for sure have to come back and visit Utah again later!

Arizona was also amazing though, as we got to do the Antelope canyons, Horseshoe bend and Grand Canyon in one day😎

I used to live in the springs for 15 years, like about 5 miles from garden of the gods!! Great place to do some hiking! 😎

Love the landscape, that would make for some nice dark sky photography.

That place is even more gorgeous than Yosemite! Brilliant pics, love the HD and what better car than a Red Mustang! Love that exhaust note 😄👌🏼

I’m not jealous at all. Uh-uh. No way. Not the slightest bit..

And holy shitballs what an awesome car! As well as the incredible landscape (obviously)
Cheers for sharing. Enjoy the rest of your travels dude!

And holy shitballs what an awesome car!

That pretty much sums it all up! But we'll get an even more epic car when we reach Las Vegas ;)

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