Travel adventures - BERLIN - Day 2

in #travelfeed6 years ago (edited)

I guess you have already forgotten about our trip to Berlin, haven't you? It's been already one month since we've been there! Time is flying so fast! Today I will share my memories from this amazing city with you.

Our second day started with some rain. It didn't take long before we were able to leave the hotel and head to the famous Art Market in front of The German Historical Museum - 'Das Zeughaus'.

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The Zeughaus and The Art Market

We've heard that The Art Market is one of the most famous markets in the city, so we absolutely wanted to see it! On the way to the market we crossed a small bridge - 'Eiserne Brücke' with a few padlocks attached on the railing. Recently I've seen that in many cities. It looks like there is no space on Pont des Arts in Paris anymore 😊

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We were unfortunately not able to take any photos from the market as most of the sellers had a sign with 'no photo' on it. When you happen to be in Berlin you should go there as it's worth a visit. It's opened every Saturday and Sunday. You will find there art works by local and international designers made in Berlin. There are no second - hand items sold so it's not a flea market.

There were beautiful paintings, jewelry, wooden items, fashion pieces, sculptures, music instruments and many more. You can approach the artists directly and talk to them about the products.

Boulevard Under den Lindenwill takes you through the middle of the city and you will be able to visit numerous important buildings including The Zeughaus which is the oldest one there. In the past it used to be an arsenal for weapons and now it is used as The Historical Museum.

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The building is very easy to spot because of its light pink color. It was inspired by Versailles and the construction started in 1695. The building faced serious damage during the war and it was restored between 1949 and 1965.

There is also a small café to relax and get something to drink and eat.

The Neue Wache

Let's continue walking down the boulevard. The Neue Wache is located just a few meters away from the Zeughaus.

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The Neue Wache serves as the memorial for the victims of war and dictatorship. I have never seen so many memorials in any other city.

The memorial in its current form was opened in 1993.

It is a very touching, peaceful and powerful place at the same time. It is a big empty room with one sculpture in the middle. The sculpture is lit by an opening in the ceiling. As it is not covered, the sculpture is exposed to any kind of weather.

The sculpture is called Mother with her Dead Son and it was created by Käthe Kollwitz in 1937. It is also known as Pietà. It perfectly captures the tragedy of the loss of life caused by war and tyranny.

Today the underground room includes the remains of an unknown soldier, a resistance fighter and soil from battlefields and concentration camps.

Further down the boulevard we came across this open air Gypsy exhibition with some colorful illustrations and photos.

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It was not very big but still nice to see. It took us about ten minutes to walk around.

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Humboldt University

Next to the Gypsy exhibition is the famous Humboldt University.

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It was founded in 1810 and it's also know as Mother of all modern universities.

As its name says it was founded by liberal Prussian educational reformer and linguist Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt. What a name!

His statue is in front of the university and the statue of his brother Alexander is right outside of the complex.

Humboldt University is the oldest university in Berlin and it is considered one of the best and most prestigious universities in the world. It has students from all over the world. It has also been associated with over 50 Nobel Prize winners. What an achievement!

Albert Einstein was one of the most popular professors here and many famous people studied at this university including Karl Marx, Otto von Bismarck, Robert Schuman and many more. So much information today! 😊

Statue of Frederick the Great

This statue is in front of the Humboldt university and it is one of the few remaining equestrian statues in the city. Most of them were destroyed during the war.

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There were many cars and tourist buses, so I had to wait for a while to cross the road and get closer to the statue. I know I should use the pedestrian crosswalk but it was far away and I didn't want to waste my time 😊

Frederick II was king of Prussia between 1740 and 1786. He led many successful military actions and turned Prussia into a world power. This is how he deserved the title 'Frederick the Great'.

The construction of the statue began in 1839 and it was designed by Christian Daniel Rauch. The work was completed in 1851.

The bronze monument is 13.5 meters high. The king sits on top of his favorite horse and he wears his formal uniform. The pedestal includes a lot of details too.

It was such a cold, windy and rainy morning and by the time we finished our walk the sun came out and it turned out to be a very nice summer day.

On the way back to the metro we saw this building. We thought it is nice that they cover it with a printed fabric to show how it will look like after the reconstruction, isn't it?

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We were so wrong! Look at this! It's only the frame of the building that used to stand there. There is no construction work going on 😊

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Finally I've managed to capture a cyclist. There are so many of them in Berlin! I was feeling like in Amsterdam 😊

We wanted to get a bike too to save us a lot of effort but then we realized that we didn't know the city at all so how would we bike around? Not a good plan! We both enjoy walking so it was not such a big deal anyway.

I like my new 'tradition' of showing a photo of me taking a photo at the end of my posts. I'm sure you don't mind.

I hope you enjoyed another day with us in Berlin!

All pictures are taken by my Nikon D3200 AF-S NIKKOR 18-55 mm 1:3.5-5.6 G II (except of the ones indicated in the article).

Thank you for reading!


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Amazing @woman-onthe-wing has created a banner for me that express everything what my blog is about. I love it so much! Check out her profile and show her some love.


Ahhh, I love the banner! I was just going along thinking what I was going to say about your lovely post, but then I got to the end and got so excited to see it!! Another perfect creation from @woman-onthe-wing! It suits you so well, and I love the color!

Thank you so much Katie! I love it too! She did an amazing job! Purple is my favorite! :)

Nice post thanks I follow you dear hope u do
Same thanks

Great photos and great information. Thanks for taking the time to add in the history for us. Wonderful post @delishtreats I really enjoyed it

Thank you! I'm pleased you liked it! :)

Great post Martina. Berlin looks great.

Thank you Sara! :)

Brother's great posts, good luck always in steemit business

It's not cool to spam posts of others. I will not flag you now but next time I will.

Seems like you and I went to a different Berlin, the places I went to seem to be so dark and sombre, your's are so relaxing.

Well, I posted about the memorial a few weeks ago. Next post will include the Berlin wall. But to be honest I avoided museums as it's too much for me. I cannot handle it. I'm very emotional with suffering of people and I would not be able to sleep anymore if I would go there. I rather make my posts on the positive note. It makes me feel good :)

That’s great I hope I visit this beautiful place soon, I like travelling

Beautiful! My mother and I went to Europe a while back but we didn't get to Germany. I kind of wish we had because I've seen so many amazing photos and this is just further confirmation. Even if it was a slightly rainy day at least it looks like you had great fun and saw some great things. I look forward to seeing the next post you make about your trip, because now I just want to see more of this lovely photography :D

And where did you go? I visited almost all European countries (except of Baltics and Finland) but it's because I'm based in Europe :)

Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm so pleased that you like my photography! I will be doing one more post on Berlin in a couple of days :)

We spent 2 weeks out there, mostly in London. A day in Paris, a day in Edinburgh, and 3 days in Ireland among them. Mostly we just saw all the sights and took bus tours to outside of London to the countryside and saw stuff like Stonehenge as well. I'm US based and that was actually the first time I'd been outside the country that wasn't going to Canada, which at the time was barely an hour away.

You are most welcome. It's very beautiful, and very inspiring. I can't wait :)

Next time you should go to Switzerland, Italy and Spain. You will love it here! I've never been to the US :) I can't imagine flying above the ocean for so many hours :D

If I ever get the chance to I certainly will. My roommate lived in Italy for 2 years, he says it's beautiful. I'd also really love to see more of Scotland and France than just the big cities we saw for a day and I'd love to go back to Ireland, there was something so peaceful about it that just said 'home' to me for some reason.

The flight was the crazy part, but they had a library of in-flight movies to watch and I stayed up for almost 24 hours before our flight so I was tired enough to sleep through half of it and watch a few movies when I woke up before we landed which was nice.

I think I'm just biased because I live here, but I don't think the US is mostly all that special. It has its places with some great stuff, New Orleans was by far my favorite of all the places I've visited, but for the most part it's just 'meh' in my opinion XD

To be honest I dislike Paris a lot - it's too busy, too smelly, too dirty and people are too mean. BUT French countryside is soooo nice. Scotland is amazing too! I'm planning to go for some hiking there. Actually most of the places in Europe are great to visit :)

That is a good tip about flying. I'm planning to go to Asia and it will help me to survive the flight :)

I don't think you are biased. I've heard from many people who went to the US that it's not that special. But I guess it really depends on where you go. My husband went to New York and was saying that it is EXACTLY like in the movies so nothing new to see :D

Paris was interesting. I think they were nicer to me because I took French in high school and actually made an attempt at the language despite probably butchering it horribly. Their underground system was confusing and I even has to ask a man in French if he spoke English, which seemed to shock him a little bit that I even tried! The city itself was nice-ish, but it was like most big cities in the US and outside of sights like the Eiffel Tower it wasn't much to see so yeah I'd love to head out to the French countryside someday.

New York is pretty much to me how you described Paris. Spent a week there for a choir trip in high school and another week some years later with my mom. If you've seen any movie or TV series set there it's literally nothing new to see, same with Chicago. I have a friend who moved to California and said the same thing about there as well, especially that San Diego area.

Personally I think Michigan is lovely and the northern parts are something to see, but I grew up there so that's probably why. Though the Great Lakes truly are a wonder and I don't think there's anything quite like them anywhere else in the US at least so that's something I suppose XD

Cool! I speak several languages but no French. But I can ask where is the toilette :D When we realized how cheap was taxi in Paris we started to use it. We were getting crazy when we were trying to use their metro!

I would go to New York as there is a huge vegan scene. I would love to be a few days in a city where I would have no problem to find whatever I want :D

Looks like you traveled a lot across the US! I've heard that Michigan is very nice. You also have some vineyards, right?

Another fine post @delishtreats! I've only been to Italy, but I feel like I've now been to Berlin too, as well as Majorca and all the other places you've showcased :)

I was going to pass this off to curie but see that you were their recipient only 15 days ago, so I'll submit it to c-squared instead :) Thanks again for a great post!

I'm glad it feels like you've been there with me too :)

That is so kind of you! There will be more posts from other places so I hope you'll like them too! :)

Thank you for stopping by and I wish you an amazing Friday afternoon!

You're most welcome @delishtreats! I'm looking forward to more😊

That looks like it was truly an amazing trip! How was the food while you were traveling around berlin? I have always dreamed of taking a trip to Germany.

Thank you for stopping by! We are vegans with my husband and this is the reason we went to Berlin. It is the vegan paradise in Europe. Food was epic! I will post a vegan guide in a few days here on Steemit.

If you're not vegan there are of course hundreds of options for you! It is a very trendy city so you can find the most modern cuisines from around the world. It really is a great place to be! You should go when you get a chance :)

I love the photo of you taking a photo part :) thanks for sharing your adventures with us!

Hahaha, that was my husbands idea :D I love it too!

Thank you for stopping by!

I agree @sweetpea awesome photo @delishtreats :)

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