Day out with a snow monster

in #travelfeed4 years ago

Day out with a snow monster

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I think I will remember this Christmas for a long time as it was the first one after many years that we celebrated without snow. We were waiting for it and watching the daily weather forecast, in the hope that it would come but it didn't. It was raining on the Christmas Eve..

A few days later it finally came, and we were very excited! It wouldn't be winter without at least a little bit of snow for me. I love the white winter-wonderland even though I feel cold all the time.

Many people ask me if we go skiing in the Alps. The answer is that we don't as my friend had a fatal skiing accident (that she didn't cause) 8 years ago, and I'm afraid of being on the slopes ever since. My husband can't ski, so he doesn't mind and honestly, I don't miss it at all as I prefer walking and hiking.

After the snowfall, we took our little snow monster for a long walk to the river. Well, it wasn't as long as we planned because the snow was sticking to his fur and after a while he couldn't walk properly anymore. It was funny to watch but not that funny for the poor thing.

It didn't take us long to get to the river. We also took some dry bread for ducks and hoped to get close to them and feed them. I didn't get as close as I wanted because I was not sure if the place covered with the snow was the ground or the water and didn't want to risk my socks getting wet. I ended up throwing the bread pieces to them and they didn't mind at all. They seemed to enjoy it anyway. I also left some crumbles for hungry birds.


The day before there was no snow at all. It was a lovely surprise to wake up in the morning to this. We were so excited that we didn't even have breakfast before we went out. There is a little girl inside me that wanted to build a snowman😊


I was alone and my husband couldn't see me as he was playing with Maxo quite far away from the place where I was. There was a young man on the bridge who assumed that I needed his help with getting to the river safely and gave me the most annoying instructions.


I had a feeling that there was something wrong with him and wanted to get rid of him quickly, so I just followed whatever he said. When I got to the river, he told me that when I'm ready I should go back the same way and left.

I must admit that he helped me in a way as some guys he knew passed by and wanted to throw snowballs to the ducks and he told them to leave them alone because I was there and wanted to take photos. Maybe he just drank too much the night before and therefore I had a strange feeling talking to him.


When he was gone, I was left alone and enjoyed my surroundings and myself. I wish I built that snowman!


The snow was untouched, and I was the first person leaving the shoe marks in the soft white carpet. I love that sound when you walk in the fresh snow.


After a while I walked to the other side of the bridge and followed my husband and Maxo.


And here they are! Well, you can only see my husband as Maxo is playing with a snowball in front of him.


Can you see the snow flakes? It started to snow again!


There in the back is the forest where I spent a lot of time during my childhood. I have very fond memories of this place.


And here is our little snow monster! I don't know how your dog reacts when it sees the snow but Maxo gets totally excited and manic in a way. It's even worse than when he sees leaves from the trees flying around in autumn. He started rolling in the snow like his life depended on it 😊


The only way to get his attention is to hold a snowball in front of him.

When I showed these photos to my auntie, she said that we were lucky that Maxo got his green jacket as otherwise we probably wouldn't see him in the snow. I think that she was right as he is snow-white and blends in with snow.


Look at those paws!


Chasing the snowball...


Throw the snowball again now!


Look, I found it!


Yeah, this branch is totally delicious!


Did you say a 'snowball' again? 😊


Oh well, I don't want to but can we go home as I can't walk anymore? PLEASE!


I'll carry you home.. We really had too much fun that day but as you can see Maxo didn't look that amused 😊

I'm still laughing when I think back of that walk.


I hope that you have enjoyed our day out!

Thank you for reading!



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What a beautiful winter wonderland! We don't get snow much here (and definitely not like that), so I always get excited to see what it looks like elsewhere. I remember our first schnauzer Molly loved getting out in the snow when we were kids growing up further north and actually had regular snowfall in the winter. We used to have to get out the hair dryer when we were done to get all those little snow balls off her legs like little Maxo! Definitely a day worth enjoying!

We also don't get much snow in the place where I live in Switzerland. Today it was around 12 degrees Celsius which feels more like spring..

She must have looked adorable :) My mom showers the snow off his legs.. he doesn't like that as it's not an easy process but he has no choice :) I'll tell her about the hair dryer. This might be a little better :)

Thank you for stopping by, Katie! Hope you're doing well!

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A beautiful grey day.

Sorry to hear about your friend's skiing accident eight years ago. My first time on skis almost turned out very badly, as I thought I was supposed to tuck the poles under my arms ,crouch forward and go straight down the mountain as fast as I could. Even worse...I took the long, winding road :>/

Hahaha, you're lucky that you survived :D

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Awesome... awesome... awesome Martina! I love the snow and I'm jealous because we haven't received our yearly downfall yet... And your little snow monster is very cute indeed... and the bonus is he looks like he really enjoys it :D

Well, we have 12 degrees every day in Switzerland, so I think that this was the only snow that I will experience this year :) Unless I go to the mountains of course :)

Oh yes, he loved it! :)

Thank you for stopping by, Dave!

Glad to see Maxo again, he's a big boy now. He's like a child full of energy waiting for any chance to play. It reminds me of my dog 11 yrs ago. Looks like he took full advantage of his first snow and also took some home :) Best wishes for 2020, may all your dreams come true!

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Yes, he is a big boy now.. and a hairy one too :) He has a hairdresser appointment in two weeks as his hair become now too long.

Do you have a dog now too?

Best wishes for you and your family, my dear friend!

I have a dog for the past 12 yrs, she's a bichon, black&brown same size like Maxo. She was very crazy running around as well when she was his age. Maxo reminds me of her and always makes me smile :)

I've googled the breed and she must be so cute! They are also so fluffy :) Does she also come to your bed in the morning? Maxo likes to touch my nose with his cold snout so that I wake up :) It's so funny, you open your eyes and there he is, patiently waiting a few millimeters away from your face :D

Super fun outing the the snow with Maxo. I loved seeing it sticking to him, cute!!

Hahaha, yes! That was so cute. We were laughing all the way back home but he didn't seem to find it funny :D

Haha! what a fun day out and such excellent photos, well done you guys, especially Maxo! lol.

Thank you! Exactly! I miss him so much already..

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