The Total Economy Egg Run!

Hey everyone, never let it be said there is not a ton to be done in South Africa, sights and sounds are a plenty. I go to Bronkhorstspruit on my scooter every second week odd on an 'egg run' I sadly can only fit one box of eggs on the scooter but it is well worth it.


On this particular occassion I decided to make a little bit of a sight seeing journey, life is after all more about the journey than the destination is it not?


Why the 'total economy egg run' you may ask? Well, I use my scooter as a pick up and it is really convenient and cheap to run! 5 litres gets me around 200-220 kms!

On the way I stopped by this game lodge, at the entrance this interesting piece of taxidermy art, with the clear blue skies as the backdrop made for some nice pics!



We have many dams in the area, mostly stocked with large mouth bass and tilapia which are well suited for the warmer climate and water conditions! Talking of bass fishing, this can be done here...

As per wikipedia: Tilapia (/tɪˈlɑːpiə/ tih-LAH-pee-ə) is the common name for nearly a hundred species of cichlid fish from the coelotilapine, coptodonine, heterotilapine, oreochromine, pelmatolapiine and tilapiine tribes (formerly all were in Tilapiini), with the economically most important species placed in Coptodonini and Oreochromini.[2] Tilapia are mainly freshwater fish inhabiting shallow streams, ponds, rivers, and lakes, and less commonly found living in brackish water. Historically, they have been of major importance in artisanal fishing in Africa, and they are of increasing importance in aquaculture and aquaponics. Tilapia can become a problematic invasive species in new warm-water habitats such as Australia,[3] whether deliberately or accidentally introduced, but generally not in temperate climates due to their inability to survive in cold water.

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More on the large mouth bass here as per wikipedia: The largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) is a carnivorous freshwater gamefish in the Centrarchidae (sunfish) family, a species of black bass generally native to eastern and central North America, in Canada, United States and northern Mexico, but widely introduced elsewhere.[2] It is known by a variety of regional names, such as the widemouth bass, bigmouth bass, black bass, bucketmouth, largies, Potter's fish, Florida bass, Florida largemouth, green bass, bucketmouth bass, Green trout, gilsdorf bass, Oswego bass, LMB, and southern largemouth and (paradoxically) northern largemouth.[3] The largemouth bass is the state fish of Georgia[4] and Mississippi,[5] and the state freshwater fish of Florida[6] and Alabama.[7][8]

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I have been selling eggs for a few months now, the entrance to one of the biggest if not the biggest hatchery in the Country, National Chicks, sadly I do not buy from them as their retail prices are just too high and as a middle man wil render me 'profitless', nice place to work though in terms of amazing views and pretty blue skies!



A quick 'sneaky snap' of my 'bakkie' and then on to my next stop the 'Kitty Hawk' Airstrip!


At the entrance of the local air strip, apparently due to lockdown planes are not supposed to be flying, that doesn't seem to stop these pilots as up and down they fly with their stunt bi-planes and more, happy days :) I am very happy that not everyone is buying this covid scam!


In Africa as you all well know there is an abundance of both domestic and wild animal life, in this pic naturally the domesticated type, many horses and stables in this area quiet nice to see!


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I have generally tied these boxes down with the utmost of care as this is not the safest undertaking and this bike was certainly not intended for this purpose, this time around I took the odd short cut, bad idea as half way home it almost came off, more care and caution next time around, safety first!!


And so my 3 hour round trip came to and end at home I arrived safe and sound, another epic total economy egg run complete and around $50 dollars in the pocket richer :)

Be blessed, love and light.

Have a super Monday!


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