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RE: Volcanic Devastation of Armero

in #travelfeed6 years ago

Yes, of course I remember this tragedy lived by the Colombian people 33 years ago ... where a runaway stream swallowed a town of 50,000 inhabitants, Armero, and with it almost half of its population. The eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano emitted a quantity of burning lava; the lava melted its perpetual snow, the melted snow was added to several streams down the mountain, overflowed, fattened with everything that was in its path and the immense mud moved forward without brake to find, at night, Armero, almost 50 kilometers of the crater. Melted snow, mud, rocks, trees falling at full speed. It's that simple The simplicity of nature, which sometimes unleashes a devastating fury, plunging the whole world into impotence.

And the Omayra girl, what you say is completely correct, we can not understand how nobody could get it out of the water, because you did not use a simple pump, a pair of hands with buckets, to reduce the water that threatened it-it died of a heart attack- , how is it explained that there were cameras and photographers and no one jumped into the water to free the legs of that girl that the world finally saw die live.

The beauty of the top of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano does not show those who do not know its past, the danger of its presence and the brutality of its actions.
The Liberator Simòn Bolivar, in the year 1812, in front of the devastation that generated a very strong earthquake in several cities of Venezuela, said: "If nature is opposed, we will fight against it and we will overcome it", is a very famous phrase in our history, but the truth is that nature hides scenarios and situations of such unpredictable magnitude that it is impossible to stop it when it is unleashed.

In Venezuela, in 1999 a similar tragedy occurred, but not originated by a volcano, but originated by a landslide in the mountains surrounding the town of Vargas, intense rains of several days that generated the fury of several mountain rivers, which together with mud, stones and everything they got in their way, they also buried an innocent people who were also caught unawares.

One of the multiple images that exist of the tragedy of Vargas in Venezuela (1999)
Sad memories...
Greetings @nameless-berk

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