in #travelfeed5 years ago


Dear Steemians,

Tanpa terasa waktu telah berlalu sangat singkat tanpa bisa dapat diputar kembali lagi, semuanya telah berlalu dan saat ini menjadi kenangan manis di Bogor yang tidak mungkin dapat dilihat, dirasa lagi, semuanya telah jauh dari pandangan sepertinya tidak mungkin dapat terulang lagi. Saat kebersamaan itu terjalan diwaktu pagi hari sambil bersama-sama lari-lari kecil dipinggir Kebun Raya Bogor, sarapan pagi bersama, belajar bersama, traveling bersama, makan siang bersama, pergi ke rumah ibadah bersama, bercengkrama bersama sambil makan malam, hampir setiap waktu bersama.


Namun hari ini semuanya telah berlalu, berpisah di Bandara, ada perasaan sedih, terharu serta bahagia, hanya lambaian tangan sebagai wujud kesetiaan dari kebersaan yang telah terjalin akrab. Hanya takdir Tuhan yang bisa menyatukan kebersamaan itu lagi, rasanya waktu itu tidak mungkin dapat diputar ulang lagi.


Belum hilang dalam ingatan kenangan manis di bogor, meskipun suasana ramai diruang tunggu Bandara Cengkareng, serasa sunyi
tanpa senyum, tidak ada canda tawamu, tidak ada obrolan manis, dan tidak suara jengkrik malam kebun raya bogor, semua telah hilang
sunyi senyap.


Kadang ku berfikir kenapa kita harus berjumpa meskipun hanya sesaat, padahal sebelumnya tidak pernah berjumpa apa lagi saling kenal. Takdir Tuhan telah mempertemukan dan memisahkan kita kembali hingga
saat ini menjadi kenangan manis yang tidak bisa dilupakan, terlanjur telah terjalin suasana akrab dan empaty masing- masing.

Engkaulah Yang Maha Mengetahui arti dari kehidupan hamba Mu ini, sepenuhnya keserahkan kepada Mu Tuhan.
Kenangan Manis................


Dear Steemians,

Without feeling the time has passed very short without being able to be played back again, everything has passed and now it becomes a sweet memory in Bogor that is impossible to see, felt again, everything has gone away from view as it is unlikely to be repeated again. When the togetherness runs in the morning while jogging alongside the Bogor Botanical Gardens, having breakfast together, studying together, traveling together, having lunch together, going to a house of worship together, chatting together while having dinner, almost every time together .

But today everything has passed, separated at the airport, there are feelings of sadness, touched and happy, just a wave of his hand as a form of loyalty from the relationship that has been intimately intertwined. Only God's destiny can unite the togetherness again, it seems that time could not be played again.

Not lost in the memories of sweet memories in Bogor, although the atmosphere was crowded in the waiting room of Cengkareng Airport, it seemed quiet
no smile, no laughing jokes, no sweet talk, and no cricket at the bogor botanical garden night, all is gone

Sometimes I think why we have to meet even if only for a moment, even though I've never met each other again. God's destiny has brought us together and separated us back to
now it is a sweet memory that cannot be forgotten, already intertwined with a familiar and empathic atmosphere.

You are the Most Knowing the meaning of the life of Your servant, fully surrendering to You Lord.
Sweet memories................

Soekarna-Hatta Airport, Cengkareng, March 14, 2020.

BY: @almazzhr


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