The Kingdom of Tolura: The world's smallest empire

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

You will hear the story of the big kings of the world. It is said that in the British Empire there was no sunrise sunset. The kingdom of Chengis was spread from China to Delhi's Delhi. The expansion of the Mughal Empire was also from Kabul to Kolkata.

But we take you to the world's smallest empire. An empire in which eleven people live, also part time. A king who runs his boats and a restaurant himself. Who lives in Nicer and Sandal. This is a fascinating castle, the King of Toloura.

It is a small island situated in the Mediterranean, which is located in Italy with Italy, where a kingdom is established, as well as before being in Italy as a country.

The Kingdom of Toloura, originally spread on a small island called Tolra. Its total dimension is five square kilometers.

The name of the king of this kingdom is Ethiopian Berlioni. If you ever reach to Toulouse, you might find it difficult to find King Einstein Bostonian. He does not look at the king's position. Neither their clothes are like kings or lifestyle.

Ethiopian Berlioni says that as a king they only have free food facility. He also meets his own restaurant. The King of Tolera is celebrating the same eighth birthday in its year this year

At this time a kingdom settled on a island is funny. But here, the inhabitants of Jerusalem and Ethiopian Brussels are very serious about this. When asked about this, he tells the history of many generations

According to Antonio Bartloni, the grandparents of his grandfather, Gespe Berlioni, married two sisters in eighteen seven and fled from Italy.

Italy was not as a country at this time, but its province was inhabited as a kingdom of Sardinian. Two women were forbidden here. That's why Gossip Breston ran away on the island.

They were living in Geneva. Gossip soon found out that the tooth goats found on this island. This is the unique bakery of its kind in the world. Soon the beast reached Italy
Carlo Alberto, the Sardinian king of Sardinian, came to the island of Tolorra to see and hunt these goats. It's up to 256. Gassip's son Paolo helped the goose-bearers of Carlo Alberto and toured the entire island.

Ethiopian tells that when the King of Sardinian arrive at Alberto, he said he was the King of Sardinia. In response, his grandfather Paulo said he was the king of Toulouse.

Three days later, when Carlo Alberto returned to his country in Tolera, he issued a decree and said that Tolalara is not part of the kingdom of Sardinia. Then Paolo Barltoni announced his kingdom. At this time, on this island there were thirty-three people. So Paula became the king of the thirty-three people

Paolo became a royal cemetery before he died. They were invited to put a crown on their tomb when they were buried. Interestingly, Paolo Berlioni did not wear a crown ever. In later days, the story of the kingdom of Tolyra spread throughout the Mediterranean.

In the nineteenth century, Britain's Queen Victoria started a mission to gather pictures of kings around the world. Meanwhile, a ship was sent to Toulouse to get the picture of the royal family here.

The picture of this era continued to be in Buckingham Palace in England for years. Today the photo bricks are in Bratislava's restaurant.

After the formation of a NATO military base here in the 1980s, the small kingdom's autonomy ended.

At most, its ban was banned, but Italy never officially made Toyota its part but does not legally recognize any country in the world.

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