赏江南园林,品淮扬美食,走进属于的扬州慢生活|Enjoy Jiangnan Garden, Huaiyang food products, into the slow life belonging to Yangzhou

in #travel6 years ago

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Choose a weekend vacation, and go with the object to Yangzhou by car, "Yangzhou" because of its profound cultural heritage and historical connotation, coupled with the phrase "fireworks Yangzhou in March," many people left a lot of beautiful images and longing.

During my college years, I had been to this city and spent a day snatching out the Slender West Lake, the former residence of Shi Kefa, Ge Garden, Dong Guan Street and the former residence of Zhu Ziqing in Lane Lane. Many memories remain clear but the city is still worth itGoing because it has a history we can never finish reading.

About Yangzhou

扬州,古称广陵、江都、维扬,地处江苏中部、长江与京杭大运河交汇处,有“淮左名都,竹西佳处”之称,又有着“中国运河第一城”的美誉 。其中大运河高邮段及扬州段于2015年入选世界文化遗产名录。
Yangzhou, the ancient name of Guangling, Jiangdu, Weiyang, is located in central Jiangsu, the Yangtze River and Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal interchange, a "Huai left name, bamboo good office" is also known as "the first city of China Canal" in the world.Among them, the Gaoyou and Yangzhou sections of the Grand Canal were selected as World Cultural Heritage Sites in 2015.

Yangzhou City history dating back to 486 BC, dating back more than 2,500 years ago, as the first national historical and cultural city, Yangzhou due to its superior geographical location, almost from the Han to Qing experienced a general history of prosperity, but also withCultural prosperity.Review history, Yangzhou has had three peak: the first is in the Western Han Dynasty; the second is in the Sui and Tang Dynasties to Zhao Song period; the third is in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.The bustling Yangzhou City in history mainly refers to today's Guangling District."Guangling" word, had a large number of literati in poetry Fu, it is estimated we are not unfamiliar.

Yangzhou has a long history of civilization, but also brought rich tourism resources.During the Qing dynasty, Yangzhou had the honor of "garden world", so far it still retains many excellent classical gardens, such as Slender West Lake, Daming Temple, Geyuan, Heyuan and so on, all these are the places that Yangzhou had to go.

Mito first look:

About the trip

【Day 1】再临扬州,寻何园美景,品淮扬美食
10:00 游何园
12:30 扬州狮子头品淮扬菜
14:00 游卢氏盐商旧宅
16:00 入住扬州途家斯维登
19:00 瘦西湖畔品美食
20:00 夜逛扬州城
【Day 1】Next to Yangzhou, looking for beautiful scenery, Huaiyang cuisine
10:00 Tour He Garden
12:30 Yangzhou Lion Head Huaiyang Cuisine
14:00 Tour of Lu’s Salt Merchants
16:00 Staying at Yangzhou Tujia Sweeten
19:00 Slim West Lake Restaurant
20:00 Night stroll around Yangzhou City

【Day 2】食扬州早茶,赏个园春色,漫步东关古街
09:00 花园茶楼吃早茶
10:00 游个园
12:00 游东关历史文化街
14:00 自驾返程
【Day 2】Eat Yangzhou morning tea, enjoy a garden spring and stroll along the ancient streets of Dongguan
09:00 Morning tea in Garden Restaurant
10:00 Tour of the Garden
12:00 Youdongguan Historical and Cultural Street
14:00 Return by car

Preparation before the trip


Yangzhou City, located in the central part of Jiangsu Province, adjacent to Yancheng and Taizhou in the east; the Yangtze River to the south, across the river from Zhenjiang; the southwest to Nanjing and the northwest to Huaian.Belongs to the Yangtze River Delta economic belt, traffic more convenient, for Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui tourists, it is recommended to drive more convenient.

  1. 【飞机】扬泰机场
  2. 【Aircraft】 Yang Tai Airport

Yangtai Airport belongs to the public airport of Yangzhou and Taizhou, about 30 kilometers away from the urban area of ​​Yangzhou. The starting point of the airport bus lanes is the friendly hall in the urban area. There are no stops on any stop and direct airport connection, only 45 minutes.Due to less airport flights, you can choose to fly to Nanjing Yangzhou nonstop.

  1. 【火车】扬州火车站.
  2. 【train】 Yangzhou Railway Station

High-speed trains are under construction in the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union and the Northern Jiangsu. At present, the Yangzhou High-Speed ​​Rail Station is under construction. However, the Yangzhou Railway Station has an EMU that returns to Nanjing for about 50 minutes.Yangzhou Railway Station is located in Hanjiang District, Yangzhou City, about 8 km from Yangzhou city center.

  1. 【客车】
  2. 【Bus】

There are currently three bus stations in Yangzhou, namely West Bus Station, East Bus Station and North Bus Station.
Among them, Yangzhou Automobile West Railway Station is the terminus, close to Slender West Lake with more flights.
The main operation of North Bus Station north of the Yangtze River Road north of the inter-provincial, inter-city, county line.
East Station is smaller, the frequency is not a lot.


As a tourist city of Yangzhou, the hotel has a lot of options to meet the tourists' choices at different levels of consumption.

Because of autopilot, so I chose to stay in the Slender West Lake area near Tujia Sweetome Vacation Apartment (Vanke City Rainbow Department Store).

Hotel is located in the Vanke City Rainbow Plaza, an apartment hotel, fully equipped, cost-effective is also high, for people who drive, free access to commercial plaza underground parking, there are many restaurants around the hotel and shops can stroll around.

From the store to the Slender West Lake West Gate is only 500 meters walk, or more convenient.

Food articles

Yangzhou is one of the four major cuisines in China Huaiyang cuisine originated.
Yangzhou vegetables pay attention to the taste, pay attention to the fire, good stew, taste light and delicious, sweet and salty moderate.
The famous "three" (crab stuffed lion head, grilled whole pig head, split silver chive head) is the representative of Yangzhou cuisine.
In addition, Yangzhou snacks are also famous.
At Siwangting Road and Mochizuki Road, it is a gathering place for food in Yangzhou. Yecheon Tea House, Fuchun Tea House, and the Garden Tea House are all local historical tea houses.

Yangzhou top ten spots: San Ding buns, Melaleuca cake, double Flamboyant, emerald dumplings, dried vegetables package, wild duck dishes, glutinous rice dumplings, crab steamed dumplings, car chew selling, chicken rolls.

Top ten specialty snacks: Saiyin dumpling, raw meat lotus root folder, tofu roll, small meatballs for sale, red bean Lantern, Wucun cakes, scallion pancakes, biscuits in Huangqiao, shrimp dumplings noodles, bamboo shoots wonton.
These snacks can be in Yangzhou snack street or the old local restaurant to taste.


比如“富春”、“五亭”牌速冻包子,“三和四美”牌酱菜,牛皮糖,扬州 “三把刀”(理发刀、修脚刀、厨刀),高邮双黄蛋,扬州剪纸等等。
Yangzhou has the essence of Huaiyang cuisine, there are many naturally polished products and souvenirs.
Such as "Fuchun", "five kiosks" frozen buns, "three and four" brand pickles, nougat sugar, Yangzhou "three knives" (barber knife, pedicure knife, kitchen knife), Gaoyou double yellow egg,
and many more.

【Best Season to Play】

In general, the United States and the United States in Yangzhou garden, and beauty of the garden in the history and heritage, so there is no need to come to Yangzhou plagued by the season.But after all, poem cloud "fireworks Yangzhou in March," so every spring, Yangzhou will usher in the tourist season, the corresponding Yangzhou will organize tourism festival.For example, from April 18 to May 18 each year, Yangzhou Municipality must hold the "March Economic and Tourism Festival of Fireworks". When the flowers bloom and the flowers are beautiful, it is really beautiful.In addition, every year from September 8 to October 8, Yangzhou will hold a "Two-part Moon Culture Festival". Its main activities include touring the moon, Qianlong emperor water tour, canal night tour, food festival and so on.

【Day 1】再临扬州,寻何园美景,品淮扬美食
[Day 1] again Yangzhou, Ho Park looking for beauty, food Huaiyang cuisine

A weekend, driving from home for 2 hours to Yangzhou, they directly reach Ho Park.

He Park, located in Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, Xu Ning Men Street, also known as "Xiao Xiao Villa", from Tao Yuanming's "go back Come" "according to the South Window to send proud, Deng Dong Gao Shu Xiao""Send" "Xiao" word.

Ho Park was built in the mid-Qing Dynasty, Emperor Guangxu years resignation of Mr. He Zhiyong came to Yangzhou, purchased Wu Shi Shek Shan Fang site, before and after only 13 years before He Park built into today's appearance, as the representative of Chinese classical garden architecture, Ho ParkBy the Chinese Cultural Relics Association, garden tycoon Luo Zhewen called "the first garden in the late Qing Dynasty."These words are also painted on the main entrance of the scenic spot.

From the main entrance into the area, is the face of "whistling Villa" gatehouse, as "the first garden in the late Qing Dynasty", the entire garden covers an area of ​​14,000 square meters, of which construction area will have 7,000 square meters, mainly by the East Park, West Park, Park Court, Rock Hill House four parts, Rock Hill House in the south of East Park, Garden Court is surrounded by East Park, West Park and Shek Pik Shan housing, the park's two-story Slinky and GalleryConnected with the front of the residential, harmonious and agile, have their own originality.

Walked to the West Park, in front of a pool of clear pool, both sides of the hall room corridor built around the pool, antique.

A stone bridge above Qingchi floats on the water surface, twists and turns to a pavilion, the pavilion is the water kiosk, which is dedicated to the owners watching the drama, singing and dancing and cool scenery.Like "Dream of Red Mansions", "My Fair Princess" and more than 100 films and television shows have been here.

North of the pool two layers of brick and wood loft is the host banquet hall guests, because of the corner corner of Alice, like wings to fly the butterfly, so called Butterfly Hall.In this room wine tasting chat, rockery outside the window, fun.

The south of the pool is Ho Park's famous Fu Road Corridor, along the stairs up the stairs, walked to the second floor of the corridor, overlooking the pool and pavilions, the elegant beauty of Chinese gardens show a more three-dimensional.

The whole complex corridor length of more than 1500 meters, known as the prototype of China overpass.Corridor, Yangzhou people commonly known as string floor, points on the next two floors, it will Ho Park East Park, West Park, residential courtyards are linked together to form a whole building, which is what the exquisite Park.

Going along the corridor to the Jade Embroidery House, there are many different types of cave windows on the walls of the corridor, with panoramic views across the window openings.In the corner of the corridor, a group of rockeries stand in front of, here belongs to the rock hill house.Moon in the water is a piece of Rock Hill Rockery Hill in a classic landscape.

Walked to the end of the corridor, they came to Jade Embroidery House, two brick and wood structure of the second floor is mainly where family life, the entire building both using traditional Chinese style string floor ideas, but also into the Western architectural practices, such asFrench shutters and windows, Japanese-style sliding doors, French fireplaces, iron beds and so on.

He family began to do business in the late Qing Dynasty and exposed many Western cultures. The display of these western life items shows how much wealth and ideological advancement He made at that time.Ho family in the modern out of a lot of outstanding people, law JD, business elite, but also Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Jade Embroidery House is in front of Guitang, Yangzhou as the preservation of the largest and most complete Nanmu Hall, where the family was a meeting place.

Jade embroidered floor along the complex road corridor to the east into the riding floor, horse riding floor is what Park's guest house, shaped like a saddle, divided into east and west two buildings.East Building, also known as East First Floor, north east neatly arranged on the second floor, east third floor.

There were many celebrities who lived in the Riding Habitat in Heyuan. Huang Binhong, a famous Chinese painting master, came to Yangzhou on six occasions and lived in the first floor on the east side of the horse-riding house.The famous writer Zhu Qianhua, who lived in the riding on the second floor of the building up to five years.

China's classical private garden architecture layout, adhere to the principle of natural harmony, the pavilions of the pavilions randomly distributed between man-made or landform landscapes, take the idea of ​​the unity of man and nature.He Zhiyong create Ho Park, not only well versed in the landscape of Chinese landscapes, more innovative integration into the overall layout of the two corridors, really great.

From where the park out of the phone positioning to a Huayang old surrounding - Yangzhou lion head.Restaurant is located on the second floor of the restaurant, the warm environment of the entire restaurant, but slightly higher price of vegetables, a lion head Yangzhou have 98 yuan.Two people ordered a few slightly different dishes.

This Yangzhou lion head is very full, worthy of this price, it tastes soft, fat and not greasy, very much rice, but such a ball to eat more four individuals, two people eat very tired.It is said that the lion head has been one of the four famous dishes in Yangzhou since the Sui Dynasty.

Wen Si tofu is also a favorite of Yangzhou dishes, it is beautiful color, juice strong, very refreshing.

After dinner, walk to the 1912 historical and cultural neighborhoods in Yangzhou, in the historical and cultural neighborhoods, there is a large salt merchants - Lushi salt merchants.

Lushi Salt Merchants is the oldest house in Yangzhou late Qing Dynasty many of the largest salt merchants preserved the most complete one, has a "salt merchant first floor" in the world.Due to the flourishing canal water transport, Yangzhou was once a gathering place for salt merchants. At today's Dong Guan Street, most ancient houses are left as salt traders.

The owner of Lu's home was formerly the salt merchant of Yangzhou, Lu Shaoxu. He was originally from Shangrao, Jiangxi Province. When he was young, he came home from Yangzhou alone.Salt Yangzhou in the first two Huaiyan Yunan salt salt as private ambassador.After leaving the official business, operating the salt industry, which made fortune, by 1903, already sits 480,000 silver.

In the ancient period of Guangxu, he spent more than 70,000 taels of silver to build the ancient Lushi houses today, compared with other ancient houses, and it has five "most": The most extensive area, the most extensive memorials, most buildings, the hall is the most open, the longest history.

Salt into the ancient house, the lintels brick exquisite.One gatehouse, residential buildings, Italian Park, library, etc., all for a hundred years ago the original building.Under the tall gatehouse is this one into the courtyard, the entire house a total of seven, a variety of cars, Phi, Gallery, Pavilion total 200, the size of the patio up to 17, no chaos is the moment or the past, Are quite lavish.

Of course, the Romer House now has a special function, is transformed into a high-end restaurant clubs.

In the heart of Lushi's ancient library, a retro wedding is about to take place in the evening, wedding company people are busy playing stage, test results, or many years ago, Lu family is married.

After the house, is the back garden of Lu - Italy Park.Although there is not a park garden, Ho Park that big, so lavish, but still has a rockery, ponds, pavilions and other buildings.In 2015, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal was included in the World Cultural Heritage List. Along the way, Lushi Salt Merchants' Ancient Houses were also included in the list as part of their cultural heritage as they represented the salt merchants in the late Qing dynasty along the Grand Canal.Industry and other historical evidence of the prosperity of the industry.

In the 1912 historical and cultural district of Yangzhou, there is also a Huaiyang Cuisine Museum, which was not opened to the public as we went to transform the interior.

Driving a car, through half of Yangzhou City came Tujiaosweiden located in the Slender West Lake, simply put away your luggage, take a break.In the evening, he went out for food again.

Yangzhou Slender West Lake Hongqiao Square business district, there are many unique food experience, walked into a quiet environment of the restaurant, the restaurant every table are bamboo separated, very private, but full of Zen.In addition to the classic Yangzhou fried rice, there are many exquisite dishes, some bites.Night, walk in the streets of Yangzhou, shopping malls, eliminate consumer food, but also feel the night in different cities.

【Day 1】再临扬州,寻何园美景,品淮扬美食
[Day 1] again Yangzhou, Ho Park looking for beauty, food Huaiyang cuisineSleep early in the morning naturally awake, positioning a good reputation of a morning tea shop, then went straight away.

"早上皮包水,晚上水包皮", 这句话估计去过扬州的人都有所耳闻,它所表达的便是扬州惬意的早茶文化。
"Water bag in the morning, water foreskin at night," this sentence estimates have been heard of people in Yangzhou, Yangzhou it is expressed comfortable morning tea culture.

Today's Yangzhou, although it has already lost the glory of a rich world, but the morning tea culture has not diminished, but the longer-lasting fragrance, more and more respected.Yangzhou tea companies throughout the city, like the old "Fuchun", "Yee Chun" almost constantly tourists.

我们去的花园茶楼是扬州当地人最喜欢的茶楼之一,客人也大都是扬州本地人,价格也最为厚道。茶楼的选择很多,从绿杨春茶 、腰片汤、牛腩鸭血小馄饨 、干拌面 、扬州炒饭、大煮干丝 、蒸饺、菜包、 肉包 、三丁包 、蟹黄汤包 、蟹粉狮子头、蟹黄干丝、肴肉、虾籽馄饨等。
We went to the garden tea house is one of Yangzhou favorite locals restaurant, most of the guests are natives in Yangzhou, the price is the most kind.
The choice of many restaurants, from the green spring tea, loin soup, sirloin duck blood ravioli, dried noodles, fried rice Yangzhou, boil dry silk, steamed dumplings, vegetable bags, meat packages, three small packages, crab soup package,
, Crab dry silk, meat, shrimp seeds ravioli and so on.
From crab wrappers, meat crabs eat yang noodles, and then shrimp dumplings, small cook dry silk, car chewing sale, two people eat super-full, per capita was only 30 yuan less than.

There are two gardens Yangzhou had to go, one is Ho Park, the other is known as "one of China's four famous park," a park.

Yangzhou's gardens are not as famous as Suzhou's gardens. However, Yangzhou's gardens are bigger and more prosperous in size. They are no different from Suzhou gardens in terms of history or landscape.Personally think that causes such a reason or nearly a hundred years, Suzhou's economic and political status upgrade, and the weak development of Yangzhou caused by changes in the degree of concern.

Most of Yangzhou's gardens are the legacy left by the salt merchants along the canal in the late Qing dynasty. The park here is the private residence of Huang Zhiyun, a salt merchant in Yangzhou in the Qing Dynasty.

From the North Gate Garden into a scenic park, the layout of the park is very eye-catching, front yard owner living in a decent residential area, square, and the backyard garden is free and romantic, harmony and harmony, full of fun.

In the back garden of a lot of classic landscapes, such as Qing Yi Ting, Bookshelf, live autumn Pavilion, Yi Yu Xuan, Sentence Gallery and so on.The beauty of a garden need to discover and comprehend intentions, leisurely in the garden, every small garden landscape reflects the idea of ​​the owner and the mind to reveal, it is a poetic, but also a pursuit of life.

In fact, most of the successful businessmen in China are intellectuals and are Confucian businessmen. While they earn profits, they also attach importance to their children's education and learning, their spiritual world and the inheritance and protection of culture.

A garden has been planted bamboo everywhere and the name of the four seasons to win the spring, summer, autumn and winter.Among them, the "Four Seasons Rockery" of the most beautiful garden is the most exquisite. The garden owner carefully arranged the materials in the back garden of less than 50 acres and opened up four vivid rockery areas and called them spring, summer, autumn and winter, respectively.

Spring Hill corresponding to the spring landscape, it is the zodiac stone and the garden man-made bamboo landscape, bamboo relative to each other, mutual tolerance, as "springing up" to convey the traditional Chinese culture "cherish spring" concept.

Summer Hill corresponds to the summer landscape, it is mainly gray green Taihu stone, stone clouds stacked mist volume, it is the Taihu rock uneven and thin, transparent, leaks, wrinkles, showing the summer changes and restlessness.

Akiyama in the autumn, it is stacked with rugged Yellowstone, built in Akiyama above a square pavilion, mountain Cooper oblique, leaning against the mountain rocks, reflecting the bleak autumn.

Dongshan in the winter landscape, with white, rounded Xuan Shi (snow stone) mainly due to Xuan Shek rock contains quartz, shine in the sunlight, while the backlight is Yao Yao put white.Winter Mountain has four rows of round holes on the south wall, the owner of a narrow alley wall airflow changes produced by the north wind in winter whistling effect.

End of the spring, summer, autumn and winter four scenes, but also finished reading the essence of a garden garden.

In front of the garden is a residential area of ​​the park, the residential area is very tight, like a nine-palace grid, each cell has a patio.The center line of the residential area is mainly the reception area, the left side is the living area where the three courtyards are located, and the three courtyards on the right side are the helper's living area and the kitchen.

Master's living area, courtyard set courtyard, each yard is a typical courtyard, and courtyard is a deep promenade, red lanterns hanging high in the promenade, perhaps a hundred years ago,This is still a family busy figure.

Garden, from the living area to the back garden, different styles, but full of fun, solemn atmosphere in the living area, and then the garden is elegant and refined, like a man, looks polite, but the heart is full of romance.

从个园走出便是扬州东关街历史文化街。它东起古运河,西至国庆路,全长1122米,是中国十大历史文化名街之一, 距今已有1200年发展历史。
Going out of a park is Yangzhou Dongguan Street historical and cultural street.It runs from the Grand Canal in the east to Guoqing Road in the west. It has a total length of 1,122 meters and is one of the ten historical and cultural streets in China. It has a history of 1200 years since its establishment.

Dongguan Street is not only a historical witness to the development of Yangzhou City, but also the birthplace and display window of Yangzhou Canal Culture and salt merchant culture.Nowadays, Dongguan Street still has a prosperous market and numerous businesses. It is a traditional arts and crafts, as well as special snacks and 100-year-old brands. They operate in an orderly fashion, just like many years ago.

Walk in the antique stone road, coming and going of tourists packed the streets, in this 1000-meter-old Millennium Street, facing the street is located like a garden, Wang's Court, Hu Yuan, Street South House, Li Changle's former residence, Guangling College and other historical sites and celebrities.

Visiting this street, only to see the surprise from the foyer, you can go in and see, buy and do not buy is not important, important to come here, feel a different way of life.

In addition to being good for eating and playing well, Dong Guan Street is also a good place to buy souvenirs and specialty products, such as the Smey Sauce Garden in 1817, the Fragrant Powder Restaurant in 1830, the Xiaguang Sheng Tofu in 1901, and the 1923Zhen Taichang fragrant powder shop, 1938 Qingfeng tea shop, 1940 the fourth-rate Chun Cha, 1945 Ling Tai Hing tea shop, etc. can find good things to bring home.

To a certain extent, the business in all the ancient streets in China is very similar. The only difference is the spots left behind by history and the old name here. This is why Dongguan Street is a famous street of history and culture.

To the east has come to an end, a decadent towering towering stands in front of it, it is the Song Dynasty left Dongchengmen ruins, not far from outside the gate is the East Gate ancient ferry, which was the most prosperous Yangzhou Beijing-Hangzhou Grand CanalTraffic hub, think of the canal once in a busy, busy water transport, merchants gathered in the street, the popularity of thriving ...

Years have brought glory, but glory still belongs to this land, it does not have to be obsessed with glory, and now simple life is also very good slow.

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