Types of travelers: The ones who belong at home.

in #travel8 years ago


You meet so many people on the road: some are good, some are bad, and some are ugly. At first, it seems that everyone is so very different, but later you get to understand that all of us have something in common. Even in traveling. That is not bad by any means. It just works like that.

So, I think it is time to review what kind of people I meet while traveling. Let's start with the ones... who are better off at home.

Yes, I could write about good people, but I won't lie... I always enjoy making fun of stupidity and irrationality. So let's do this.

Why the hell they are travelling?

I ask myself this question so often when I see people, who are always complaining and looking for things to be pissed about.

I actually met some travelers, who went crazy because there was no hot water in a hostel, in the middle of nowhere back in Guatemala. How ignorant you have to be?

The owner of the hostel just replied "You are in the Guatemala. Go back home with your first world problems if you don't enjoy it."

I know that you might think that the owner is just a lazy prick who avoids his responsibilities by being all witty and funny. I used to think similar before traveling as well. However, I learned:

It is not the environment which has to adapt to us, but the other way around. Trying to fight against this law of nature will only bring pain.

But people, who belong at home, just don't understand it. Those ignorant slaves of comfort will keep on showing their disgust in everything, what they are not used to.

Actually, it is spectacular how people can only see as far as their egoistic needs reach. So I always wonder why this type of travelers even travel? I mean... their needs are obviously pleasured enough back home because they know so good what is missing in other countries. So why leave your luxury homes?

I have found the answer


So, those haters that despise everything that is not comfortable still change the environment. Why?

For cool photos on Instagram, some spectacular tweets, and funny Facebook posts, indicating that their life is better than anyone else's. That is an important part of nowaday's world, isn't it?

Also, they do it for the checks... so next time they meet their friend, who also hates everything apart of their own pleasure, they can say

When you were working your ass off, I was exploring the jungles of Amazon with my lovely wife. That is how we are supposed to live our lives, my friends. Learn from the best.

It is not even important that they hated everything in those jungles starting from mosquitos and finishing with no wi-fi. Also, they might as well hate their "lovely" wives. However, life is a competition, right? So those people fight with their full power.

Where do they belong? Yup - at home. It is better of for everyone.

Real life example

So I and my girlfriend were traveling from Guatemala to Mexico by bus... with 3 Swedish girls (no offense to Sweden, I love this country). Everything was quite alright until we reached the border.

Apparently, everyone who enters Belize (it is in between Guatemala and Mexico... And that my friends, was your geography's lesson of the day) has to pay 20 US dollars. I know that the fee is stupid, but what is even more stupid is not to have any cash with you.

Especially when the driver told us at least 5 times that we will need it.

So, of course, those Swedish girls had no money. What did they do? They started shouting at the driver in English and ordering him to drive to the closest ATM. Also, they blamed him for some odd reasons, which I cannot remember at the moment. course, the driver refused to obey. And then they told the driver to lend them the needed money. Needless to say, the driver declined. The girls could not stop shouting and screaming at him... in English.

I should say that the driver was from Guatemala and could only speak Spanish. But who cares?

My first thought was that those Swedish girls just started traveling and didn't know how it all works. My girlfriend thought the same. So we asked how long they were on the road.

10 months in South and Central America now. But we traveled for a year in Asia before.

It. Blew. My. Mind.

Seriously, after 10 months in Spanish speaking countries, those girls could not say a word in Spanish. And I am not overexaggerating here.

Also, I was surprised how those Swedish girls thought that they were some kind of Queens and all the locals must simply obey their orders. Money corrupts...

Of course, after everything was solved, girls were bitching about how bad is the driver of the bus and the system in general. And I just sat silently and stared at them.


Moral of the story

My moral is very simple and straightforward - if you are an ignorant prick, who can only care about yourself, please, stay at home... and cut your internet wires as well... and don't have any pets.

Also, respect for the place that you visit is important. People who cannot pay respect, do not deserve to get any as well.


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Have a nice day, my fellow steemers! :)


Wherever you go, there you are!

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