What it's Like NOT Traveling After Eighteen Years on the Move!

in #travel3 years ago

Covid has messed things up for all of us. For me it's taken away my entire travel lifestyle. Travel just ain't what it used to be and that is a whole article by itself. Personally the challenge has been changing to a more domestic lifestyle while keeping myself entertained.

But first a quick background of how things used to be. I believe 2019 I visited almost a dozen countries and was motorbiking the Ho-Chi-Minh Trail before my passport went from about 140 visa free countries to 5 in the course of a month. Luckily I got on one of the last planes out of Vietnam to Thailand. Fast forward almost 2 years later and I'm still in Thailand.

Don't get me wrong, I choose to be here and I love it here. Frankly the way the world is there is no other place I'd want to be. When you consider the new headaches, insurances, expenses, risks, potential quarantines, tracking apps, and general uncertainties, along with just a couple of handful of places I can go anyway. It just makes sense to stay in Thailand anyway.

However I still have not been able to stay in one place in this country, but my stays are getting significantly longer and I'm starting to feel very domesticated here on the island of Koh Phangan. I've been here now almost eight months! It's the longest I've stayed anywhere in years! Before this I was in the Norther City of Chiang Mai for about 6 months, which was the second longest.

I'm certainly not feeling very "Travel Pro" these days that is for sure. I'm thinking about hitting the road and touring the country via motor bike after monsoon season in January. But who knows if that is a good idea with potential new covid out breaks and sudden imposed government restrictions. The more conservative side of me says just stay on the island and enjoy. The adventurous side of me says let's go! What do you think should I do?

In the mean time, I contemplate getting a PS4 to entertain myself. I decided to start writing more articles for my blog again. I've also got more into trading cryptos as well as stocks, commodities, and options. I've downloaded and watched 20 of 26 Marvel Super Hero movies. One thing all of these have in common is more screen time! That has always been my pet peve in life, to live my life NOT through a screen (as much as possible).

So I'm having difficulty adapting to a domestic lifestyle living in one place. Frankly I find it dull and boring compared to how I used to live. Sure there are some great aspects of having a "home". I have comforts of setting my space up exactly how I want it, with a nice big kitchen. I even got a used espresso machine helping fuel this very article now!

But one thing is for sure the government restrictions all over the world have F-d with my lifestyle. I know I still have it good compared to many. But yeah, things are different now and I'm learning to adapt. But I'm tempted to leave my little island bubble and venture the country for maybe the first 6 months of next year. It will certainly be epic but are the risks now too high? Let me know what you think. Until next time....

From the Gulf of Thailand

-Dan "World Travel Pro"




Photo Credit: World-Travel-Pro


I am very interesting with the places you visit, all provide entertainment for peace, I really enjoy it.

Wow!!! Bro...you are Gem Legend of whole universe:-) I hope you are the only Adventurous guy who enjoyed life on this planet Earth as you wish n feel,you are really n- top on the silver shining clouds nine double tailer costliest breader Golden divine dog 🐶🐕🐶🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕
Enjoy life w/ full of travel-pro w/ joy only


That is quite the comment! Thank you so much. I hope you enjoy life as much as I do!

If the WHO had not changed the definition of a pandemic, no one would have noticed that it could be one ;-)
Further safe travels for you.

Thank you.

How about them changing the definition of vaccine?

I'm with you brother. This whole thing riddled with corruption and worse....

At some point it was going to happen ... The great adventure now is to stay at home.

Right. Just unreal.

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