Real Life Captured #112: Santiago Chile! Part One (10 Photos with Travel Pro Captions!)

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Hey there my Steemit friends! In this "Real Life Captured Series" I do my best to bring you exactly that; the real life captured from destinations all around the world! After eleven years of travel experience my favorite thing to do is walk around! That's right, I simply like to go to foreign countries and walk around. I observe (and now photograph) the people, food, culture, and way of everyday life and bring it to you in this "Real Life Captured Series".

In this Santiago Chile Series we are going to get a good idea of what's doin'! Santiago is unlike any city I've ever been to. Heck, it has what's been described as a "sandwich culture". The people are a mix of different indigenous tribes and Spanish genetics.

They have there own Chilean way of speaking Spanish. They have some of the best wine in the world. They have a pretty healthy economy too. In some parts of the city we feel like were are in highly organized first world country and in other parts we feel like we are in a back alley third world slum with endless graffiti and shady characters lurking around.

Santiago is a pretty unique and diverse place. They have a huge business district hosting the tallest building in south America with 64 floors! Just a short walk from the business area you can find people selling pot brownies among many things while hanging out in front of the art museum! Now come along and let's check this place out!

Never a dull moment in Santiago. Even at the stop lights you can often find street performers trying to make a buck. They are often from various countries around South America and do a circus like show every two minutes as the street lights change. It was funny seeing this guy on stilts walk down the row of cars reaching into the windows to collect a bit of change.

Wal-Mart's got nothin' on this local butcher shop. Local butchers and produce shops live-on and still do good business in this part of the world. Chile has good quality meat, but nothing beats Argentina in this part of the world!

Unlike in neighboring Peru, people in Chile have money and leisure time to care of pets like these. I saw a lot of well kept pure bread dogs being walked in this city where from Mexico to Peru I saw almost none. How do you know if a country is first/second world. You see people walking their nice dogs on clean streets!

Most parks were well kept and clean in Santiago.

Looks like the river has run dry!

Hot dogs are really popular in this country!

All over Latin America they name their streets after other places and famous people in relation to their part of the world.

For a pretty modern city there were still a good amount of street vendors, and I always like a good street vendor!

This is one of many public bike stations. A complimentary service provided by the city helping inhabitants get to where they need to go.

Just to give you an idea of what this main boulevard looks like.

With over 11 years of travel experience I answer travel and international lifestyle questions. Leave a question in the comments and I may make a Steemit post just for you!

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Photo Credit: World Travel Pro!

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You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

They have there own Chilean way of speaking Spanish.
It should be their own instead of there own.

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My friend! This was wonderful! I feel like I have already been to Santiago the way you explained it well!

Thank you. So glad this is the impression you get that is what I'm shooting for!

This seems like a quieter part of Santiago from the photos. Doesn't look that bad from the way you described it to us before. Also, we've been away for a long weekend to Vientiane, but we hope we haven't missed 'the video' - about the close call in Santiago with your camera. Checking through your feed, but it doesn't seem like it. Send us the post's link, if we have. :)

I just organized that post. Where I got robbed. Will still probably be a couple weeks until it's posted. I've got a ton of material from Santiago, Montevideo Uruguay, and Buenos Aires. Three major cities in this part of the world. Amazing places. Vientaine, that was a cool place. If you did way way way back into my blog you'll find posts about that place too, about 8 months ago. But I'm certainly not asking you to. So glad you find my blog interesting enough to follow how you do. Chance I may be making another trip to Thailand this year. Will guys be there?

Ah we can imagine that you have plenty of material and so do we from our recent trip to Vientiane. It's almost Travel Pro style. 😉

We haven't looked at your blog post about Vientiane, but we found it fascinating.

Don't worry we find your content very informative and a good way to see your memory bank.

We should be here in Bangkok until the end of the year minus our time in Europe (Becca: end of June-end of September and Sam: end of August-end of September). Hope we can meet you up when you're over here 😊

That is cool, glad I can inspire you doing your own "travel pro" style posts. A compliment in it's own right. We'll certainly be in touch and it would be great to meet you guys in person.

We did it in a sense that we filmed and took photos of every 'Place of Interest' or restaurant/bar that we went to. You're welcome for the compliment and it shows what you are doing meets the right expectation (at least for us).

That is just awesome, I bet you guys had a fun time doing it too. I'm sure your own personalities and style will show through and make it uniquely yours! Well done!

Yes, trying to figure out our style, but practise only makes it better! We enjoy it, so we will do more of it. 😊

Santiago Chile seems like a place I'd love to go to! My favourite thing to do in a new place is also to walk around, see how people live although I don't that that good photographs. :)

That is awesome that we both love to just.....walk around! :)

This made me smile @world-travel-pro

tallest building in south America with 64 floors

So tiny by most of the worlds standards! 😁

Interesting fact about dog walking and I like that the orange bikes a free to hire. Is driving fairly civilised there or would you take your life into your hands on a bike?

I know right! But it's a big deal in these parts!

Hard to say about driving, I didn't get into a moving vehicle once, other than a bus, the entire time I was there. I walked and walked and walked for miles each day. But there is so much to see, I really enjoy it.

Hi @world-travel-pro, I love the concept here. Kind of refreshing to get the look at everyday life and scenes instead of the tourist destinations we see all the time.

Unfortunately this post was within 12 hours of payout when we encountered it so we cannot leave an upvote (encountered error message RE "Cannot increase payout within last twelve hours before payout.").

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

That is awesome. Thank you so much. As you can see this has been an ongoing series, so please feel free to check out some of my latest work any time.

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