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RE: Travel Pro Tip #32: How to Live Travel Pro! Inspired by @jedau. Part Six: Maximize Your Purchasing Power Through International Living! (Part I)

in #travel6 years ago

Hey, you're one step ahead from my next article.

"If I was travel pro I think I'd saved the money from the days when i didn't spend my budget and use that some time in the future to get to Europe."

That's exactly what I explain in my next article, or the one after that. I have two more already written.

Chile is expensive. I'm learning that fast. As expensive as any western country I've been to. I'm not happy about it. It's eating up and my budget but more than I though. It's almost impossible to get a hotel in Santiago for less then 50 dollars! Where peru it was $10. I'm still searching though. I just got here.

Antarctica, wow. Don't forget your scarf and mittens!


Glad I'm one step ahead! That makes a change @world-travel-pro. 😁

Sounds like we're going to have to do some extra saving if we want to spend time in Chile then.

Mind you, by the time we get there it might well have changed.

Happy hunting. I'm sure there's a deal out there somewhere for you to find! 😊

I just made a Travel Pro Deal. Thinking out-side the Travel Pro Box! lol

Since Chile is basically a first world country with first world prices I knew the deals would be with the people. So I found a guy online who works from 8am to 10pm and rents his two other bedrooms out of his 3 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment. So for 17 dollar a night I got myself 15 days at his place. It's clean, modern, gated community! The other room has two German girls. Which may be a bonus! They are tourist and out and about all day anyway. So basically I have this whole aparment to myself, kitchen, balcony looking out on the mountains.....for about the same price as a bed in an 8 person dorm! Very Travel Pro! This is the magic I'll have to work in Europe for sure. Plus there is a 60 inch flat screen TV and X box in the living room!

Ha, ha, ha! I knew you could do it @world-travel-pro. Welldone! Sounds like a very good deal.

Hope the German girls are good fun. 😁

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