My Travelling Experience To Southeast Asia

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

One of the things I love to do is to travel. It does not matter whether it is inside or outside the country. For me, traveling is the best way to escape life's problems and recharge my emotional batteries. Just take off and get far out of town as possible.

I love to travel because it gives a sense of adventure and freedom. It allows us to get away from "normal" life, experience other cultures, to get to know places we have only seen in movies. We get to try new food and meet new people. – Aleksandra Ka

Allow me to share my experience when I was travelling in Southeast Asia - Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand

For today's post, I will tell you about my experience in Cambodia.

Cambodia is a country known for its archaeological park, Angkor Wat Temple which gazetted as the UNESCO World Heritage site in 1992. But did you know, Cambodia was in the dark days during the brutal regime of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge?


When we set foot for the first time in Phnom Penh, we were we were greeted by our tour guide, Rith, and drove us to Frangipani hotel for check in. He then brings us to Wat Phnom - the tallest Buddhist Temple in the city center.


Main stairway leading to the Pagoda.

Inner view

We did not spend much time there. So, Rith took us across the waterfront with cycle rickshaw. After lunch, he brought us to Silver Pagoda which is locally known as the Temple of the Emerald-Crystal Buddha.


We did not get the opportunity to enter the temple since it was too crowded with people taking pictures of the Emerald Buddha. Instead, we spend more time outside of the temple.

@danieldoughty testing his photography skill

He was proud with this photo

For dinner, we had a street food as our main option. We love street food so much because we enjoyed being outdoors, it’s inexpensive and it’s a way to experience the culture.

The cook is preparing our food

While waiting, we had a so-called salad for appetizer with sour dipping sauce


Today, we are going to Tuol Sleng, the Genocide Museum S21. Tuol Sleng was originally a high school. It was then converted to a prison known as Security Prison 21 or S21 when Khmer Rouge took over the country in 1975 and it become the largest detention and torture center in Cambodia.


Each class was turned either into prisoner's cell or interrogation's rooms

The barbed wire was put in place to keep prisoners from escaping and throwing themselves off the balconies

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Security regulation in S21

Listening more heartbreaking history from our tour guide

Pictures of victims of S21

Some of the victims are children

Rith then brought us to the Killing Field in Cheung Ek village where they transported prisoners from S21 to be murdered. According to Rith, within 2 or 3 times a week, 50 up to hundreds of people including women, children and even babies were killed by the Khmer Rouge army and dumped their bodies in mass graves. To prevent villagers from hearing cries and moans from the victims, the Khmer Rouge army will be putting up a loud music through a large speaker which suspended on a tree.
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Next, we went to the Memorial Stupa which was built to commemorate the genocide.The stupa has acrylic glass sides and filled with more than 5,000 human skulls exhumed from the mass graves.




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Going through this experiences as a tourist in Cambodia, it is impactful and profound. It was more of an emotional tour than a historical tour, the history of Cambodia is less interesting to us compare to the emotional journey that I experience.

Because of the Pol Pot era is still considered new and many of those brutal soldiers were not caught and punish, they end up in hiding. When the reconciliation process happen , all of them mixed back into the society.

Those that did all the killing kept silence on their participation in Pol Pot's killing spree.

It was a truly learned and unforgettable experience being in Cambodia. I am wondering how Cambodian is able to move on from Pol Pot's tragedy , and continue on as a peaceful country.

I also learned through an old man (one of the survivor) who have written a book about the Cambodian genocide. When ask on how he was able move on from the tragedy, he said the only thing he can do now, is to share the stories of Pol Pot brutal era and remind the new generation that peace is everything.

We left Cambodia the next day and will be traveling to Siem Reap for Angkor Wat. I will tell you more about my experience visiting Siem Reap on my next post.

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Animated Banner Created by @cklai


Hello, your post was nominated for an upvote by a fellow within the Sndbox incubator. Thank you for sharing your travels with us @viverridae! Steem on :)

Wowee, what a pleasant surprise! Thank you so much for your support @sndbox .I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks for sharing your travel post. Nice!

Sorry ah! Lupa check dulu sebelum saya up-vote. heheh kosung bah.

Hahaha, tiapa ba.

Sebagai penganti, satu pack dulu 😝 atau satu set vodka cruiser. LOL

all places are wonderful if u appreciate it . keep sharing!

Thanks for dropping a comment @bj09.

Will do. Cheers.

Its quite a tragedy. I've wanted to travel to Cambodia since 2 years ago but it always got postponed due to busy schedule. Good sharing. I hope you enjoy your travel.

Thanks @n4zriofficial.

The tour to S21 and Killing Fields really gives an emotional impact to me. Still, I enjoyed learning their history. Had taught me a lot of things. 😊

Nuce place, i love it..i wish someday i can go Combodia and thailand..😬

Kami pun pre-plan ni. 1 year in advance. Mo tunggu airfare murah & kumpul $$ 😊

Tapi, with steemit, everyone can travel 😬

True indeed! So @chanelcalestus, gigioton buat post..hahaha

@viverridae, what a nice sharing. I hope one day our steemians can go travel together 😊

With steemit, anything is possible. Siok tu ramai2 pigi holiday together 😁

Wahh... Siok tu kalu ramai2.. 👍

Kan. Ndak payah pigi jauh2 , sini dalam Sabah pun ok suda tu kalau ramai2. Lagi enjoy.

Wow, really got many nice places to visit in Southeast Asia. Thanks for sharing. I love travelling too, but I have never been there before. Maybe I should plan my coming trips to these places too.

Yes, you should. You won't be disappointed 😊

Wow! I will travel to cambodia and experience it. Tq for sharing

Glad that you enjoyed reading my post 😊

I love this post, its really interesting. Cambodia is a beautiful country, I'm really fascinated by the pictures you took at Angkor Wat, but got the chills when I looked at the pictures of skulls and victims of Khmer Rouge. Keep posting @vivveridae.

Thanks @beverlyjoe

The pictures above are taken when we are in S21 and Killing Fields. Angkor Wat, on the other hand, is in Siem Reap. 😊

I'm planning to write about Angkor Wat in my next post. Stay tuned. 😬

Looking forward to read it👍😊

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