Beautiful monument Turtle stone of amazon

in #travel6 years ago


The monument constitutes a sacred space and the place that houses petroglyphs and testimonies of the cultural activity that exists in the area and forms a landscape element of first order in the Amazonas State.

The site known as La Tortuga concentrates a high archaeological and landscape value for the Amazonian region as it represents a testimony of the presence of the ancient inhabitants of the territory.

It was decreed as a monument on June 5, 1992 and has an area of ​​525 hectares with average atura of 100 to 400 meters above sea level.


  • Flora

It has a diversity of diverse vegetation associated with the different existing microhabitats because it is located in a transition zone of the Caribbean and Amazonian regions, it can be seen from algae to forests of 25 meters high standing out the orchid (Pleorothallis papillosa, the shrub Tabebuia orinocensis and the palm siagrus orinocensis, exclusive of the slabs of the rock.


In the high part, in the hillsides and depressions of the outcrops, a dense vegetation develops with abundance of palms of cucurito and coroba, as well as endemic species among which the cacho e'venao stands out, pyrite plant that grows in the outcrops Rocky There are spots of morichales, riparian and gallery forests located on the banks of the Cataniapo river and in the Pintao channel.

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  • Vegetation

The vegetation that surrounds these outcrops is part of the tropical dry forest, gramineous savannahs of the llanero type, among which the plains, the manteco, the cork oak, with sets of chaparral and transitional bushes where the picatón is located, an endemic plant. reported only in the savannas of the Amazonas State.


  • Fauna

The presence of the cock of the rock (Rupicola rupícola) and about 300 species of birds have been reported for this area, Chirri nursery, havana hawk, oripopo, royal carpenter, venison hawk. The following mammals stand out: rabbits and cachicamos. The following snakes have been reported: mapanare, tragavenado.


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