Live Truth Productions Presents "How to Find the Best Deals on Airfare"

in #travel7 years ago

Live Truth Productions is a multimedia publishing house & more from the Garden of Eden sustainable ecovillage!

Education is one of our primary focuses: we want to inspire everyone to think outside the box and open themselves to the infinite possibilities that exist for ALL aspects of life, and we encourage free thinkers to CHOOSE a full spectrum life of thrival that adds value for all beings and our Earth! 

To that end, we want to share some of our projects with you!

While our @truthproductions account has only been active for over than half a year on Steemit, we have been hard at work behind the scenes in service to the @gardenofeden's community mission for almost a decade! We have hundreds of thousands of photos, thousands of videos, articles, graphics, and designs, and multiple websites that illuminate sustainable, honorable, responsible options that support a better world for all creatures and our living planet, and we look forward to continuing to share them here on the blockchain.

We have been visual artists for years with combined decades of experience, and Steemit productions are one of our latest masteries! We offer our consulting services to help one and all improve their own success on this platform - stay tuned for an upcoming post with more info.

Now, to get to today's post - we're sharing great tips for finding deals on airfare!

Traveling is very exciting, and taking care of the fine details can make for smooth sailing. We want to share our tips for finding the best deal on a flight so everyone can benefit from our extensive research and experience!

The Eden Knights are experienced travelers! We have crew all over the world educating others about the power of STEEM and scouting locations for expansion.

We'll have tales of adventures to share soon enough, but for now we'll stick to helpful reference. 


Trip planning can be an enjoyable aspect of travel, especially when you start finding great deals! Here are our tips to find a great deal on a flight:

Search from an incognito window in your browser. This deletes browsing history and web cache. Flight websites access your data to manipulate the prices based on your searches. Incognito windows don't store data, and the prices won't be changed.

Use a comparative flight site like Kayak or Skyscanner to get ballpark figures. You can use them to search +/- 3 days around your departure date as well; if you have some flexibility in your schedule, it's great to see a side by side comparison. It's relatively cheaper to fly on a Tuesday. 

Check early, and check often! The closer you get to your flight date, usually the more expensive the ticket. We've had the best success using dates at least 2 weeks out.

It's definitely worth the effort to research and compare. 

  • Search the major cities to fly out of in your country, and the major cities to fly into in/near your destination. For a flight from the US to Amsterdam, we searched flights out of DFW, Denver, Chicago, LAX, Las Vegas, Houston, Washington, D.C., Miami, Boston, NYC, Newark, and Baltimore. We searched for flights landing in Amsterdam, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Madrid, Barcelona, Zurich, Oslo, and even Istanbul. 
  • Search round trip and one way flights. 
  • Try piecing together your own itinerary. Find the flights for each leg, and individually search for them. Then head over to the airline's own website to see if it's any cheaper than the comparative site. A dollar might not make much of a difference, but if you have 6 or 8 flights and each carrier's site is actually $5 or $10 less than the comparative site, you can save a significant amount. 

Investigate fees! Some airlines offer super cheap flights, but then charge for everything from a ticket to selecting a seat to even carry-on luggage! US domestic airlines are adopting a fee even for the first checked bag. United, Delta, and American Airlines still offer a free carry on, but now charge for any checked luggage. Consider how much stuff you will actually need in your destination!

We are incredible packers. 

Enjoy the journey!

Thanks for tuning in today ~ we hope you enjoyed and found value in this Live Truth Production!

In upcoming posts, we will offer a better look at our services and core @truthproductions team: 





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interesting finds . How and why is it cheap to fly on a Tuesday?will be trying this out on my next trip.

It seems fewer people fly on Tuesdays, and you can find better deals on most airlines on that day.
Our schedules are often very flexible, so we like to select the "flexible dates" option around the time we want to fly to compare different days of the week.

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