Denmark joins list of countries with no barriers to entry

in #travel2 years ago

The list just keep growing. More and more counties are waking up and realizing that Covid tests, vaccines, and other such things are completely irrelevant as far as the world is concerned. It is all falling apart like the house of cards that it always was.

Denmark joins 22 other countries in having absolutely zero Covid-oriented barriers to entry as far as getting into the country is concerned. You don't need to show proof of vaccination, you don't have to take a PCR test, there is no quarantine. If you qualify for visa to Denmark, you can go to Denmark... period


I will admit i know very little about Denmark. I have neve been there. I do know Danish people though and can tell you that they are absolutely elated about this. Well maybe some aren't, but then again i run in circles with people that are upset with the way the world had been handled the past two years.

So if you are the kind of person that has been upset like i have been for 2 years about how we have been restricted, restrained, and reserved about where we can go and how for a while then relatively high-profile and wealthy countries like Denmark joining the list of countries that have zero Covid regulations in regards to entry is a very very good thing.

Here is a list of all the countries that you can currently travel to without any Covid restrictions whatsoever.


In my mind it is about time we got back to normal and when affluent countries like Denmark join the list of countries have "had enough" it is a sign that things are going to change globally very soon.

Well done Denmark, I personally commend you for making what i consider to be a very wise choice that should have been made 18 months ago.

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