Somewhere over the Rainbow🌈

in #travel6 years ago


Boy oh boy it's been about as humid as it can get lately. I'm not sure if anyone is a fan of humidity, it's really hard to be comfortable, whether it's in your own home or taking an evening stroll. Everything feels sticky. I just returned from a nice little walk and had to change my clothes due to overheating and sweating through my t shirt. The one neat thing about when the weather is like this is that as you can see in the picture above, rainbows can be found! Pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

As miserable as the weather has been lately at times, there are some nice moments in each day. Sometimes later at night when it actually starts cooling down, it's nice to have all the windows open here to let that cool breeze draft through. Moments like these only exist a couple hours in the day, most of the day it's humid, and then the later it gets the colder it gets. I've woken up a few nights in the past week with my window open due to the humidity when I go to sleep and then wake up too cold and have to close it. I'm sure this happens to all of us. A unique time of the year that's for sure.


Good vibes.

There is always a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, right?


Make a wish, it may come true.

Make a wish.

Saw a pretty neat rainbow last week while taking a drive.

Wow looking so beautiful.

Saw one just yesterday actually.

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