Throwback Thursday's: Hong Kong // Part 2

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemian friends,

It's another Throwback Thursday's!

In last week's post, we had just arrived in Hong Kong late Friday evening and had a great catch up with our friends who hosted us. Our first day was spent wondering through the hustle and bustle of Central Hong Kong. Being a Saturday, Hong Kong was packed with tourists and so we had to skip the Peak Tram up to Victoria Peak. We walked all around Central, rushing through streets to see as much as we could. The only time we could relax was on the ferry back from Central to Lantau Island. We looked back at the skyline of Hong Kong city and thought to ourselves 'What did we actually see today?!'.

Sunday 28th January - Beach walks and Peng Chau

Like any Sunday morning, there were no wake up calls, no alarms, just silence. Noticing it was 08:00 and being in someone else's house, we thought we shouldn't be rude and sleep in all morning. Everybody was already up and tucking into their first meal of the day. We glanced outside and saw that the weather hadn't improve from Saturday. It was another grey and miserable day. Normally back at home, that would be a lounge pants and Netflix day. Yet, when in Hong Kong, do what the Hong Kongese do (yes, that's what they are called). Our friend and host, Netty, had a few suggestions for the day, but we really didn't want to impose on making her do things for us, so we said we would do whatever she had planned. Anyway, Becca wanted to spend time with her and her two girls. It's was their Sunday as well, they shouldn't be rushing around to drop us off at the ferry and then later in the day picking us up.

Over breakfast we planned out the day. We would take the morning to head down to their local beach with their two little ones whilst Netty and her husband had time to themselves (as he had to fly off later that morning) and after lunch we would head to one of the nearby islands to rent out bicycles and explore. Yet, there is ALWAYS time for a little session on the trampoline, which was to the enjoyment of the two little girls as they had new friends to join them.

'Misty' Lower Cheung Sha Beach

Lower Cheung Sha Beach and Upper Cheung Sha Beach, yes, you guessed it, right next to each other. The beaches are separated by a small forest, which has a narrow path linking the two. These were Netty's local beaches and they won't be winning the 'best beach' award anytime soon. Okay, it wasn't that bad. Maybe it was the weather that day, but it's known that the waters around Hong Kong are quite polluted.  Let's say usually we would be running into the sea to dip our toes, but this time we opted out. Sometimes exploring the beach can be as exciting than swimming in the sea. We were taking care of Netty's two little girls, which was super fun because we got to explore the beach through their eyes. Picking up seashells (different colours and shapes), climbing rocks (playing 'King of the Castle') and having leaf races as there were streams flowing into the sea. Despite the grey and cold weather, we could have spent all day there, but there was much to see still.

Walks along Upper Cheung Sha Beach

Becca showing the girls what could be in the streams

Shells! Sam likes shells

Quick stop back at the house for lunch - pitta bread and dips - food for fuel. Netty had planned to visit Peng Chau for our afternoon activity. She and her husband were praising about Peng Chau in the morning as we could rent bicycles once we got to the island, cycle around and check out the cave. It sounded like a perfect afternoon, so we all got into the car and headed off to Mui Wo pier to catch the 14:30 ferry to Peng Chau. The ferry ride took only twenty minutes to Netty's surprise.... as we got off and walked out of the pier, Netty said "I'm sure the pier was much longer the last time I came here". This was the moment she realised she was praising about the wrong island all this time. We weren't suppose to be in Peng Chau, but Cheung Chau! We could easily make that mistake too. She had never been to Peng Chau before, so she was wondering how she got the islands mixed up. Anyway, you make of what you get. The first ferry back, which we wanted to get, would be at 17:50. So, having arrived at 14:50, we had some time. We took this opportunity to scope out this island. To be honest, there was nothing special about the island, but as we walked down the alleys of the small main town we got to see what Sunday life was to these islanders. Some were playing bridge and others were making offerings and praying at the temple. As we walked along the harbour, we saw some of the older islanders flying their kites as it was such a windy day. They would fly their kites so high and when they either lost control or had enough they would cut the string. We would watch the kite take its own course and with the help of the wind it would drift away. After a few moments, the kite flyers would attach a new kite to the string and start the whole process again. It was nice to see some old traditions still being kept, even though we know those plastic kites would eventually fall into the sea and pollute the waters.

Type of ferry that goes from island to island

Are we meant to be here?

Locals on their Sunday bike ride

Older islanders sitting on the bridge flying their plastic kites

On our way back towards the harbour, we noticed a small trail leading off the main path and it looked like a paved coastal walk. With an hour spare, we thought why not? The trail meandered alongside the coastline and with no end in sight, we kept on walking/having running competitions with the girls to keep them entertained. Finally, we arrived at the end - a viewpoint where you could see Hong Kong's skyline (if the weather permitted us). It would have been a great spot to take photos, but the fog and mist only got heavier as darkness was falling on us. We rushed back along the trail weaving in and out, in order, not only to catch the ferry back, but to get ourselves a couple of drinks for the journey home (priorities first). As we jumped on the ferry back, it was a relief to put our feet up and enjoy our beers. As we arrived back home and upon reflection, we were glad to have explored the island on Peng Chau despite not planning on doing so. Sometimes life throws you a curve ball, you can do what you want with it. We suggest hitting it and see if you end up getting a home run!

The coastal trail that leads to the viewpoint

Viewpoint on a sunny day would have been better - you can just make out Hong Kong skyline

Great day exploring Peng Chau! Now where are those beers?

Stay tuned for next week's edition (part 3), where we head over to Macau for a day! Did we gamble all of our money in the casinos? Find out next week!

Stay Classy Steemians!

Throwback Thursday’s is a post written by the @travelling-two every Thursday to inform their followers and readers about their previous travel experiences.

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