If you like travelling you going to love PERU!!! (Part 3 of South American trip)

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


Goodbye Ecuador Hello Peru, we did a night bus leaving Ecuador, and kept going busing all day, slept few hours in a shitty town and kept going until Huaraz a cool town in the Andes. But in the middle of our 2-3 days journey it was my turn to be sick, oh dear karma is a bitch I am telling you, we were close to 1 hour bus ride away from the shitty town where we stayed for the night and my stomach started to cramp and I shit my pants lol, and a second time at the hostel, Jay obviously laughed pretty hard and enjoyed the sweet revenge lol. Oh travelling is fun ahah. So we kept pushing towards the Andes.
Huaraz is a town of 90 000 people at 3200m high (10 500 feet) in altitude. It’s a bit heavier when you breathe. We chilled for few days enjoying the town and one day we bought some locals wine one bottle each and ouow we didn’t realise we were drunk until we stood up and went out of our hostel to found food.





Next day woke up early and did one of the most amazing hike in my life “the lagoon 69” it’s a hike at 4680m high (15300 feet) Our driver drop us up at the bottom of the valley and said “go”. We crossed a huge long valley full of rivers and cows, glaciers all around I truly felt we were in the Lord of the Rings movie, after 5 amazing hours of hiking we reached the lagoon, damn the last 1h was steep and difficult to control movement and breathe, altitude eh. But the top was so worth it, the lagoon was bright bright blue into a volcano hole where glaciers melted in. The water was super pure, cold as fuck and delicious. Jay and I opened a beer and enjoy the sick view all around us. We didn’t bring food, maybe few grapes. Rush back down and hit the restaurant with few courses.






Lima capital of Peru, we decided to do Couchsurfing and stay with locals again, some really cool people. Enjoy few beers, chatted about our cultures and went to bed I mean couch lol. Next day was my birthday so we went first to the ocean and surfed. So cool to try surfing in continent, I love this sport. After we did a pub crawl until the next day, on the way we ate some Ceviche which is a seafood dish popular in Peru. Ceviche is basically fresh raw fish cured in citrus juices (most common lemon and lime) with fresh sliced onions and chopped garlic. It’s delicious. Ordered few tequila to go with it, good times. After that well beers, wines and more shots to continue my birthday. Chilled for few more days and it was time to say goodbye to our new Peruvian friends and hit the road.




Next stop the desert yeah pretty hard to imagine Peru with a desert, well few hours away from Lima was Huacachina it’s a desert oasis tiny village. At its center are the green waters of the Huacachina Lagoon, ringed by palm trees. The lagoon's shores are full of bars and clubs.
We came here to do some dune buggies, ride with 9 people into this special “4 by 4” desert Dakar style, our driver was young and crazy towards nowhere to jump the dunes by riding them super-fast. Stopped on the top got our Sand board, here we go let’s go down…

So much fun, we fell few times for sure but enjoyed so much, Jay’s snowboarding background helped a lot he was a natural. After few hours playing in the sand we made our way back to the oasis but stopped to enjoyed one of the most amazing sunset I have seen in my life.









It was time for a well-deserved shower cos I am pretty sure we had few kilos of sands stuck everywhere on our bodies lol. We showered and enjoy the pool for the rest of the night and a sweet Peruvian BBQ at the hostel. Has much pisco sour as we want for Happy hour and guess what they ran out lol so they had to switch to rum whisky.
After few days in the desert it was time to go in the mountains near Machu Picchu. So we took a 16h bus ride until Cusco, the town where the tours start and did the Jungle trek Tour. Cusco is actually amazing, used to be the capital of the Inca Empire.
Stay tune for Part 4 of South American trip MACHU PICCHU AND THE JUNGLE TREKK!!!


Just starting to travel this summer, doing a big eurotrip with some friends and ending it in Paris with my brother getting married under the Eiffel tower. Always wanted to go to Machu Picchu though, will check out that post pho sho.

Dang! That's an amazing trip your on. Looks so nice. Thanks for taking the time to share it with us. Upvoted! That lagoon is better than Lake Tahoe. And I was amazed by that Lake.

Yeah it was definitely amazing scenery!!

How were the prices for all of these activities in these areas. What is your daily budget, if you don't mind me asking, for making this adventure happen?

Peru is pretty cheap... when I was there we ate at the local equivalent of five-star restaurants for less than $10 per person... and hostels aren't very expensive either.

Once you get to Europe that can change, of course.

Maybe you'd be interested -- a few days ago I posted on my blog @traveladdict some "insider secrets" for travelling really cheap based on a lot of hard earned experience.

And speaking of hostels, tomorrow I'll post my hostel sex story. (It's less awkard than it sounds.)

There is cheaper country in South America for sure but its still cheap depending on yr comfort, we did it super cheap by couchsurf and doing deals activities/extra free night, night bus etc... But because Peru has so much to offer hiking trekking wise its more budget. I will try to found my book and get you a real answer


Love your pictures, thanks for sharing.

Good content
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