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RE: Manapan - the second most popular hike in Taiwan

in #travel5 years ago

Hi @livinguktaiwan, your post has been reviewed by the TravelFeed content team, but it does not qualify for an upvote since you did not post through


Based on your post, we have the following feedback for you:

  • We noticed that you did not publish your post through or edited your post on other Steem frontends. For better-looking blogs, we recommend you use our EasyEditor. As a bonus, when you post through our platform, you receive double upvotes from us, you are eligible for the top pick of the day (resteem + featured on the front page) and you can earn extra rewards from being featured in our daily curation posts. You can simply login with your existing Steem account using Steemconnect or Steem Keychain. See you next time on!

Thanks for using TravelFeed!
@for91days (TravelFeed team)

PS: You can now search for your travels on-the-go with our Android App. Download it on Google Play


I'm not sure what your curation criterias are now. I notice some posts aren't posted from but are still curated by you. Is there a double standard that some get curated even though they didn't post through and others don't? To leave a comment to say a post does not qualify for upvotes when clearly this does not apply to all users seems very odd.

I don't mind if a post is not curated because there are other stronger posts, and you can just ignore it like all the other major curation guilds, but to review a post and say it doesn't qualify because it wasn't posted through your interface seems like another way to get the travelfeed name out on more posts. I'm sure it's not your intention, but it's gradually looking like that to many.

You guys are doing a great job, and its awesome that you are onboarding new users, but please don't do that at the expense of pushing existing users away. Many of us have been around for a while and know what we're doing and don't need to be told over and over again how to write our posts.

Finally, using a particular tag is not all about upvotes, is about sharing relevant content to the applicable audience as well.

Well said @livinguktaiwan! 👍 I "second the motion" ...

Thanks for your feedback! All posts are reviewed equally by our curation team and receive a quality score that impacts their ranking on and the upvote they receive. As it has always been, only the best posts receive an upvote. The exception to that is that all (even low-quality) posts published through that are now guaranteed a (small) upvote, unless they are blacklisted for violating our policies. Quality posts from other apps can still receive an upvote, but it is now capped at 50%. There are no "double standards", some posts simply don't rate high enough by our content team.

No TravelFeed team member has ever been paid for their contribution and for the past two years, we have invested a lot of time and money to build TravelFeed into what it is today and we are far from done — we are getting ready to go big. We have supported many bloggers over the past two years, and we are happy to see that most of our users are now supporting us by publishing their travel blogs through and giving us valuable feedback on how we can further improve We like to return the favour by doubling the upvotes for these users.

Another reason why we want posts published through is that posts published through other apps will never send any Google traffic to and are therefore of almost no value to us. While TravelFeed started as a curated tag, we have always seen our future as much more than that: The Steem rewards-pool incentives high-frequency but low/mediocre-quality posts. Sure, Steemians "know what they are doing" in order to maximise their author rewards, but very few write long, SEO-optimised high-quality blogs that will show up on the top of Google searches, which is what we are looking for. Similar to private blogs, TravelFeed will focus on the long-term monetisation through advertising and affiliates, where a high-quality post can potentially bring in hundreds of Dollars in passive income over the years, without the hassle of growing, managing and monetising a private blog.

While the rewards-pool is misaligned and we don't believe that Steemit nor most Steem apps in their current form have any chance for mainstream adoption, we do believe in the potential that the Steem blockchain offers. In order to make TravelFeed appealing to mainstream users, we are doing many things differently than apps targeted towards experienced Steemians.

Even tough this poses some technical challenges, we are trying our best to make the transition for Steemit users as smooth as possible by still accepting submissions from other apps and as far as we are aware, we are the only app that upvotes posts that were published through other apps - ever noticed dTube upvoting a 3speak video with the tag #dtube or Steempress upvoting Steemit posts tagged with #steempress?. If innovating means that we lose some Steemit users who are not willing to go with the time, that makes us sad, but it is a price that we are willing to pay.

Thanks for your lengthy response @travelfeed. I am absolutely fine with not being curated if your curators believe that there are stronger more deserving posts. Whilst curating for the Steemitworldmap, I am well aware that the quality of the travel posts are getting stronger as time goes by. Every curation guild, and even curators within the same guild have their own standards and preferences for particular posts, so even the strongest authors should not expect to be curated all th etime, let along the low quality ones.

My issue is your comment your post has been reviewed by the TravelFeed content team, but it does not qualify for an upvote since you did not post through This says absolutely nothing about quality, it is all about your app and not using it, and contradicts with your statement:

All posts are reviewed equally by our curation team and receive a quality score that impacts their ranking on and the upvote they receive. As it has always been, only the best posts receive an upvote.

If you comment said your post has been reviewed by the TravelFeed content team, but it does not qualify for an upvote due to the volume of other higher-quality posts... or something along those lines, then that is consistent with your statement only the best posts receive an upvote. But that's not the case with. As you are aware, I am not the only user who feel this way about your comment, and I am aware of others who have not voiced their concerns in public.

I get it that you have your vision and plan to take Travelfeed to better and greater places and I sincerely hope you succeed as I know you have all put a lot of effort in this. I can only say, there are ways, not a way to do things, and it doesn't always have to come at a price.

Being more than casually interested in this exchange @travelfeed, while you've made salient points and while I am even sympathetic to some of them, I don't think you have addressed the most basic point made by @livinguktaiwan. Is that by design? Unintentional? Only "you" (if you are willing to identify who "I" is, that would be welcome information) would know which.

And what is that you might ask? Addressing the contradiction between this in your original message:

”… it does not qualify for an upvote since you did not post through”

with this in your response:

”Quality posts from other apps can still receive an upvote, but it is now capped at 50%.”

… and …

”… we are the only app that upvotes posts that were published through other apps … “

Which is it? It cannot be both. It is hard to imagine any unbiased observer not drawing the same conclusion. And “for the record,” I am not an unbiased observer, as I received a similar message (although you did bestow a 1% upvote and a “smiley” on it …) from you myself on one of my posts a few days ago …


While waiting to “hear” which it is, I’ll take the opportunity to comment further on what you have to say about your current efforts and future plans. Again, I’ll stress as a preface to what I want to say, that I am sympathetic to some of what you have to say.

I would caution you to tread very carefully on how you choose to strike the balance between handling your historic association with the Steem blockchain and your apparent plans to expand beyond it. Even the perception by others, along the way toward your stated objective, that they have been or are being mistreated in any way will not serve you well. Particularly true of those who have invested a great deal of time into helping you reach the status you enjoy today.

I won’t bore you with a retelling of some case histories of what I am talking about here. As an experienced Steem community, you either are or should be well aware of them.

To be crystal clear, so as not to be misunderstood, I am not making any accusations. I am merely providing you the reaction, from a Steemian who has been “in here” for ~ 20 months, that I have to what I am reading here and elsewhere …

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