Traveling with Loka - Spot X Surf Spot

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

This is the start of my East Coast adventure with Loka. And boy was it a good one! The journy took me all the way from Sydney up to Cairns which according to Google Maps is 2602 km and the majority of the journy was by bus! That's like traveling from one side of Europe to the other!

The bus is a hop on hop off style just like Greyhounds so you can stay more or less as long as you like in each place. In fact, the ticket is valid for a year!

The Loka bus stops at way more stops compared to other companies and is alot more social. There's guides too which help you out issues, drive you around and basically have a great time with. I'd highly recommend it!

The first stop over was actually a place called Barington Tops but I've sadly lost the pictures and the best of it was sitting in a Jacuzzi with my new Loka budies with the Milky way above us. It was incredible! But my phone camera isn't ideal for capturing the stars.

Having said this, I can show you and tell you about *Spot X*. ![image]() *If anyone has me on Facebook, now you know where this picture was taken.*

Spot X was the second place I visited on my adventure from Sydney all the way up to Cairns. I'd heard about this place from other people however it wasn't positive.

"I wouldn't bother going there it's not that great"
"There's nothing to do, it's just a beach"
"The waves arn't that big"

Blah blah blah...

"Have you been?" I'd ask

"No" is the answer I got most of the time

My Loka bus stopped there weather I wanted to or not so I didn't have a choice. As you can imagine, my expectations wern't that high..

We got there late at night, tired from the bus journy. But the vibe at the camp was cool, drinking games and banter round a fire...good fun. We slept in tipis which were surprisingly comfortable and I got a good nights sleep.

The next morning I woke up to this.


Not so bad right? That's the bridge you walk across to the beach.

I had to get closer to get a better view of my surroundings.

Did I mention this view is about 6 metres from where I slept. Yet the night before I had no idea!

Since it's a surf camp, you learn to surf. It's an amazing place for a beginner. I had surfed before so I simply hired a board and walked down the beach (first pic)
The waves are quite long here and consistant, there's also green waves at the back which I caught.

A member of my group had a Go Pro and kindly sent me the pictures (Thanks Alex 😁)
Me surfing 🤙🏄 Yeeww!

I had a great time and like I said. It's a fantastic place for beginners. Members of my group opted to stay 5 days to learn to properly. I don't blame them.

So was it worth it? Hell yeh!

Yes there's not much else there but so what! It's worth it for the sun rise alone!

And yet this was only the beginning of my epic adventure up the coast.

Can't wait to share the rest! 😁


Oh wow 😍 that's some gorgeous view and looks extremely fun! I wish NY beaches were as nice looking, awesome post my dude 💖

Thank you 😊

Gorgeous shots!

Thanks for taking the time to stop by 🙂

nice shots

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