What a beautiful country Ukraine

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

 Unique places of Ukraine created the nature of water, sand, mountains, trees and boulders. Ukraine have their own unique places that are striking in scale and beauty. They are shrouded in legends and mysteries that historians are still trying to unravel. Here you can rejuvenate, make a beautiful memory photo again. 

                                                                     Oleshky desert  

200 acres of hot sand sea that hides at its bottom has a lot of secrets  is in Tsiurupynsk district, 30 kilometers East of Kherson. There was a  desert through grazing huge flocks of sheep here in the XIX century. The  sheep ate all the grass in the area, leaving only Sands that have  expanded wind erosion. Today, Oleshky desert is considered the largest  sandy array of Europe, which consists of seven so-called arenas. They  are all hilly, with fluctuation up to 20 meters. In addition, here at a  depth of 300-400 meters there is a fresh underground lake with very good  water, and in the middle of the desert is one of the unique creations  of nature - oasis. One of the legends connects the desert with the  Cossacks-characterniki. Local residents say that the Ukrainian ataman  Ivan Sirko here was a rite of passage - spent a month in Oleshky desert  without food and water. Since 2010, this area is a National natural Park  and is fenced on all sides by artificial forests. 

                                                  Dniester canyon

 This canyon was formed due to leaching of the Dniester rocks of the  Podolian upland the Dniester river and is located on the border of  Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Chernivtsi and Khmelnytsky regions. The  largest in Ukraine and one of Europe's largest canyons, it is a valley  whose steep banks reach from 100 to 250 feet above the water. In  addition, on the territory of the Dniester canyon is about 100 monuments  of animate and inanimate nature of global significance. There are also  the unique standards of exfoliation of rocks. Also, on the territory of  Dniester region is 26 localities where was studied Trypillian culture


                                                        Optimistic cave                                        

 It is the longest gypsum cave in the world. It is located near the  village of Korolivka in the Ternopil region. Optimistic cave formed by  the dissolution by groundwater of the Neogene gypsum of the century,  fourteen million years ago. The greatest treasure caves are considered  secondary mineral formations that for tens of thousands of years of  growing here in the underground cavities. It is primarily gypsum  crystals of various shapes and colors. In addition, the cave impresses  with its snow-drifts - clusters at the bottom of the cave transparent  needle-shaped crystals of gypsum. Tourists called them "snow cave". Here  in the lowest parts of the labyrinth of the cave you can come across  underground lakes that look like mirrors from the water. Interestingly,  the temperature in the Optimistic cave, during the year, the constant  and varies from 9.5 - 10.5 degree and does not depend on the temperature  of the air at the surface. The cave impresses with its beauty and  uniqueness and attracts every year more and more tourists. 

                                                           Uritsky rocks  

Monument of nature and archeology of national importance, which has no  analogues in Europe, located near the village of Urych in the l'viv  region, on the left slope of the valley flood Uricani. Here, amidst a  forest of towering majestic cliffs, which reach heights of 50 meters.  Uritsky rocks are in historical and landscape complex "Tustan" in the  national natural Park "skolivski Beskydy" and includes seven groups of  rocks: Stone, Sharp Stone, little Rock, Gutter, Bun, Cross, and one  unnamed rock. His striking monument is decorated with original  carvings-signs, in which the image of the symbol of the Sun, whose  purpose is still not known. In addition, one of the most interesting and  the most impressive of these drawings-petroglyphs-foot image of a human  face, carved on a rock. Among the famous people who visited here, king  Daniel of Galicia and Casimir the Great Ukrainian writer Ivan Franko.  Every year in Uritsky rocks, the Festival of Ukrainian medieval culture  "Tu Stan!", which attracts many lovers of medieval culture 

                                                     Stone Graves   

The tract "Stone Grave" is a mountainous country in miniature, located  in the village Nazarovka Donetsk region. Here you can see a whole bunch  of natural sculptures and works of stone, which are perceived by  tourists as fantasy artists. Unique granites of the tract, the age of  which is about two billion years old, have no analogues in the world.  According to one legend, this "mountain country" was located a large  city and his Kingdom, which was cursed by an evil sorcerer. Today, the  Stone tomb is one of four divisions of the Ukrainian state steppe nature  reserve of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 

                                                              Klevan. Tunnel of love  

It's the most romantic place in Volyn, which is a Botanical phenomenon  and is situated along the railway track between the village of Klevan  and Orzhiv. Formed was a tunnel thickets of trees and shrubs that are  woven together in an arched form. Locals say that if a couple kiss while  walking through the tunnel, their love scripits for life. Therefore  many couples tend to get this tunnel to forever seal their love with a  kiss. Also, among honeymooners spread tradition here to plant flowers  that symbolize their feelings. Besides, summer and autumn Tunnel of love  affects beauty, which is breathtaking. 

                                                          Shypit Waterfall  

A picturesque waterfall located in a deep gorge of the river Pylypets on the Northern slopes of the mountain massif polonyna "Borzhava" in the Carpathian region. This is one of the most beautiful waterfalls of Ukraine, where each year attracts thousands of tourists to admire them. Water jet falls off 14-metre height of several cascades and scattered by cloud drops. Since the early nineties, every year here come the hippies and other subcultures of Ukraine and from abroad on an informal July festival, which concludes with the holiday of Ivan Kupala.

                                                                            Lake Svityaz  

Lake Synevir Lake is the most valuable natural treasure of the National  natural Park "Synevyr" and is one of the business cards of the Ukrainian  Carpathians. According to one legend, this lake was formed by a flow of  tears count's daughter Xin, the place where her beloved, a simple  shepherd Verkhovynsky VIR, was killed by a stone block by order of the  treacherous count. Legend is beautiful, but there is real evidence that  it actually formed about 10 thousand years ago, in a powerful shift from  the earthquake. The uniqueness of the lake is that the water never  overflows its banks, even during the highest floods, and all because at  the bottom there is a hole that serves as a natural regulator of the  water level in it. In our time, the lake attracts a lot of lovers for  the wedding reception on the shores of the lake. The reason for this is a  popular belief that if people met near the lake, they are waiting for a  big and strong love. 

                                                        Lake Synevyr  

The lake is considered the most valuable natural treasure of the  National natural Park "Sinevir" and is one of the business cards of the  Ukrainian Carpathians. According to one legend, this lake was formed by a  flow of tears count's daughter Xin, the place where her beloved, a  simple shepherd Verkhovynsky VIR, was killed by a stone block by order  of the treacherous count. Legend is beautiful, but there is real  evidence that it actually formed about 10 thousand years ago, in a  powerful shift from the earthquake. The uniqueness of the lake is that  the water never overflows its banks, even during the highest floods, and  all because at the bottom there is a hole that serves as a natural  regulator of the water level in it. In our time, the lake attracts a lot  of lovers for the wedding reception on the shores of the lake. The  reason for this is a popular belief that if people met near the lake,  they are waiting for a big and strong love. 


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