How to plan a trip (minimum costs) FOR BEGINNERS xD

in #travel8 years ago

Most important thing about a trip is of course the location, or the locations if there are more of them, here i will write the perspective of a trip traveling by car (van, monovolumen, city car..) .For all the facts here i will name the example from my personal experience. 

Most important factors about how to plan a trip are:

          -People (how much of you are going)

          -Money (how much are you willing to spend)

          -Path (Your choise of the path you will using)

          -Seating (place where you will sleep)

          - Transport (what kind of transport are you using)

          -Time (how much time do you have)


          Never, but never go on a trip with someone who can you not stand.With those people who you choose(or they choose you) you will spend next few days.Usually after a few days trip, when you come back home, you will have the feeling you where absent for months.That is an excelent teambuilding.Especially if you had fun.

          My favorite numbers of people for a trip are from 5 to 9 and depending on that number you choose almost everything else.But one thing you must consider.On one side if there is more people there is more likely that someone will give up or you have some sort of problems, and on the other hand if there is more people there is greater chance to have more fun.


          After a good summer season in witch we all have found some kind of a summer job in late September us 6 decided to treat ourself with a nice trip to relax a bit.

Vatican 28.9.2016


          The fact you are reading this on Steemit tells us that we need to think economic.It's not an insult it's just the way it is in todays world's situation.Nobody wants to spend more money than they need to.So if you are planing a trip you must put yourself togather that you will spend some money on things you dont want to.Like souvenires for family and stuff.You will probably save money for that trip weeks even monthes before the actual trip.Remember that you will always spend less money if you plan your trip for yourself that ask an travel agency.They will give you an nice price for the trip but you will be limited with the things they imposed to you.


          Out trip has costs us about 150$ per person, 4 days in Italy, rent-a-car, 3500 kilometers, highway, fuel, and seatigs (without food)

          An little advice to save some money, the less your car will weight the less you fuel will spend and so the money,so pay attention to the unnecessary baggage you will take and when you are refuling, fill your tank to the half,fuel is heavy!


          If you know where you are going, and you have the time i would always choose the shorter but the slower road,usually the more curvy roads are more interesting and they are not so boring like the highway.They will help you stay awake if you are driving for a long time.And of course with normal speed driving you will spend less fuel.Now, if you live somewhere else i dont know about you but here in Europe most of our countries have vignette, an mostly lowcost highway tickets, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly.For example for Slovenia an weekly ticket costs 10 euros, and in that time you can use the Slovenian highway as much as you want to.


          We have choosen the highway for our trip because only two of us had driver licence and we where both unexperienced drivers, with no gps or anything (xD)  

          Our journey began in Zagreb,Croatia and over Slovenia we headed to Italy.The highway from Zagreb to Slovenia is free and on the first gas station in Slovenia we bought an weekly vignette.One problem was that in Italy they dont use vignettes,so our biggest cost of the trip was the highway in Italy,about 120 euros.


          When you go on a trip i recommend to book your place where to stay even 2 months before the trip,it mosty depends from the time of the year but my NY plans to Amsterdam was complete failure because even a month before the New Year all the places in and around Amsterdam was already booked.Remember all the cheap places will be reserved first! When you go by car your priority will be parking.We also had a problem in Rome, we found an bed n breakfest near the center where is impossible to find parking.

I recommend 


          We where really lucky because a father from a friend lives in the north of Italy, so the first and our last day we where sleeping at his place,our second night we spend in Rome and the third in Naples where we found a really nice place with parking and a warm wellcome.


          If you already have a car is perfect, but if you dont you can always rent a car, it is not that expensive as it seams.But always check if there is any damage on the car before you rent it so you can report it.Depended on the number of the people you choose your vehicle type, up to five people you need an regular five seats car, up to seven you will need an monovolumen car and up to nine an van.It is preferably to be a diesel.Even before the actually trip you can make rough estimate of the money you will need for fuel.Depending how much the car is cosuming fuel/100 km, your total distance to your destination and back and the prices of the fuel (dependidng on the counry, you can find all the prices on the internet). I recommend to always add about 100 kilometers more,who knows what can happen on the way, right? 

There is a lot of online calculators for money/fuel/distance on the internet so feel free to use it.


          There is not much to say about this one, we rented our monovolumen car in Zagreb for 5 days, we found out that the prices of fuel in Italy are high so we filled up an full tank in Slovenia and continued our way.


          There is no person on this planet who can make it all in time,so you need to prepare yourself that maybe you will not see all the things you wanted.Google maps can give you an good idea how long you will be traveling, it usually says you will need more time then you will actually need,so if you plan by their standrards you will make it all in time.It also can help you to choose your route.


          The funny fact about this is that we are always late wherever we go and we almost saw all the things we where planing to see, except Pompeii, but if you take into accaunt what we all planed we had good results.

I wish i had something like this to read before my fist unsuccessful trip, i would save nerves and money but we all learn on our own mistakes.

I hope you enjoyed this post, feel free to comment if you have some more ideas to add, im open minded for new lessons.

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