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in #travel6 years ago

David Letterman several years back told of slipping and breaking his ankle -- or something like that -- while visiting Germany. He also wound up in the hospital (naturally). His total bill came to something just over $6.00. He couldn't believe it either.

This thing with your friend would have easily cost you $10,000 in the U.S. Possibly as much as double. Our health care system is a scandal. The last time I wound up in the hospital ... I was glow-in-the-dark yellow from liver failure ... which was the only reason I went in the first place. One doctor asked me, "Why did you wait so long?" Stupidest question I ever heard in my life. If I hadn't reached the point where I literally could not stand up by myself -- I wouldn't have agreed to go then.

Walter Cronkite was quoted as saying, "The health care system in the United States is neither healthy, caring, nor a system."

Believe it!!


In Canada I would have had to pay couple of good thousands as well; still much better then US. Though the ER in here is a pain in the ass as there is a waiting time of 8-12h until being seeing by a doctor. Why they insist of calling it ER I have no clue! Like you said, if you aren't dying, don't bother going there!
Years back I considered moving to the US but the so called medical system was what determined me to stay back.

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