Musket Firing And Marching Formations At Fort Mackinaw

in #travel7 years ago

During our visit to Fort Michilimackinac we watched a re-enactment showing musket firing and demonstrating the military formations practiced during the period.

Fort Michilimackinac is located on the northernmost part of lower Michigan right where Lake Huron and Lake Michigan meet.

Mackinaw city, nearby is a major tourist site with beautiful beaches, scenic views, rich hotels, shopping and many tourist attractions.

Fort Mackinaw is one of the must see attractions. You will need an entire day to see all the sights and take all the tours. Everything is included in the admission price.

We watched a musket firing reenactment where they showed us how the muskets were loaded and used back then. We also watched military marching formations with musket firing where they walked us through all the different battle and marching formations used during the period.

We had a great time there and I would advice it to anyone traveling to Michigan.

You can see the video here:


Is this the video where Reid goes the cheap route by watching this lame free canon show, then pick rocks by the shore?

Too cheap to do anything else there except dream about being a big time fisherman.


If you dont like it then leave.

But harassing us online and in real life is criminal.

Prove the real life part, actually don't like us here hire a lawyer

Start here and read to the end.

YOU YOURSELF have done enough criminal harassment of our family on here to put you in prison if i can find help.

And its all a permanent record.

Everything you say gets saved on here forever.

Thats great, Now the immigration has a record and so does the IRS, thank you for making it easier for all the federal agencies to hunt down the data.

And John wants his ladders back you thief

YOU are a LYING scum TROLL.

John left his ladders 3 years ago and I have nothing to do with that.

Why are you not yelling at him?

Go away you lying scum

Wow troy showing your true colors now have we hit a nerve? You have a nerve calling out people for lying. You are such a good christian, keep it up and you will be going to hell. Or if you are like me an atheist, Lewiston MI

And what is this about you guys always posting my real address or real personal information all the time while you hide behind some fake name?

Come on - lets be fair.

Post your own real identity - coward

You guys are harassing my family and determined to destroy us.

Your friends at sucks are trying to get me in jail, the baby taken away and Melanie deported.

Do you condone such actions??

John left his ladders on your property did you protect

Did you call

did you make any attempt to give them

Kinda makes you look like the bad guy huh

Yes I did for three years. He did not want me to drop them off and he never picked them up although he was there repeatedly through the years.

Consider this stupid.

He was there again and again. I have it on video.

If he cared he would have taken them at any one of those times.

Or if he cared he would have come during the many times I tried to reach him as we were moving.

So get a life and leave my family alone!!!

John is the victim you are the thief, don't you see the person I should be yelling at, YOU DUMB FUCK

such filth out of your mouth regarding a man who help you. John is a dumb fuck... wow TR you need to go to bed and get some rest.

You are a lying troll spreading tabloid lies.

He loaned them to you, correct? If so you have a responsibility to take care of them and RETURN them in the same or better condition than how you received them. You did not. You abandoned them on your property. It's not like you didn't have the time to return them. You were just being selfish. Are you ever wrong, Troy?

We all know how Troy is, he is a greedy bastard...

I bet he sold them on Craigslist, he is the type to do that...

So you are a troll.

I tried to get him to take them back or let me bring them to him for 3 years. The answer was always "dont worry about it".

Before we moved I tried repeatedly.

If he got them or not, I tried my hardest.

Get a life!!!

Go away.

Lets see you name the trolls by name...

  1. Rob

He is still trying to figure out who is who from .sucks to here, he will never get our names or IP addresses, he is just not smart enough to follow through, he has Robs name yet won't follow through there either. he just like being the bitch and crying all the time.

Once a f-tard always a f-tard.

Because you know you are safe hiding behind steemit. This is a safe site and there is no way I am finding out who is who.

I have many names and addresses from sucks members but you guys are all cowards and hide behind false names to harass my family

Posting screen-caps from your videos is not harassment...
If you don't like it, stop putting your pathetic life on line...





Post the baby deer he shot to, show the people here how much of a big hunter he is by shooting a baby deer in hunting season.

I have to look for the baby deer, but here is what he did with the part that didn't explode...


it still turns my stomach that he killed a baby deer just to say he got 1...
He is a criminal to the lives of animals, Deer, chickens, dogs, turkeys.. all the needless death he has caused in his wake.
Just mainly cause of being lazy

So you are against eating meat? This was the back strap from a legally shot deer using a license and turned into the State of New York.

Wow Troy your such a man to kill a baby deer... Do you feel big in that photo...

This should be seen all over steem it especially with people who hunt.


So, in one comment you guys say I killed a deer because I was lazy and in another comment you guys were upset because I was eating deer meat.

Are you with PETA or something?

Vegans or something?

Against eating meat?

It was food. It was legal.

You guys turned me in for illegal hunting and I came out clean.

Because it was a legal kill.

Next image - I have not lived there for 7 months. There has been stuff added that even you guys know was not there when we lived there.

There have been people living there.

You CANNOT put that on me. Its not my stuff!!!!!

These videos are still on YouTube...
They are screencaps from videos you uploaded...
There are piles of filth and dead animal carcasses strewn around up until the last video from when you got evicted...

It's all yours....

Blah blah blah. I can trust you just about as far as I can trust a rattlesnake.

Those glue totes are still there and are yours, the barn wood is still there and its yours... Really cleaned it up huh...

Its not mine. You guys have to get your stories straight.

Lie again troy. No one lives there

Next images - I dont know. But you are trolls and you will come up with something in attempt at causing me harm.

Its not mine. You highlight junk that is not mine. Just reaching and hoping to turn people against me.

So, lets see here. First, an OLD photo from right after dumping a load of wood and BEFORE I cleaned it up.

You guys NEVER show the photos from after I cleaned up the dump site the land was before I moved there.

do a satellite search, it still looks like shit

It will still be there 20 years from now. Troy's horrendous dump of filth and lies destroyed the land value FOREVER.

Oh, yeah when we were cleaning up the wood piles. Construction never looks good. So whats the point?

No, forget it. You alway have something hateful and negative to say.

Get a life.

lets see your Proof, Troy, oh wait you ran out of PineBush so fast you didn't take photos...

Rob said you left it looking like shit and like the photo above...

Really all anyone has to do is google the address and see from space how you left it like shit, and we never had to step foot on your property, funny huh..

John wants his ladders back you thief

That was 7 months ago and Chris went back and said someone trashed the place.

I would not be surprised if you guys did it in hopes of framing me for it.

I see stuff on those photos that were NOT there when we lived there.

And you lying scum stop trying to slander me.

who are " You guys "?

Slander you, oh come on with the photos we have that "YOU" provided in the videos theres not much left to slander... have you googled your own name lately... your the bottom of the shit list.

Yeah because of your smear campaign. A bunch of tabloid filth.

No its called TRUTH, were just telling people how it is, you provide the lies and the fraud, we tell people the TRUTH

I'm sorry your parents never taught you right from wrong, good from bad, lie from truth, but at you age you should be able to figure it out by now.

It kinda sounds like your parents dropped you on your head when you were young and your brains leaked out

Maybe you need a retard helmet to stop further damage.

If anyone from steem it reads this post you put up it will pain a clear picture on what kind of person you are... but I think you know that now Muhahahahaha

Your "truth" is to turn me in for crimes I did not commit again and again and again.

Your "truth" is to destroy my life and attempt to get my wife deported and our baby taken away through stories your own people invented.

I just got screen prints of someone saying just that right here on steemit.

You guys need to get your stories straight.

Too much contradiction is making you all look like fools


but troy doesn't lie????? you wouldn't know the truth if Fling Fling hit you with it.

YOU are trolling ME on my own blog.

Troy your up this late? West coast it's 6:40 pm

its only slander if its not true, and with our evidence its all true so its not SLANDER... we call it the TRUTH

This is what Reid left behind on the sweet little lady Mrs. Wrights property in Pine Bush NY.

Actually I think that, other than being harassed by trolls, I am doing pretty good here.

And that "sweet lady Mrs Wright" is the same lady your sucks friends admit to harassing and calling all the time.

That same sweet lady that one of your friends admitted to offering an insane amount of money for her land so she did not take an real offers on the table.

That same sweet lady who is still holding out for that phone call and the big bucks you guys offered her.

Yeah that one huh?

And dont you even try to deny it because its on the block chain. The guy was bragging about it.

@thediyworld. Reid, listen. A person that takes the initiative to verify YOUR Lies and Deceptions is NOT Harassment.

Funny think how much did you make? oh thats right 0.00 so from our point of view it was done right you made NOTHING as usual.
But look at all the crap you left behind for a 80 yo widow to clean up and after you killed her husband with that rancid jerky.

One day you are going to pay for the lies you spread about me and my family!!!!!!

Everything I've said it the truth, and you should know you are a lier and a con

You are a lying, criminal harassing troll!!!

You get your kicks out of destroying lives.

You hate your own life so you want to hurt others.

You are evil. You are rotting inside. Full of hate and anger at the world.

You are going to die a slow and miserable death from the hate eating you up inside.

I will continue on making daily videos of our lives on the homestead after you die of stress.

Nothing will change for me.

I will go on.

Your hate is killing you.

What are you not understanding, its not harassment its the truth that we tell...

Were not destroying lives prove that we are

I am not evil I'm a christian I do not lie cheat or steal, but yet you do, guess your the sinner here.

Theres no hate in me, I love everyone I even love you Troy I dislike the way you run your life. and find ways of changing it, like calling immigration or IRS

You continue and we will be around telling people of your lies and your frauds.

Tell the rest to your parole officer when you get one.

I love you Troy were still friends right :)

P.S. John wants his ladders back

After we saw the google map of the property after you left no one is going to buy that hazardous waste dump.

Everything he touches goes to shit, Hell Melanie is not looking good anymore either, hope he stops touching the baby.

Did she give you permission to use her photo in a hate campaign?

I may not have money to sue you but I do know that she has a lawyer.

I would imagine Trog any spare money Mrs Wright has, she needs to spend on clearing up the shit you left behind.
Its nice to see the person behind the name, makes me despise you more than ever that you could scam a lovely looking lady like that.
I wonder what your Moma thinks of all this, does she need any links?

@thediyworld I’m pretty sure Mrs. Wright despises you as much as everyone else does. Have you ever wondered why you have that effect on so many people?

Actually the new owners took over anything we did not want to bring with us to Michigan. So I cannot say what is there now after 7 months.

@thediyworld. I think you tricked the "new owners" by giving them that crappy tiny house on wheels in exchange for a pipe dream, your mess, and you're outta there!

Some conscience you have.....or don't.

Your "truth" is upside down perversion

@theoffgridproject T-liar is allergic to truth. I’ve never come across anyone who unashamedly lies at the rate he does.

Well folks here you have it in all its glory The Off Grid Project and DIY world Reids crowning achievement

Will you just go and do something good with your life.

And NO, harassing innocent people is NOT good.

All we do is make daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

You dont have to like us. You dont even have to believe we are real.

But harassing us is criminal.

We are doing god were here to let people know about your conning ways.

You leave and we leave... and that goes for YouTube also...

Get off the internet and we disappear, its actually easy.

Till that time comes your our new play thing...

Everything you write is a permanent record here.

All your harassment of me online.

All your harassment of my family in the real world.

Its all on record.

NOBODY tells me where to work. NOBODY tells me what I can or cannot do especially since I have been trained in online work.

THIS is my life and you are not wanted in it.

Harassment is a criminal offense and you cannot go on forever.

One day I WILL find help.

Mr Reid still on here trying to reply to every comment. Thanks for today's entertaining video a place where someone knows about solar and then your place. 22Kwhs is a bit overkill but beats your 0Kwhs. Have you researched grid tie a bit more and discovered the flaw in your plan yet.

His flaw is the power getting to the house with the invisible wires he installed, or were they the special kind called imaginary wires, yea people have problems finding them after there installed.

Oh you mean those wires I showed but you continue to deny?

Yeah those ones.

funny cause my solar works just fine no matter how often you call it a fantasy.

Funny that.

its not harassment its the truth

Lets see your evidence of harassment to your family in real life, you dont have any cause no one was ever there your not worth a plane ride.

We can go on forever, My children have vowed to continue...

No one will help you cause you have no evidence

You have provided enough evidence on the block chain to put you away for life when I find help.

Its all save here in one convenient place:

Troy you know where I will be on 11/11/17 at 8pm. Ruth Eckerd Hall Tampa come and get me.

Funny how you were not living there when Rob went there, and you made a video how you moved out of the start. Your moving truck was already at your parents place and your family was not there.

Now grow a set and press charges on his ass if you can prove that he was there illegally. Go do it... I dare you... go take care of it if it was your land, it is on video, you have proof, lets see you take care of it like a man...

Prove to .sucks that your a man and that you have a set of balls

sorry I dont go to your links post it in craigstube and i might

Funny part of that is, It was all taken part on the .sucks website, it was not even on a website you were invited to.

Get the records or even try its not located in the united states, so it may not be permissible. But god luck with that.

Yet again you come up short.

I want to see you go after Rob, you have the evidence, or you think you do, but I feel your going to come up short yet again... You do that a lot in your life I noticed.

Actually the real reason why the police can't find us, you keep calling us Trolls and they think your nuts. I don't think the police want to look under every bridge looking for a Troll

And when you call us " You guys" well do you know how many guys are in this world, well the police cant arrest every guy just for you Troy.

Here your the IT genius ( I use that term loosely ) you should be able to figure out who we are...

Oh wait never mind you still believe in trolls and invisible wiring.

Yes, you do have problems, ask Melanie to help get your head out of your ass

that does not even include Chris or Troy

By the way, that chicken tractor was a pretty good build if I may say so myself.

For newcomers, that is the red metal shed on a wood frame. Bantam chickens lived upstairs by night and downstairs by day. Never lost a bird in that. Was good. Had a nesting box to remove eggs with ease.

Except that you had 3 to 5 times the chickens in there for the space. They were packed in tightly so is animal abuse. Your lazy ass never does anything right. You abuse every human and animal around you.

You are evil incarnate. You are beyond trolling.

Bible words drama queen but mostly just LIAR. Do you spout bible words while cruelly packing 5 times the chickens in that tractor? Cruel is all the chickens that died as props for your FAKE LIE of a show. You only got eggs for a short while cause starved chickens don't lay eggs. You don't kill them for meat. Hundreds have starved and died of disease and weren't edible then. Your abuse knows no bounds. You are EVIL INCARNATE ANIMAL ABUSER.

You are the most vile, hate filled troll I have ever met.

Nothing out of your mouth or keyboard should ever be seen or heard.

Vile putrid hate.

You are TROLL!!

You act like a child. Who is tending to the homestead when you spend your entire day battling trolls on SteemIt, Troy? I think you're addicted to the Internet.

I find it utterly insane that you would rebuke me, doing my job, rather than the people harassing me.

Have a read at this:

If there is any humanity in you, then you will understand what is really going on.

And the "internet" is my source of income. So yeah, I spend time online.

So people are out to destroy my life and I am acting like a child?

Oh I just love how everyone blames the victim.

Thank you!!! How about posting a video of Joy, your short time beagle dog, happy in her new home. A minute cell phone video would do. You still had her dog house, dog bed, dog food and leash weeks after she vanished. You took her out in the woods and killed her you slimy bastard. You probably walked away leaving her to animals and to rot. Lazy Troy would not lift a finger for Joy or the 'greasy chicken that suffered for two weeks under your trailer. You have empathy for nothing except yourself.

There is NO WAY I would bring another family into this mess.

You guys destroy anyone I come into contact with.

Actually hunny is a very nice person, maybe if you were not such a prick all the time you would see it.

Oh she is so nice huh? Look at her vulgar words and lack of respect for women

Thanks for your kind words. Actually this is about Fort Mackinaw here.

@thediyworld More damning commentary about Renee Zapart’s comments that you deleted, from a moderate on your latest video:

Is Elizabeth Carlisle “lying scum” now too?

T-bags spending so much time here trying to make free $$$ that he is deleting entire comment threads on UTube instead of individual comments...

His veiws are down to less than 2% of the subs....

And steemit is not free by any means. You have to work hard on here too.

I make videos for your free entertainment.

Google pays my check each month.

There is no free money there.

But you, the viewer, get free entertainment.

No humans are harmed in the making of our daily videos.

A brand new account created to look like a long time viewer who was upset and concerned.

Good try but a long time viewer does not have a brand new account created this week to harass me.

Anyone who pops up out of nowhere like that complaining always sets off alarms with me.

Good try though.

wrong again, the raccoons reached through and killed many of your pets in that tractor. I know because you showed the damage and the raccoons in 2 traps nearby. Never lost a bird is a big lie but then you knew that.

Keep upvoting a greyed out comment brings it back.

He can grey it out a second time but it cost him more steem power he can’t afford and I give him another 2 down votes for being childish!

Greying out & downvoting costs!

@thediyworld What do you mean by “Yeah yeah”? Was that addressed to me?

Nice try. Looks pretty good. I just checked your account. You have earned a whopping 0.001 steem so far.

You have 28 SP at this time.

One thing it proves though.....

You guys do falsify things and show them as facts.

@thediyworld Good morning Troy! Have you recovered from the severe beating you took on steemit yesterday? I was thinking you might be taking the day off after that.

@happilyretired Troy Reid tries to hide embarrassing stuff from his own videos here.



It always refreshing after a day of making money to come home and see the little man has been getting his ass kicked repeatedly.
That is the problem you are facing with the facts presented here. You can't delete, ban or hide. Truth hurts, right little man?

Tabloid filth is not truth.

We show daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

You harass us online and in the real world.

you a thief thief thief, make me stop big man that kills baby deer

Thief, maybe you. But yes I eat meat. I hunt and fish for food. Yes I do.

Turning Bambi into puree is now called hunting? Guess it does not matter since the parts you did not splatter paint the trees with you let spoil. The only funny part was you being the big brave hunter did not know what the back strap is.

People that are deranged as you are normally behind glass partitions and not allowed to leave. Any of my comments here are taken from information found on you YT Channel. Are you really that demented? The best thing and probably the only decent thing Mommy Dearest could do is have you committed. Mommy's years of enabling have made you a complete one little man freak show.

Funny you say that as YOU harass ME.

We make daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

If you dont believe us that is fine.

If you dont like us that is fine

Then go away.

But harassing us online and in the real world is criminal.

Again you display the same issue over and over. Fact is fact. Try it.

Well since you good folks demanded the tale of BJ Hands On ( TJ Hansen and forthwith be identified as BJ ) here it is . Side note : The facts stated in these words are well documented and easily verified . In most cases from the very videos the man himself posted .

Let us also put our cards on the table , call a spade a spade so to speak . As many of you have probably guessed our hero of these stories is none other than Troy Reid himself ( forthwith to be known as the Idiot , Moron , Fruitloops and many other appropriate aliases ) the self proclaimed DIYer and bible thumping Gilligan , the Tim Taylor ( Home Improvement , Tool Time) residing in Northern Michigan . Let us begin , shall we .

My tales will now take on a darker appearance . This one is from the bowels of the planet . Lucifer himself will glow with pride . You see the idiot took it upon himself to transport an convicted sex offender , BJ across state lines to visit and assist our dunce . BJ the pedophile and Fruitloops had a heart warming relationship from the start . Clearly the antics demonstrated in the daily interaction of the two , captured on camera was very touching . Brings to mind the movie Brokeback Mountain . Watching these two frolic about left the audience mesmerized , demanding more .

Yes , they were two consenting adults , what's the big deal you ask ? Well it just so happens whilst the happy couple were enjoying their time together they were interrupted by a Canadian Fellow member of the CAI cult ( Mack Loevy ).
Oh wow , a menage a trios you're thinking . Things are starting to heat up at the fairy dumpstead . Oh no folks . You see Jack had two adolescent sons accompanying him . Did scatterbrain inform Mr. Loevy of BJ's checkered past ? Unfortunately no . Did dark action take place during this visit ? Probably not ( hopefully ). Did the devil himself visit hoarder heaven and place his hands upon Tliar making sound judgement a mirage ? Disturbing actions to say the least .

Later when questioned about this atrocity the Moron being true to form blamed it on former friends out to cast doubt upon his good nature .

This tale must end now due to length of the readers interest . So much more to say . Suggestions will now be accepted for upcoming topics .

Sounds like Troy Reid is due some CRIMINAL charges for this CRIMINAL action of transporting a sex offender pedophile across state lines, putting two children in DANGER from this pedophile. This should be reported and prosecuted. TRs own video evidence should be a slam dunk in court.

Lets hope the right authorities read this, enough of them have been made aware of his mad rampage on here.

Oh you mean that good friend of the sucks members and the family who came to spy out my land back then?

So which way is it then?

Guilt by association?

Or not?

Because you cannot have it both ways. I met the guy briefly and the sucks members were friends with him for a year or more.

Troy go to bed! Your lack of sleep is causing hallucinations...
The TRUTH is Troy, you KNEW he was a child molester....

The truth is that your friends were good buddies with him.

So which way is it then?

Guilty for taking a man to church?

Or guilty for being his friend long afterward and trowing stones at someone else who only met the guy briefly?

@thediyworld You don’t play around with someone who you only met briefly. You were good buddies with TJ.

Wow, your memory has you living in la la land. Are you fit to raise a kid? CPS needs to keep monitoring that kid for its own safety

Reid crawl back under your stone, anyone can see your only trying to cloud the issue and we talking about Hason your pedophile friend.
Keep tuned for more Pedo undates!

Oh that guy who your sucks friends were good buddies with for about a year or more later?

So I am a pedo - guilt by association for taking a guy in to church.

You are not a pedo for befriending the same guy for a year or longer after?

Ok. I get it. Double standards X2

We have the proof, we have the proof, your running out of bull, Turk's.

@thediyworld More and more people on your channel can see you for the lying scumbag that you after your deletion job in the comments of your latest video. This asshattery has prompted a guy that once helped you, Rob North I think is his name, to tell everyone again what you’ve done over the years.

Posted 10th Nov 2017,4285.msg128288.html#msg128288

”Greetings everyone it has been a long time since I posted but This video brings me back full circle to about 3+ years ago when Troy was having problems getting his Inverter-Batteries-Solar Panels to work even overnight. At the time he was burning up batteries every few months. He made 4 or 5 detailed videos of working on his system.

I spent some time explaining to him what he had done wrong and sent him detailed instructions how to use what he had and what he could to to upgrade. I and a few others were trying to help his as it seemed he really needed help. He ignored all of us and blocked us after deleting months of our posts. At the time I believed he just wanted to never show a working system in order to get donations of batteries, solar panels, inverter s, wind gennys, and generators.

He got donations of $1000 fork lift batteries, generators,wind generators and enough Led lights to give every pawnshop for miles many.

He NEVER built or showed a proper power system. His last system in PB used extension cords, speaker wire and panels laying in weeds or mounted in the shade.

Fast forward 3 years to now..Panels in the weeds not hooked up, extension cords run between houses and shop and only a glimpse of batteries wired to an inverter with too small of wire.

Yet with almost every video he makes claims of a system he has never shown and all the video evidence proves he lies every video.

Nothing changes..ever

Oh and for all the talk of his voodo battery restore machines he has not ever shown 1 working restored battery. A normal person would quit making that claim after destroying THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS OF BATTERIES.

I don't think he has any intention of ever going off grid. He has lived here over 6 months and has never once shown a complete video of a system he claims to have built.

This whole new location is nothing more then talk while showing shots of his trash piles.”

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