One mojito, two mojito, three mojito, more!

in #travel5 years ago

I stopped at three as I have to get up in the morning and do stuff before my flight, however, you get the idea. I decided that for the last night in Duesseldorf I would find a place where I liked the music and could perhaps even steal a dance or two, and that happened to be just around the corner from the hotel I am staying at in Altstadt (old town).

My wife and I used to always find a place to dance at least a song or two when we traveled, but we haven't had the opportunity to go abroad for almost 4 years and have only managed to dance a few songs together in Finland in that time. It makes me a bit sad, because we used to dance so often together and it was part of our thing as a couple. Everything changes though, and having our daughter changed it all a lot.


I have always said, don't drink and blockchain yet I seem to break that rule just about every time I have a drink- I think it really started at SteemFest3 in Poland, where the days were long, but the nights were much , much longer and to make sure I didn't miss a day posting, I would write after getting back to the AirBnB at 5 am.

I don't drink often because I see it as a social endeavor best spent with friends and partners, not "Kalsari Kännissä" (underwear drunk) like many Finns tend to get, drinking alone at home in their underwear. Tonight though I wasn't alone, I found some people that I could watch dance while I drank and then ended up dancing myself, Merengue ... I don't really dance Merengue.


But, I also danced a bit of Salsa and toward the end of my time there before heading back to the hotel, I requested some Bachata, something I can dance relatively well. It was nice and I think other than half a song dance in the summer, I haven't actually danced since sometime in Autumn 2018. It makes me want to dance more as it is addictive, but to do so I will ahve to find a babysitter who is willing and able to put @smallsteps to bed.

You'd think it would be relatively easy, but it is not so simple.


Well, I have checked in for my flight tomorrow and now I have to make sure that I am packed and organized in case I have a headache in the morning since I barely drink, but I thought I would post something less serious for a change. It'll likely get flagged down to near zero soon anyway, but I still won't resort to shit posting. It kind of annoys me when people say things like;

"why would I bother putting in effort when the value is so low."

It is their choice of course, but I take the stance that regardless of post reward, quality matters to me as creator. If I put out shit because I won't earn much on it, I feel that it would mean that I don't actually care about my own content, and if that is the case, why the fuck am I creating it? On top of that, if I don't give a shit about what I contribute to the community, why the fuck would anyone else give a shit? You know, if you don't respect your own content or if you aren't willing to invest into yourself, don't expect others to.

Of course, one also has to consider whether what one creates is consumable as there are plenty of creators here who think they deserve rewards, but Of course, no one is forced to produce quality, no one is forced to write in a topic genre, or in a certain style, or in a form that is acceptable or even interesting to the audience. No one is forced to do anything at all on Steem, other than what the Steem blockchain makes capable. However, no one is forced to vote on anyone else either, no one is forced to downvote, no one is forced to comment, read or give a crap about what is being produced at all.

This is an attention economy, trying to force the audience to curate is a losing game. But, compelling them to curate because the content contributed is good, interesting, useful or valuable to consume is up to the creator. Getting eyes on attention is too. It isn't easy of course, especially for a new account, but if one considers that there is value in earning and holding Steem for the future, one has to put in the work required. For some and perhaps many, that means compromising preference for necessity.

You may want to do this, but if you need that, you will have to adjust your actions to suit.

Well, I have had too many drinks in my opinion to go on much further and instead, I will get my packing organized and perhaps have a quick shower. But, I hope that even drunk-ish, this post is better than most of the crap that is written to this blockchain daily. I don't suspect it is going to be the best post of the day, but it is important for me to get my thoughts out, and I hope they help you occasionally too. :)

I like Mojitos.

[ a Steem original ]



So many of the people currently doing okay with minimal effort, are going to lose half their audience in the next boom. The time to establish a reputation as a quality author is right now.
By the time you really want to; it'll be too late.

It is always the way with early adoption, wait for the demand to move and there is already established supply and many more making the attempt.

Your posts are so honest and to the point, I really love your smooth writing.
" compelling them to curate because the content contributed is good, interesting, useful or valuable to consume is up to the creator ".
Keeping my eye on you.😉

I don't know about "to the point" but thanks. :)

Writing has been a great source of ideas and motivation to do many things I hadn't considered earlier as it is a good way to process the mind.

Welcome back.

I like Mojitos.
You are not alone on that as I love them too and the trouble is I don't say no. I agree keep posting decent posts as what else can one do. Luckily you post a lot normally and weekend is coming so can they keep up with you is the question now. Safe travels back in the morning.

It is like Game of Thrones, weekend is coming.

I think he can keep up, but it will absorb some from others. I figure I am not one to react emotionally to much, but if the same happens to others they might seek for drama.

There ain't nothing wrong with taking drugs and dancing with strange girlies, matey.
The legal status of the narcotic consumed is irrelevant, its the act that counts!

Taking drugs socially is a far different experience than sitting at home doing them.

But, I hope that even drunk-ish, this post is better than most of the crap that is written to this blockchain daily.

Don't be so competitive... relax!

Good to see you had a great night!

People who think getting toddlers to sleep is easy have either never had toddlers or had easy kids 😆

Small shouldn’t need getting to sleep too much longer. You’ll be able to get a sitter and be able to go out dancing again before you know it 🙃

Posted using Partiko iOS

She goes to sleep okay with me, and "okay" with the mum too, but can be difficult for others . The biggest issue is that many are worried they will feed her the wrong thing :D

Pre-prepared meals with instructions in the fridge ;D

That is what we have for everything - it is easy - they are still scared. The grandparents are fine but they are getting on a bit and the late nights aren't easy.

"Kalsari Kännissä" (underwear drunk) like many Finns tend to get, drinking alone at home in their underwear.

Lol, have never done this, and the friends who've tried it, said that it sucks ass xD

I think you'd have to be a special kind of person to enjoy it.

I drank and then ended up dancing myself, Merengue ... I don't really dance Merengue.

Oh! I hope that Merengue you danced over there has been one of the ole good ones. But yeah, perhaps it would be too much to expect coming from Duesseldorf DJs. Hahaha

But, I also danced a bit of Salsa and toward the end of my time there before heading back to the hotel

Ah ok, fine then. Maybe this time you were luckier and got to dance a somewhat Merengish ole one but though more Salsoul universally known. };)

I requested some Bachata, something I can dance relatively well.

Oh! Bachata eh? Haha, then I hope you actually succeeded heading back to the hotel warmer than you expected after the rub through one of the best Bachatas around. :D

Yeah mate, stay safe & warm until returning back to home.

Cheers!! :)

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