Mubarak Travel and Advanture : Gunung Leuser National Park, Spectacular Nature and Flora Fauna Diversity, Aceh, Indonesia #11

in #travel7 years ago

Hallo steemian!!! I steemian, back again with me @tanzilalmubarak and I would like to ask steemian the State wherever situated may bless God and always give it his blessing. On this occasion let me tell you about my journey was in Gunung Leuser National Park. Gunung Leuser National Park is an area that includes beaches, forests, nature reserves and wildlife. Has a collection of various rare fauna and flora, which is located in the province of North Sumatra and Aceh.

Aceh province is known to have outstanding natural potential, a province on the tip of Sumatra Island holds various nature tours complete with diverse flora and fauna that live in it. Some of the natural attractions of fact has been known to all corners of the world, certainly the most famous is the Gunung Leuser National Park.

Gunung Leuser National Park is a vast area that has many functions, one of which that of natural conservation area of Indonesia. In addition, these sights also inhabited most of the rare flora and fauna so that it becomes an attraction for local travelers to foreign countries. Even an actor famous, Holywood Leonardo DI Caprio also admire the Park and visit in the year 2016.

Geographically, Gunung Leuser National Park is located in the two provinces at once i.e. the province of Aceh and North Sumatra. Because of the breadth of the area of the National Park lies in several districts namely Southwest Aceh district, South Aceh district, Aceh Singkil, Gayo Lues Regency, Aceh Tamiang, Subulussalam in Aceh and Southeast. While in North Sumatra include Karo, Dairi, Deli Serdang and Langkat.

For tourists who want to travel to the Gunung Leuser national park there are several alternative paths to choose from. Usually visitors from the Bukit Lawang who became one of the entrances leading into the Park. Bukit Lawang is located in North Sumatra, tourists should at least drove about 75 kilometers from Medan. There are a variety of transport that can be used as tourist bus services or travel.

Aside from Bukit Lawang, tourists can track through the rebuild Ketambe not far from the capital of Southeast Aceh, Kutacene. Gunung Leuser National Park offers thrill adventure quite challenging and extreme, so this place is perfect for nature lovers. Visitors will find the extreme terrain conditions and variegated, State climate as well as topography, flora and fauna that exist therein.

History Of The Gunung Leuser National Park

The existence of the Gunung Leuser National Park cannot be separated from the services of a Netherlands-born geologist named F.C. Van Heurn. Around 1920, Van Heurn ordered by the Netherlands for researching and exploring natural resources in the form of oil and minerals estimated abundance in Aceh. After doing some research, Van Heurn said that the regions were not found the presence of oil and mineral resources.

Van Heurn stated that local customs officials wanted to let Netherlands cares about the mountain ranges and dense forests around Gunung Leuser. Van Heurn any urge on the Government to give Netherlands conservation area status in August 1928 and was made a proposal that proposes a Natural Sanctuary in West Aceh and provide formal protection against the breadth of reach 928,000 acres such.

The proposal was finally realized in about February of the year 1934 marked by meetings between the representatives of the indigenous leaders and the colonial Government of Netherlands. The meeting was held at Tapaktuan which eventually produce a declaration, known as the Declaration of Tapaktuan. In the Netherlands at that time, represented by the Governor of the Netherlands East Indies in Aceh.

The content of the Declaration is about preservation of Gunung Leuser area for good, as well as regulations and sanctions set for anyone who violates the law in the form of imprisonment or a fine. The Declaration also reflects the determination of the people of Aceh to maintain the sustainability of nature as well as the entire ecosystem that exists therein.

A few years later, the region continues to experience the development of bergabungannya with a variety of wildlife and the refuge of nature so that the area is becoming increasingly widespread. Legally Formalized the existence of the National Park was first poured in the announcement of the Minister of agriculture on March 6, 1980 concerning about the inauguration of 5 national parks in Indonesia which consists of Gunung Leuser National Park, Garden Ujung Kulon national Gede Pangrango National Park,, the Baluran National Park and the Komodo National Park.

The Charm Of The Gunung Leuser National Park

Overall a total of Gunung Leuser National Park is reached 1,094,692 hectares which is divided into two provinces, namely Northern Sumatra and Aceh. The naming of the National Park itself is named from the mount Leuser that stands with gagahnya at an elevation of 3404 meters from sea level.

In this National Park, covers a wide variety of ecosystems ranging from coastal ecosystems to mountainous regions. There are also tropical rain forests that are managed in a zoning system aims to ease in research, science, education, conservation and recreation. 

Broadly speaking, Gunung Leuser National Park has three main functions, namely as a protection against the system buffer to life, preserving the diversity of flora and fauna and also the use of biological resources sustainably.

No wonder it became the object of tourist attractions for the 4 million people who live around it. There are at least 9 districts in Aceh and North Sumatra rely against the availability of water for irrigation of rice fields, konsumi, keeper of soil fertility as well as flood control.  

Gunung Leuser National Park are also included in the list of world heritage sites by UNESCO in 2004. After going through a rigorous process, upon the proposal of the Government of Indonesia region acknowledged as World Heritage Sites following the Ujung Kulon National Park, Komodo National Park, and Lorentz National Park first got the predicate.

Besides being a world heritage site, Gunung Leuser National Park also holds the status of a Biosphere Reserve which was granted in 1981. One of the attractions of this very broad indeed, even inside tourists can find several types of forests as well as a nature reserve and wildlife sanctuary. This area has recorded the mangrove forest, swamp forest, lowland rain forests, subalpine forests and forest Moss.

Gunung Leuser National Park alone has several wildlife incorporated therein, such as Gunung Leuser, Wildlife Wildlife Wildlife Kluet, Langkat, Kappi and Sekundur. Not only that, it is also a tourist Park grain white rice, and also protected forest.

Flora and Fauna of the Gunung Leuser National Park

Gunung Leuser National Park is a great place to live for the vast majority of rare wildlife. Recorded a variety of habitats of mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, invertebrates, and ampibi live in the region. The Park also has a collection of as many as 380 species of birds, and 350 species of whom live permanently in the region.

Also recorded no fewer than 36 of 50 species of birds endemic Sundaland can also be found in this place. Not only birds, 129 species of mammals exist in Sumatra, 65% of her can be found in the Gunung Leuser National Park. Here tourists can also find animals such as the Sumatran elephant, Sumatran tiger, Siamang, Owa, Kedih, Sumatran Rhinoceros, Orang Utan, Hornbills, Jungle Goats and much more. Some of the species included in the protected animals.

In addition to being a place to live for the vast majority of the existing fauna in Sumatra, Gunung Leuser National Park also keeps a wide variety of flora that are divided into several zones, namely a transitional zone, tropical montane zone, zone, and zone sub alphine.

Almost all parts of the National Park is dominated by forest, which houses rare plants such as Orchids typical mountain Leuser ground, Nepenthes, the fig plants, pencekik plants, plant leaves a giant umbrella even tourists can find flower rafflesia that is the largest flower in the world.

Gunung Leuser National Park Facilities

Facilities in the Gunung Leuser National Park it is quite complete. There are several Inns, cottages and hotels which can be rented for travellers who want to stay. Most of the lodging is located near Bukit Lawang are indeed became one of the entrance for visiting national parks.   In Bukit Lawang are also public facilities like spacious parking, public toilets, as well as a small mosque and the mosque of tourists that could be used for worship. Travelers can also find several stalls serving a wide range of specialties in Aceh at Bukit Lawang. A visit to the Gunung Leuser National Park are indeed provide its own experience which is quite engrossing. The following activities can be done while in tourist attractions.

Enjoy The Beauty Of The National Park

Gunung Leuser National Park offers a diversity of flora that you can enjoy. The atmosphere in the National Park is also very natural and awake preserved. You can find a large variety of rare flora and fauna live here, such as Orchids and Rafflesia Flowers, land of Nepenthes.   In addition, you can also find a variety of rare animals such as the Sumatran Elephant, Sumatran tiger, Orang Utan, Hornbills and many more. While you are traveling around, you too can learn to better get to know the area of Gunung Leuser National Park. Not only that, there are still many places that you can visit in adventure in this area.

Climb The Peak Of Mount Leuser

If you're a nature lover, you can also visit along your friends to climb Mount Leuser which has an elevation of more than 3,000 meters above sea level. In the climb, it is advisable for you to use the guide that comes from local citizens. Because of the terrain in the Gunung Leuser National Park is very extreme and quite dangerous.   In the climb, at least can take up to 14 days, so prepare your stamina and fisikmu conditions before intends to do the climb. The village of Angasan is usually the starting point for climbing, bring supplies to taste and not too much because it could complicate thyself when climbing. You will be pampered with natural conditions are so beautiful forested wilderness of Green River and views of the Pedestal.   In addition you can also pay a visit to some place like cave bats, rubber plantations, rice fields, as well as some social project that exists surrounding Gunung Leuser National Park as a free school, English language education, a free clinic and There are many more.

A Visit To Rebuild Ketambe

Rebuild Ketambe village is a tourist village worth a visit when travelling in the Gunung Leuser National Park, here you can do a variety of activities such as touring the circling the village or adrenaline on the Pedestal that is known to have enough current to , crystal-clear.   You can rent the tires along the current of the River, white water rafting or playing in the river. Alas River is indeed a part of the Gunung Leuser National Park, the river is also the longest river in Aceh as well as splitting the rounded area of Mount Leuser. This activity is perfect for those of you who liked specific interest.

Hunting photos and Outdoor Activities

Don't forget to bring a camera when visiting the Gunung Leuser National Park, surely you do not want to miss the beautiful landscapes, fauna and flora and rare inside. You can hunting photos in this place with photographing a variety of interesting objects such as atop Mount Leuser or photographing a flower Rafflesia.   In addition there are still many activities to do tourists in Gunung Leuser National Park as it flourished, outbound, canoeing, cave, and fringing canopi trai. One of the attractions of this indeed seems to be the complete package for nature lovers.

The Price Of Entrance Ticket To The Gunung Leuser National Park

To enter the area of Gunung Leuser National Park tourist is charged Rp 25,000 per person for local tourists. As for foreign tourists, will be charged a fee of Rp. 225,000 per person.


ORIGINAL WRITING BY ME @tanzilalmubarak

KEEP STEEM ON ME @tanzilalmubarak  


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