Vacation in Norway - Fishing for Trout

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Fishing is so relaxing, so much fun and it's really nice to be outdoors.
I've been taught how to fish from my dad. He is always out at sea for hours and hours when we are at the cabin in the Norwegian fjords. Sometimes he lets his impatient daughter join him.


We actually only caught one fish on this boat trip. I'm quite disappointed, because usually we catch a lot! But I can tell you one thing, it tasted delicious! We made fish skewers with vegetables and put it on the grill.

I'll leave our cabin in the fjords and return to my hometown and my work today. I feel like I've charged my batteries in these beautiful surroundings, so I'm very ready to start working back home again.

Believe it or not, these last couple of days have been sunny and super hot. That's a rare thing in Norway, so we sure enjoy the weather while it's nice. I've probably been more outdoors this week, than what I've been the last three months combined.

All this fresh air is making me tired, so it's time for a nap! Have a good one :)



That looks really good! I have never actually caught a trout. Back in Indiana we would catch bass, catfish, and blue gill.

It was! :) It's my favorite kind of fish, a bit similar to salmon. I haven't tasted blue gill, is it good?

Hello @susanne, Love the work you do and the way you share your story!!

I would fish for trout in Idaho and they were so of the best fish ever this brings back some good memories of the good ol fishing days

wow! Your 1001st follower

Hi! Thank you so much!
Ha ha ha, that is awesome! I didn't even realize that it was 1000!

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neste gang du skal ut i båt for å fiske ørret ville jeg tatt med en oter, da er du sikra fisk, uten tvil. jeg som er en ivrig innlandsfisker vet hvor frustrerende det er å endelig få tid til å komme ut på fiske å ikke få noe som helst... gleder meg til å høre mer fra deg :)

Ja! Det er et godt poeng. Så kjekt å høre fra en norsk person her inne! :)

det begynner å bli ganske mange av oss her inne, er ikke alltid så lett å finne de, men de er der en plass

fishing with the view of fjords, not bad at all. haave a nice rest!

Thank you! I love the fjords.

my father loved fishing too i tried fishing but i never caught anything lol but spending time with him was actually wat mattered the most... great post

That so true! I feel bad for my dad sometimes, when I'm over the fishing long before he is. Then he has to take me back to the shore! :(

It seem a great Adventure @susanne. I hope you had fun. So how many Fish you Caught ?

Thank you. On this trip it was just one :(

I am glad to see that woman can enjoy fishing also, as it's normally an anomaly amongst the other species, considered a guy thing......

I love it so much because my dad has always been an avid fisher :)

Upvoted and also resteemed!

hi,friend. I like you.

please upvote my post and follow me.
please comment me. davinger.

great blog susane.......bravo...
i hope visit norway

Yeah, you should definitely visit Norway soon!

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