Favourite bar in town! A special place to visit in Albania :)

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Hey believers :)

Today I did not really do much except planning a new photoshooting that shall be here for you to check out by next week.

After the meeting with the client, I decided to get a coffee at my favourite place in town since I was out of town for almost a month recently.

This post will introduce you to the most colorful place of Tirana, called Radio Bar.

This is me being inspired for a self-portrait by the interior of the bar.


And this is the bar :)


I hope you enjoy its interior design as much as I do :)


The place itself is located in the neighbourhood of Tirana called "Block", which used to serve as the residence of our dictator Enver Hoxha and its government from 1940s until 1990, when people got fed up of communism and went out in the streets to total anarchy. ( I will write a post on this if you are interested. For now, lets keep the blog cheerful and colorful :)

Since the area could not be entered without a special permit back then, now it is overcrowded with high buildings, loud bars, fancy offices and shops. Therefore, it remains again the most coveted territory of the country... but of course in different dimensions. For example, you cannot buy a house here anymore either because it is very difficult to find someone that is selling, or because the market price is so high that you cannot afford it unless you are into the criminal moneymaking.

In this small concrete jungle of Albania, Radio Bar is one of the most artsy places you can find.


Its unique style of colorful objects, hundreds of famous photographs and posters on the walls, vintage furniture and retro wallpaper, make the place very special.



As far as I know, some.of the vintage furniture came here all the way from Berlin's flea market. Unfortunately, I have not been there yet, but it is in my top list. Something you can learn about me today is the fact that I am in love with old objects.


Actually, my dream is to be able buy my own land, where I could build my own permaculture system and place there an wooden white little home. Of course, all the furniture will be old and repainted by me or my friends.





I am sitting here in the garden of the bar right now, writing this post and being grateful this is a place I can go to every day.


Since I do not have my camera with me today, credits of the pictures fo to the Bar's Facebook Page.

Hasta la vista Steemit Believers!


Looks really nice! Must be popular with foreigners, or am I wrong?

Yes. It is really famous on trip advisor and other similar websites!

That's cool @supernoval, it looks like a house living room ;)

You are right! Feelz like home when I get my coffee there :) @wartrapa

I truly did enjoy looking at these, Ill try to do somethung like this with my favorite spots when i get a camera.

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