
Get on it quickly, before all of the Americans catch on and flee from Reykjavik. I don't generally hate on my fellow country(wo)men, but it becomes immediately evident how loud we all are after you've been out of the country for a couple of weeks. Anyway, I imagine it's pretty cheap for you, and if you work from home, you could probably get away with camping out there for a couple of months and actually saving money.

Camping!? What do you take me for? A happy-go-lucky backpacker? Chance would be a fine thing! My back protests the idea vehemently. Not sure how your correlation between my working from home and a cheap stay in Estonia (say in a nice bungalow then) works.... It is true that working from homethere might be cheaper than elsewhere in Europe: for me currently it is expensive (heating all winter long, water bills: cups of tea, toilet flushes, wearing out the carpet under my desk, two keyboards a year minimum). B.t.w how is their English? Room for improvement ?(Job opportunities?)

Oh, I meant camping in the figurative way! You know, staying somewhere not very expensive (I suspect it's not very expensive to pay rent there, though I haven't exactly looked into that matter). Camping in the literal sense in Northern Europe sounds pretty miserable, for most of the year at least. Everyone I encountered speaks perfect English. I imagine you could probably even get a job there. You know, for as long as Britain stays in the EU...

... Britain in or out of the EU has very little bearing on my current situation....

Still not clear on what kind of working from home you think is possible in Talinn? (That might earn a pretty Euro which it doesn't do elsewhere.)

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