One Week In The Adirondack Mountains (Self Discovery And More)

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

1 Week In The Wood's And Why It's So Important To Escape The Rat Race...

"These woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep"

-Robert Frost

--For quite some years my father and I have been planning a backpacking trip. Something that my father has been doing for years and its safe to say he's no amateur. Me on the other hand... lol. Not 100% sure what I had been getting myself into, the opportunity presented itself and we decided to go! We went deep into the Adirondack Mountains. Some of the most beautiful wilderness the world has to offer :) The self discoveries I gained through this experience are almost hard to put into words. Fortunately I have some pictures and videos to help. Here is my journey😊

"Peace is the beauty of life. It is sunshine. It is the smile of a child, the love of a mother, the joy of a father, the togetherness of a family. It is the advancement of man, the victory of a just cause, the triumph of truth."

-Menachem Begin

Just me and my pop's headed into the forest. Family is so important and if you have the chance to take advantage of bonding time then you absolutely must. We spent almost 1 whole week alone together without any Wifi, Cell Service, or any trace of human activity. What a freakin trip. After a few days, your ideas and values change.

This bridge will forever be engrained in my memory as the beginning of the most valuable trip id ever taken.. We all most cross a bridge at one point or another, some longer then others.

That backpack I was wearing was a whopping 47 pounds.. now that may not sound like a lot but when your hiking 3-5 miles a day through the mountains ..My god is it exhausting. I Consider myself to be in fairly good shape but this was by far the hardest and most vigorous test of self discipline and mental toughness I've ever endured. The overall payoff was priceless. My courage to take on other areas of life have grown higher then I thought.

Just my dad being a total animal with incredible conditioning.. shocked at what this man is capable of at his age.

This was the first "Lean To" we got to stay in our first night, located right next to "Lilly Pad Pond". I was totally fascinated by the carvings people made into the wood in there. People have been signing and dating there names for years! It was really cool to see the names and imagine the stories and souls of all the people who had stayed there :)

It was truly amazing seeing these dates go as far back as 1973! Some of them even were as far back as 1969! To put that In perspective, thats right around the time "Led Zeppelin" was becoming popular lol.. One of my all time favorite bands. And its kinda funny because most of the time hiking I could not seem to shake the song "Whole Lotta Love" from my mind haha.

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart."

Typically, being in the woods and taking selfies dont go together.. I just felt way to good waking up and drinking my morning coffee on a rock overlooking this beautiful lake not to lol..Please dont hate haha "Haters gonna hate, Ainter's gonna aint"

What I've come to understand is that the best things in life's are free . You can try to achieve this through money, materials and whatever else. What you will find is emptiness. There is a much greater meaning here. Just like this purple sunset 🌅

"If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you"

After being in the woods for about 5 nights your values start to change. You literally become one with nature. As much as I love steemit and my beautiful family friends , it was truly a gift to have zero service for a while. Trust me you don't know what this feels like until you do it. I feel blessed to have had this break.

These pictures above were taken once we hiked up to the peak of phaoroh mountain. One of the most gorgeous peaks In the Adirondacks :) we hiked up to about 2,600 feet to get there. What an absolute thrill getting to the top with my dad. Memories to last a lifetime.

Try to challenge yourself , maybe work on your balance. Take a small risk once in a while. The reward is exciting.

There's plenty of little critters in the wilderness and I understand some people may not enjoy this fact.. I sure love them

I love connecting with different Forms of life. So simple, peaceful and harmless. This world isn't full of so much beauty it's almost overwhelming :)

Im so happy to share my magical journey with you wonderful people ! Thankyou so much for stopping by. You all inspire me to be a better person every day . Il end This post with more of my favorite shots which happened to be the purple sunset. Goodbye for now my friends. Stay amazing and keep creating!


Sounds like a wonderful experience! I'm sure your dad enjoyed spending quality time with you, especially in this setting and for the extended amount of time. Thanks for sharing your story and pics and videos!

Oh man Kenny it was an absolute blast ! I literally had a spiritual experience haha . Thanks for stopping in and enjoying my blogs ! You've been one of my number ones since my start :) il never forget your constant support !

Great photos, especially the ones with the purple sky reflecting in the lake. You and your dad look very much alike.

haha thank you @techwizardry many people tell us that!! but hey if I grow up to look like that then id be pretty lucky ;)

Awesome! I'll be checking out all of these videos and pictures in detail. Well done! Thanks for pinging me like I asked. I gave you my full vote, and here's a tip as well.

tip! 5 link

Wow man I wasn't expecting that ! I'm constantly amazed by the love and generosity here .. thankyou my friend. Not sure I understand exactly how the tip works but il try to figure it out lmao. And dude do you live in Nashville ??? That's totally on my list of places i wanna go. I'm a singer songwriter!

Yep, we're in Nashville. Let me know if and when you swing by. I love your post here. The pictures, the videos, the story of self discovery. This is great stuff! Followed and I'll resteem this as well.

The tip message has a link to a post I did explaining how @tipu works. It's pretty cool!

I can't tell you the gratitude I have man! it may seem like a small gesture from your end but to me... it made my day! il definitely keep you posted about when I make my way there! we almost went there when we evacuated the hurricane but we chose North Carolina instead lol which was beautiful! have an awesome day brother!

Hey nice post, actually I do A LOT backpacking but for the situation here in Venezuela had to stop it. You are just starting but the best of all is that you like the freedom you feel, and all the little peaceful and harmless forms of life of the forest. Hope one day go to the peak of pharaoh mountain looks great! And wonderful photographs.

That's amazing to hear @jokossita ! You should definitely make your way out there eventually when you can :) it's beautiful there ! Thanks for stopping in !

Actually I'm making some post about Favorite places to travel haha. As I can't travel yet gonna make that list.

This is a wonderful post. Love the story and photos and the self-discovery that comes from such a journey.

Oh man @donkeypong it was such an unreal experience ! It's almost hard to put into words but it sounds like you get it :) it means a lot that you stopped by ! I had a feeling after seeing your Apple post.. I said, I think they'll like this lol!

So so cool to read and look through this incredible adventure. Wonderful article!

Thankyou for reading @mammasitta :) !

Thank you for suggesting I look through this blog Steven, the views are breathtaking and to have this adventure with only your dad, what a treasured memory.

If I am adding The Adirondack Mountains onto my list of where to travel to once I eventually visit America, I have plenty of time to get some practice walking in, and looks a journey I should not miss, stunning!

Thanks for taking a look man :) no doubt you should ad it to your list ! I'm sure you'd love it

Great pics and story. I've been doing some similar traveling this year. Your posts has given me some ideas about how to curate them here. Thanks for sharing

Thankyou my friend :) steemit is a world of possibility . I'm glad I inspired you ! If I could touch one person then my job here is done ✅ follow your dreams and you will succeed .

Thank you so much for sharing your journey! It is great doing that with your father. You were deeply into the woods, such a vast area full of trees in your country. Here in Germany I haven't seen this kind of landscape or remote places. I only had this feeling of freedom in the States where one can travel for hours without encountering anybody.

Keep us posted.

yes:)!!! thank you for totally understanding!! its such an amazing thing to experience pure freedom! can't wait to share more experiences with you!

Oh, it's so cool, then you do it with your dad! Such moments are remembered all my life. I did not have this experience with my father! And I'm really sorry that I will never be able to fix it! Great photos and videos! Excellent! 😍😍😘😗😚🤗🤗

Awh thankyou so much !!! Definitely memories il have forever . Some people may not experience this type of experience but it's totally okay that is your journey and you are beyond amazing !! :) thankyou for stopping by and being such a fan of mine 🙏😊😉

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