Did You Know That Your Mosquito Spray Could Kill You

in #travel7 years ago

We discovered this while traveling Thailand

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So the last time we traveled to Phi Phi we met a British guy who swore by the orange can of mosquito spray in the picture above. He even sprayed his children with it so we followed suit not thinking too much of it. This time around we went to the shop like good little consumers and picked up our mosquito spray because the mosquitos in Thailand are mean bastards. This stuff works don't get me wrong but a few days after we had a Skype chat with my brother-in-law and he said "Nice Deet". Only then did we click what this stuff actually was, we also had this issue of being super tired, yet once we got into bed we were wide awake. This is obviously when I started researching Deet as I was now wide awake and had nothing to do. It turns out that there have been deaths from using as little as twice and other side effects are insomnia, rashes, and even hives. All of a sudden everything started making sense as my wife got a rash/hives on her legs and here we were lying in bed wide awake. So what we did next was to buy some activated charcoal and headed down to the pub in Krabi Town for a single malt scotch whiskey the only two things we know of to extract the poisons.

If you want to know a little more about Deet here is a link I found very interesting stuff.


The little bottle in my left hand is all natural mix of citronella, eucalyptus, and lemongrass. It works equally effective and it's a fraction of the cost. After changing up the mosquito spray and the whiskey we are once again sleeping like babies after a busy day exploring more of Thailand.

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Peace be the journey.

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